Security Breach Questions PDF

Title Security Breach Questions
Author ally milton
Course Intro to computer technology
Institution University of Rio Grande
Pages 1
File Size 31.5 KB
File Type PDF
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1. The Organization I chose to research was T-Mobile. The security breach occurred on August 17th, 2021. A bad actor illegally accessed or acquired personal data from T-Mobile customers. 2. The impact of the security breach on T-Mobile itself was that the company ended up looking unprepared and unprofessional. This resulted in people being less likely to trust T-Mobile and less likely to choose them as their service provider. As for the impact on customers, their information was stolen and now, they do not know who has it or where it is. They also developed a lack of trust, and now do not know who they can trust and who they cannot. 3. The legal and ethical issues that resulted from the security breach are that although it is the company’s job to prepare for such occurrences, the customer also has a responsibility to research and know companies before they decide to purchase a service or good from them. At the moment there are no laws regarding businesses’ obligations when it comes to security, but there are obligations on businesses to maintain reasonable security and to protect personal information. So, since there are no laws, businesses, like T-Mobile, are responsible to making sure that personal information is kept safe, but there is no help from federal positions to ensure that. 4. Some specific policies that could have been put into place are more help from the federal government. Since there are no laws regarding security, there is no funding for it, and so it can be hard for companies to know what to and have the resources to help recover after a security breach. In this specific security breach, T-Mobile has unprotected routers and weak sports in their internet addresses. They should have been on top of that and made sure that there are no weak spots. They could assemble a team of people who know how to search for those weak spots and reinforce them. 5. I believe that T-Mobile’s repones to the data breach was some-what effective. According to Maidaniuk (2020), “The key step to manage the data breach if it already took place is communication: both internal and external” (p. 7). T-Mobile did exactly this. They contacted the affected customers immediately and they took extra steps to protect them in the future. The thing is that T-Mobile did not have much information in term of where the security breach occurred and what information was taken, and so there was not much they could do in the first place, and so I believe they did all they could....

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