Seminar 6 Worksheet, Intro to General Linguistics, Morphology PDF

Title Seminar 6 Worksheet, Intro to General Linguistics, Morphology
Author Kristiana Ivanova
Course English filology
Institution Софийският университет Св. Климент Охридски
Pages 6
File Size 178.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Practical exercises for Seminar 6, Introduction to General Linguistics...


Seminar 6 1. Answer the following questions: 1) Morphemes are minimal linguistic signs in the sense that they can't be divided into further signs. True False 2) A word can't be a morpheme. True False 3) Which of the following is the correct division of the English word repaired (meaning 'mended, fixed') into morphemes? re-pair-ed re-pai-red repair-ed re-paired repaired repai-red 4) Bound morphemes can be only affixes. True False 5) Which of the following types of morpheme gives different forms of a lexeme? Clitic Inflectional Derivational Allomorphs 6) What sort of morpheme is -ing in the English word clippings?


Root Prefix Infix Suffix Free 7) Which of the following is a stem? A root plus a clitic A root plus inflections A root plus derivational morphemes A root plus derivatinal and inflectional morphemes. A bound root 8) Depending on the language, an inflectional affix can be a clitic or a free grammatical word. True False 9) An example of a clitic in English is the plural number marker for nouns, -s ~ -z ~ -əz. True False 10) Inflectional affixes are generally more productive than derivational affixes. True False 11) The bound morphemes that are normally least prosodically integrated with the morpheme they are attached to are: Clitics Derivational morphemes Inflectional morphemes 12) Phonologically similar allomorphs are called: Morphs Suppletive allomorphs 2

Phonological allomorphs Free allomorphs 13) Roots are always free. True False 14) English has no suppletive allomorphs for any lexical roots. True False 15) Are the allomorphs of a morpheme necessarily in complementary distribution? Yes No 16) Attaching a derivational morpheme to a root always changes its part-of-speech. True False 17) If allomorphs are conditioned lexically, their distribution depends on which of the following: The number of syllables of the lexical word to which they are attached. Their immediate phonological environment. The other grammatical morphemes in the word. The particular lexical item to which they are attached. None of the previous.

2. Point out the derivational and inflectional morphemes in the following words and define the latter’s meanings: teacher, shorter, breaks, books, girl’s, careless, usefulness, irregular, Marxist, readers, wanted, loved. 3. Divide the following words into their constituent morphemes by inserting a + between every two morphemes. (Some words might be mono morphemic.)


retroactive, befriended, televise, margin, endearment, psychology, unpalatable, grandmother, mistreatment, airsickness 4. Classify the bolded morphemes into groups labeled in the table below. 1. book_ – books, 2. fanbloodytastic, 3. conceive, 4. anti-clockwise, 5. knowable, 6. walked, 7. be – am- is – were, 8. conduct(n) - conduct(v) 9. hanap /pr.simple – search/(Tagalog) – humanap /he searched/, 10. fox-hunting, 11. tawag /pr.simple – call/(Tagalog) – tatawag /will call/, 12. spielen /to play/ (German) - gespielt /past participle/, 13. in, 14. has been sleeping inflections/grammatical markers zero marker

lexical affixes


lexical infixes


lexical prefixes


lexical suffixes

free grammatical morphemes

inflexions suppletive forms



circumfixes superfix analytical (discontinuous) markers

5. For each of the following words, identify the number of morphemes in the appropriate blanks. a. eraser ________ b. invalid (Adj) ________ c. Jack’s ________ d. denationalize ________ e. optionality ________ 6. Examine the following Brazilian Portuguese (BP) data, given in phonetic transcription. Try to identify all the morphemes in the data, and state the meaning or function of each. ãdu ‘I walk’ kãtu ‘I sing’ ãdamuS ‘we walk’ kãtamuS ‘we sing’ Zcgu ‘I play’ falu ‘I speak’ ZcgamuS ‘we play’ falamuS ‘we spoke’ What are the BP morphemes for: (1) walk = (2) play = (3) sing = (4) speak = 4

7. Arrange the items below in one of the six categories (as in Table 3): (a) simple words, (b) compounds, (c) derivations, (d) complex types, (e) syntactic groups and (f) others: – drilling rig, – submarine, – baptism of fire, – spacecraft, – water cannon, – artificial light – synthetic fibre, – the take-away restaurant 8. Fill the gaps in the following charts. Affix


Semantic effect

(Suffixes) (category/part of speech changing) -able able to be X'ed -er V -> N -al pertaining to -ize -ate A -> V make X



(Prefixes) (meaning changing only) exformer; out inA -> A not X reV -> V 9. Which process or processes of word formation can you identify in the examples below? a. Franglais; b. espresso (instead of espresso coffee); c. docudrama; d. CD player e. euro (i.e. new currency); f. radar; g. to shop; h. vicarage; i. unselfishness j. boy-crazy; k. pillar-box red; l. best-sellers; m. bit (from ‘binary digit’) 10. What are the words the following blends are composed of: Boatel, hurricoon, wintertainment, bomphlet, stagflation? 11. For each of the following items, say a. which word-formation process is involved, b. which meaning of the -er suffix is used, 1. burner (AmE), (electric) ring (BrE) 2. counter (AmE), work top (BrE) 3. food processor 4. tin opener (BrE), can opener (AmE) 5. toaster 6. fire extinguisher 12. In a training information leaflet, two new composite words to cold call (call potential clients for business) and you-ability are used. Without knowing their intended meanings, how can you make sense of them? a. Can you on the basis of existing words that look similar or have some association in meaning such as to dry-clean and usability or availability make sense of these two new complex words? b. What are the typical patterns for these types of compound or derivation? Which word class has been used instead of the prototype in you-ability?


13. The following are all compounds with a colour term. Using the notions of specialization, generalization, metaphor and metonymy, say which process applies in each example and try to explain how they are motivated. a. bluebell; b. bluebird; c. blue baby; d. blueprint; e. redroot; f. redbreast; g. redneck; h. red carpet; i. black-eyed pea; j. blackbird; k. Black (person); l. black art


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