Seminar assignments - A zombie apocalypse, a game plan PDF

Title Seminar assignments - A zombie apocalypse, a game plan
Course English Composition 1
Institution California State University Fullerton
Pages 5
File Size 58.2 KB
File Type PDF
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It is inarguable that people nowadays have become more comfortable in their territory with everything available at their fingertips. The comfort zone may cause people to gradually lose their ability to survive under tragedies, one of those is a zombie apocalypse. The event is the most disastrous scenario that anyone would fear to encounter. Zombies, blood-thirsty walking corpses, are perhaps the deadliest creature which always scavenges blood to maintain their survival. Therefore, the idea of being surrounded by a horde of zombies would terrify anyone who ever thought of it. Even though a zombie apocalypse causes fatalities, panic and terror, the event is manageable if the victims follow a well-planned survival guide and maintain certain personal traits in mind. Gathering weapons is the first activity the victims must consider in a zombie apocalypse. Any weapons that can turn zombies into demises would highly protect the victims from close -by danger. Specifically, the victims can pick a slew of tools such as sharp blades, wrenches, and crow bows in their garages and kitchens. Killing zombies with those tools does not cause loud noise nor attract attention of other nearby zombies. Besides heavy tools, searching for any type



of shooting devices such as short guns and rifles would make people prepared for any walkingcorpses encounter. However, shooting weapons that run out of ammunition are useless. Therefore, people should store as many bullets as possible especially when they are targeted by a crowd of blood-thirsty zombies. Moreover, ammunition is not unlimited, so people make sure that every shot is worthwhile. Conclusively, searching for lethal weapons is a first step that victims should do to prepare themselves before proceeding to the next step of their plans. After arming with necessary weapons, the victims must seek for transportation. Running with bare feet will not get them anywhere far and the fear of face-to face with bloody zombies can paralyze them. Hence, a car or a truck is definitely a must to help run away from zombieinvaded areas. Such vehicles must be sturdy and fast enough to protect people from being chased. Furthermore, a vehicle makes a sizable storage for supplies and a safe shelter for survivors temporarily. Nevertheless, the victim should ensure the car can go hundreds of miles which is sufficiently far from central areas. Filling jugs and containers with gas and storing them inside the car can help drivers avoid unexpected stops. Full of fuel vehicles absolutely provide a high level of security for the victims to approach any area. Following transportation is searching for temporary supplies. Without food, people could die of starvation before becoming meals for the hungry corpses. With all the tools in hands and the vehicles, the victims can break any vending machines and collect drink and snack for shortlived purposes. Grocery stores or supermarkets are not highly recommended since these places would be heavily populated under a zombie apocalypse. Besides, a large store with an unfamiliar structure will cause danger for victims especially when there are unexpected zombies inside. On the other hand, vending machines are often located outdoor; as a result, it is quick and safe to access. If the victims are caught by zombies, they have their vehicles waiting for them. Apart



from food, the victims should consider any supplies that can assist them in their future wild lives. Since every place might be occupied by zombies, it is evitable that victims have to stay outdoor. Consequently, they should accumulate tents, lighter, sleeping bags, first aid kit, etc from anywhere that is safe to access. Collecting food from vending machines and gathering necessary supplies will aid victim with their temporary needs. With supplies and weapons inside the transportation, the victims are ready to escape from civilization, which is already dominated by zombies. Populated regions are more likely to be attacked by rotting corpses compared to open areas such as forests and mountains. What is more, there are many wild animals in remote area for which can distract zombies from targeting humans. Moreover, such area is also an ideal place to search for food and water supplies. Wild animals are long-term sources of food; a stream supplies infinite water and fish; and timber can be used for weapons and heating purposes. Thus, the open space provides a safe haven for people to settle, freshen up and perhaps sketch a plan to cope with this endless nightmare. Although moving to a secluded region prevents victims from zombies attack temporarily, the victims are still exposed to some potential threats. Danger can come from wild animals and the gradual spread of zombie infection. These threats can be managed by building a wide range of protections using all resources in hand. Firstly, survivors must build their refuges close to a river using their collected supplies. Zombies constantly lack of energy; thus, walking for them is much harder than swimming. Taking this advantage, the victims can carve boats or make a floating barge transport out of wood using tools. Such transportation can help people escape from the land in case zombies invade the area. Secondly, multiple explosive booby traps would add a great amount of safety to survivors’ camp. For instance, survivors can build a trap that ignites



fire by utilizing fuel and lighters. Overall, quiet and low populated places are full of opportunity for survivors to make new turfs. No matter how well people have prepared to handle a zombie apocalypse, still they are unable to survive without possessing certain qualities in their mindsets. One of the most vital quality to overcome the tragedy is to put aside humanity. The moment of losing a love one to a thirsty zombie can be desperate and unbearable. However, the infection from zombies’ bits can turn a person into a brainless rotting zombie that demands nothing but blood. As a result, people should not hang on to this moment of loss but to run away for themselves if they still value their lives. Grieves and regret do not turn any deceased alive but only cause more blood and casualties. Apart from maintaining the afore-mentioned mentality, teamwork is another trait that benefits people in any calamity. A team that consists of people who are specialized in different aspects can generate more suggestions and tackle more problems than a single mind can do. For example, different people who are good at various skills such as using and fashioning weapons, building shelters, hunting for food and first-aid would make a great team during the apocalypse. On the other hand, a single person may die of loneliness, illnesses or accidents which would not be problems for a group of people. Although teaming up with others enhance the chance of survival, people should be wary of potential conflicts within a group of strangers. The moment of having nothing to lose can provoke instability and anxious behaviors within any humans. Cannibalism or killing each other for own survival is possible. Thus, in this situation, while maintain a cooperative and caring attitude, people should always be mindful of surrounding strangers by bearing hidden weapons. As proven above, a team of diversified individuals with

A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, A GAME PLAN different backgrounds and experiences can maintain long-term survival of a group where it is uncertain that how long this tragedy will last. In summary, a zombie apocalypse is not an event that one should sit and wait for assistance. It is unpredictable and no one can assure when it will end. With that in mind, humans need to be proactive, alert, and think for themselves since every decision can cost of their lives. Maintaining a strong mind and the ability to work with other people are the two crucial characteristics to overcome the crisis. Taking the right actions such as equipping with portable lethal weapons and durable transportation, storing plenty of supplies and dispersing to spacious area would ensure survival to any victims. It does not matter whether a zombie apocalypse or any erratic catastrophes will ever happen in near future, it is best for any nations not to surrender to their comfort zones but to be well-prepared for any disasters.


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