SEED 2002 Spring 2018 Field Obs Rpt Outline PDF

Title SEED 2002 Spring 2018 Field Obs Rpt Outline
Author jane dean
Course Forensic Anthropology
Institution Brooklyn College
Pages 4
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SECONDARY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Brooklyn College Field Observation Report Outline Spring, 2018 – SEED 2002 Instructor: Myra Soto-Staniszewski Guidelines for Classroom Observation Reports This college-level assignment requires you to describe the school and its surrounding community, as well as what takes place in the main office and hallways of the facility. Your main task will be to observe a licensed teacher at work in a classroom and then to write a description of that observation. You will describe what you observed and are asked to think about why the teacher may have made some of the choices they made while teaching. Each observation will have a different focus. You are encouraged to observe the teacher in action from a non-judgmental stance. Although this may be difficult, it is important because our central objectives is to observe choices teachers make in their work and thus uncover the complexity underlying the question, “what do teachers do?” Your role is not to judge the teacher’s work, but to note the varied and multi-dimensional work that occurs in a classroom. Presentation of Observation Report This assignment (and all of its parts) will have a typed cover sheet with your full name, course name and section, semester, and instructor’s name. The whole report will be typewritten. Font 12 margins .70 all around (slightly smaller than 1”), one and half (1.5) line spacing. Cite where and when appropriate. Each part of your report must have a cover page. Refer to the Field Observation Rubric (separate document). Field Observation Report Content The following is intended to facilitate and assist you in organizing and writing your action research paper. Most of the information included will come from the text and your direct observation. Information also included in this research will come from conversations/discussions with school faculty, teachers and/or administrators.


Field Observation Report Outline Spring, 2018 – SEED 2002 Page 2 Due: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 in class – 1st part of the Report due – CITE (25 points) Background Information: What is the setting – type of school: elementary, middle, high school, grade level, number of students in the class and number of male and female students. Name and describe the name of the neighborhood of the school. What is the school community like – what is communicated by the racial, ethnic and socioeconomic character of the neighborhood? You may also check out the NYC School’s report card for other kinds of information. List any special features of the school or classroom setting (e.g. charter, integrated co-teaching, themed magnet, classroom aide/paraprofessional, bilingual). Physical Environment: Describe the physical appearance of the school’s main office, and hallways. What personnel are in the office and what are they doing? What is the tone in the office? What are the hallways like? (busy, empty, loud, quiet) Is the hallway and main office bright, cold and dull? Provide a sketch of the floor plan of the classroom you are observing. Where is the furniture situated, writing boards, windows, learning centers, closets, etc.? Describe the overall feel of the room and how the various parts are used throughout the day. Describe what is on the walls in the classroom? What is the content of the display? Is it current, well kept? Is there a sense of cultural balance in the displays, books, and learning areas? Is the room clean, orderly, attractive and comfortable? Does the teacher use a desk and for what purpose? Describe the proximity between the students and teacher – Are they close or apart? Describe the feel of the room – is it a cooperative, competitive, friendly, loud, democratic, active or passive? What sorts of “noise” are available and is it productive or non-productive? In what ways is the climate communicated and supported? List other resources (e.g. electronic whiteboard, smart board, classroom library, ipads/tablets, Elmo, text sets, online professional resources) used within the class.

Approximately 4-5 typewritten pages with cover sheet, diagram or picture of class set up.


Field Observation Report Outline Spring, 2018 – SEED 2002 Page 3 Due: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 in class – 2nd part of the Report due – CITE (50 points) The following questions are directly related to the text & class discussions. Each item below gets its own page. 1. Explain the term effective teaching. What personal and professional characteristics are necessary for effective teaching? Give 2-3 examples of how the teacher you are observing demonstrated each. (ch 1) 2. What are the implications of the Piagetian stages for teaching new math or science concepts to second graders and to eighth graders? (ch 2) From your observations, give an example of Vygotsky’s principle of zone of proximal development. Describe the difference between a child’s independent reading level and their instructional level. List two strategies the teacher uses for instruction aimed at the zone of proximal development. (ch 2) 3. Give one example from your observation how the teacher influences both positively and negatively the development of friendships through the seating arrangements in their classroom. (ch 3) Describe any cliques or peer relationships in the classroom you are observing. Refer to the stages of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development to describe behaviors in the classroom. (ch 3) 4. Give 1-2 examples from your observations of the strategies the teacher uses to address intellectual diversity in the classroom. Which strategies are likely to have the most long-lasting effects? Why? (ch 4) What evidence did you observe to confirm how the teacher identified the student’s diversity? What were differentiations/accommodations used to address students with disabilities, students who are learning English, or at risk? (ch 4) 5. Describe the difference between operant and classical conditioning. Write about the rules and procedures in the class you are observing. How evident are the expectations/rules? What is the relationship between classroom management and instruction? (ch 5) 6. Describe a situation in which a student could use practice, or a learning strategy, to help overcome learning problems caused by working memory overload. Using the concepts from the informationprocessing model, explain how the practice or learning strategy aids learning. (ch 6)

Approximately 7-10 typewritten pages with cover sheet and citations


Field Observation Report Outline Spring, 20118 – SEED 2002 Page 4 Due: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 in class – 3rd part of the Report due – CITE (50 points) The following questions are directly related to the text and class discussions. Attached the signed time sheet to the report. 7. Based on the text’s discussion of direct instruction, develop a set of 3-5 guidelines for teachers on presenting new material. For each guideline, explain how it will help student’s learning and give an example of how the teacher you are observing could implement it. (ch 7) 8. What type of cooperative learning method does the teacher you are observing is using? (ch 8) 9. Give two examples from your observation of differentiated instruction methods used by the teacher. (ch 9) 10. How are students who are motivated by learning goals behave differently from students who are motivated by performance goals? Give one example of each from your observation. (ch 10) 11. Describe and give one example of the levels of classroom time (instructional, engaged time, independent work) during a lesson you observed. (ch 11) What strategies does the teacher use to prevent serious behavior problems? Give two examples (ch 11) 12. Write about how the teacher is monitoring the students’ learning/progress. How many sources of evidence does the teacher use to monitor children’s progress during a lesson or activity? What evidence do you see that the students are learning? How did the forms of assessments you observed reveal both a student’s strengths and needs? How were the assessments administered to the students? Did you see any evidence of assessments being modified or differentiated? (ch 12) Conclusion: How did your observation of the teacher measure against your prior knowledge of the teacher’s daily work? What aspects of the teacher’s work do you think would come most naturally to you? If you could give the teacher you observed any comment(s) what would say or ask them?

Approximately 7-10 typewritten pages with cover sheet, timesheet, and citations....

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