Segment 2 Advanced 03 What’s In a Poem flvs PDF

Title Segment 2 Advanced 03 What’s In a Poem flvs
Author hannah brown
Course Language Development
Institution University of Miami
Pages 3
File Size 113.5 KB
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This assignment is for students on flvs. This assignments is segment 2 advances 03 what's in a poem favs....


TP-CASTT Organizer:

Title: Study the title. What do you think the poem might be about just by looking at the title?

I think the title of the poem Still I Rise by Maya Angelou is about risng above the occasion no matter what.

Paraphrase: Paraphrase the entire poem line by line. This will help you to determine its literal meaning.

! She will go down in History, With nasty lies, she may get treated poorly but still she will rise.

Does it frustrate you that I am not gloomy,Does it upset you that I walk around like I live in luxury when in reality I have nothing. My determination and confidence are as continuous as the knowledge that the sun will rise in the morning. Do you want to see me hurt, teardrops falling, and weekend deep cries? Does my arrogance displease you? Dose it anger you that I don’t care about my corrupt states and put on a face of someone who lives in luxury? You can knock me down time after time, but I will always rise above Are you mad that I dance as if I were young wealthy and free? The History has been tragic and barbaric.,I will always continue to push forward, I will leave all the bad memories behind and rupture into a life of independence, freedom, and resumption. Thanking the gifts that my ancestors gave, I will bring aspiration to my people to start over, leaving behind the past, I will rise .

Connotation: What is the poem’s figurative meaning? What is implied by the author in his or her writing? How do you know this?

Attitude: What is the tone or mood of the poem? What words in the poem highlight this mood? Provide examples.

Shifts: Are there any changes in the attitude, speaker, focus, rhyme scheme, or perspective of the poem? Provide an example or explanation of where this can be found.

Title: Revisit the title. Now that you have completed an analysis of the poem, what do you think the title means?

Theme: What phrase describes the message or lesson the author wants the reader to take away from the poem?

!The poem’s figurative meaning is a simile . In the poem, the author says ‘dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs?’ The author implies that she acting if she has wealth. I know tis because she uses the phrase “dance like I've got diamonds. ! The tone of the poem is inspirational and hope , because it is showing hope of chance of African Americans earning a place in society , despite the people who are treating them poorly.Words in the poem that highlight this mood are leaping and hope. Example:’I am the dream and the hope of the slave.” and “I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.” ! There are changes in attitude the author shifts the poem from a negative tone to a more positive tone, after the seventh stanza she keeps saying “I rise” constantly. She is showing that she will overcome anything that is thrown her way. ! What I predicted was kinda correct.The title means that they are rising above no matter what is happening to them and they are standing up and rising up. !T he phrase that describes the message the author wants reader to take away from the poem is “Don’t you take it awful hard ’Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines Diggin’ in my own backyard.”...

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