Seminar assignments - Bonus quiz PDF

Title Seminar assignments - Bonus quiz
Course Introduction to Astronomy II
Institution University of Windsor
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Bonus Quiz...


Section 1 1. What important molecules of life did Miller and Urey brew up?

lean acids



amino acids (Correct)

fatty acids

2. The best answer to both the flatness and horizon problems is

the Steady State Theory.


the inflationary epoch. (Correct)

dark energy.

the GUT theory.

3. About 15 minutes after the Big Bang the composition of the Universe was

only helium.

all elements found in nature now.

only hydrogen.

all elements up to iron.

hydrogen and helium, but very little else. (Correct)

4. Before the decoupling,

the universe was opaque to radiation. (Correct)

protons and electrons combined to form atoms.

there was more helium than hydrogen.

the universe was transparent to radiation.

deuterium produced electrons and positrons.

5. With a Hubble constant of 70 km/sec/Mpc, the critical density would be

1.4 g/cc.

6.23 × 10-23 g/mole.

3 × 10-31 g/cc.

4 × 10-36 g/cc.

9 × 10-27 kg/m3. (Correct)

6. In the critical density universe now proposed, the ratio of dark energy to matter is about

1 to 100.

1 to 5.

1 to 1.

10 to 1.

3 to 1. (Correct)

7. Like dark matter, dark energy will also retard the expansion of the universe.


False (Correct)

8. The tiny ripples in the background radiation COBE found are due to

different velocities of the edge of the universe.

a gravitational redshift caused by growing dark clumps. (Correct)

reddening by interstellar dust clouds in our galaxy.

bubble-like nature of space.

variations in the speed of different wavelengths of light.

9. Concerning dark energy, we do know

that it was revealed with Type II supernovae distances in the late 1990s.

that it makes up 90% of all the matter and energy in the whole universe.

combined with dark matter, it will ultimately produce a closed universe.

its density remains constant over time, so it is not important in the early universe. (Correct) that it is created when matter annihilates anti-matter.

10. If the density of the universe is greater than critical, then

the universe is flat, and Euclid is right.

there is more matter than energy.

the universe will end up as nothing but black holes.

the universe is closed, gravity wins, and will shrink to the Big Crunch. (Correct)

the universe will continue expanding forever.

11. In a closed universe, if you could send out a powerful enough light, it would eventually return from behind you.

True (Correct)


12. How does the energy of the cosmic microwave background compare to the energy radiated by all the stars and galaxies that ever existed?

27% cosmic background, 73% starlight

The starlight now dominates the background, as your eyes show clearly.

They are equal.

about ten times more from the Big Bang than from stars and galaxies (Correct)

We have no way of comparing matter and energy this way.

13. How long between the evolution of single versus multicellular organisms?

63 million years

one billion years

600 million years

4.5 billion years

2.5 billion years (Correct)

14. The definition of "life" requires only that an entity be able to reproduce itself.


False (Correct)

15. Studies from ________ led to the discovery of "dark energy."

the COBE microwave ripples

the gravitational lensing by MACHOs

Type I supernovae at very large red shifts (Correct)

Type II supernovae in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Cepheid variables in the Virgo Cluster

16. Deuterium abundance suggests that normal matter makes up only 3-4% of the critical density.

True (Correct)


17. What temperature has the Big Bang cooled to by now?

5,800 K

about 3,000 K

just over 2.7 K (Correct)

about 300 K

1.4 K

18. Most of the deuterium formed right after the Big Bang

turned into dark matter.

did nothing and all of it is still around today.

broke down into electrons and neutrons.

was found in the globular clusters.

quickly burned into helium nuclei. (Correct)

19. Which type of molecules, vital to our life, were found to have survived a fiery descent to Earth on meteorites?

amino acids (Correct)





20. The presently accepted value of the Hubble constant gives an age of

14 billion years. (Correct)

8-9 billion years.

22 billion years.

4.5 billion years.

18 billion years.

21. If Ωo is less than one, then

no matter could have existed.

only dark energy exists in the universe.

the universe is closed, and must recycle.

there is more matter than energy in the universe.

the universe will expand forever. (Correct)

22. In which of the following models will the universe stop expanding and collapse back on itself?

closed universe

critical density universe (Incorrect)

open universe

steady state universe

All have an ultimate collapse.

23. The expansion rate of the universe is


increasing. (Correct)

independent of time.

different in different directions.


24. The redshift of the galaxies is correctly interpreted as

the differences in temperatures and star formation in old and young galaxies.

placing our Galaxy near the center of the Local Group.

a Doppler shift due to the random motions of galaxies in space.

an aging of light as gravity weakens with time.

space itself is expanding with time, so the photons are stretched while they travel through space. (Correct)

25. What key event happened during the decoupling epoch?

Pairs of neutrons and protons were created.

Electrons and positrons were created.

The universe underwent a brief period of very rapid expansion.

Expansion cooled the universe enough that protons could capture electrons in orbit. (Correct) Dark energy accelerated the cosmos on to infinity...

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