Seminar assignments, HW 9/10 Summa Rising Michael Pollan \'s main points PDF

Title Seminar assignments, HW 9/10 Summa Rising Michael Pollan \'s main points
Course Critical Writing I
Institution Goldey Beacom College
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Download Seminar assignments, HW 9/10 Summa Rising Michael Pollan 's main points PDF


ENG 175 Kristina Dimitrova Homework 09/10 p.83 “On your own”: 1. Summary of Michael Pollan’s main points: Michael Pollan’s main idea, expressed in “Why bother?” article is that climate change is upon us and we should do anything as individuals to change the way we live. Changing lifestyle is important, but not enough. “It will also take laws and money”, says Pollan. But waiting for legislation or technology to solve the problem of how we are living our lives suggests we are not really serious about changing. Politicians will not move until we do. Michael Pollan suggests, that the whole process should be “chain reaction of behavioral change”. In other words, “process of viral social change”. According to Michael Pollan’s opinion, “Green is a bet”. It might change our lives for better, but it might not. “The idea is to find one thing to do in your life that does not involve spending or voting… that will offer its own rewards”. 2.1. In what way has Pollan’s article caused me to consider one or more of my answers to the survey above? I disagreed with the second statement of the survey, which was “ Going green in my own lifestyle will have no effect on climate change – magnitude of the problem is too great.” After I read Michael Pollan’s article “Why bother?” I still disagree with the first part of the statement, that going green in my own lifestyle will no have an effect on the climate change. But I agree with the second part, that the magnitude of the problem is too great. Michael Pollan’s article made me think that changing my own lifestyle is not enough. I have to change it in such a way, so I can make or give the inspiration to many other people to do so. When I am able to convince other people to “go green”, whit my own actions, they will influence more people. In this way the whole process will be chain reaction and going green in my own lifestyle will have an effect on the climate change. I also was neutral about the third statement of the survey, that the only way to make a real difference in climate change is through hugely expensive actions taken by the governments and business. After I read Michael Pollan’s article I can say that I disagree with it. Yes, it is important to have certain rules, that we can follow, so everything can be more organized, but the best way to make a difference in the climate change is to make a change in our own lifestyles, in our thinking and behavior. 2.2. From my perspective, what are the most insightful or provocative points in the article? One of the most insightful points in the article was that our environmental problem is a crisis of lifestyle. Although Pollan agrees with the fact that

politicians and legislation will be helpful to go green, he still believes that individual actions are the most important thing in the whole picture. The most provocative idea is the idea of chain reaction of behavioral change. 2.3. If I were engaging Pollan in conversation, which of his views would I agree with? Where would I raise questions, doubts, or counterarguments? I strongly agree with Michael Pollan’s opinion, that the behavioural's change is the most important change that we have to make in our lifestyles. I agree, that it is even more important than “laws and money”, but lets take a look to another global problem, such as smoking. A big percentage of the people all over the world were smokers, until the ban of smoking in closed areas appeared. People started quitting smoking, because they were no longer able to do what they liked and what they were used to do, because of a law reform. The same was the situation, when the cigarettes prices rose. Actually, they are raising every single day, so every single day more and more people quit smoking. All of these are results from “laws and money” changes. So I am asking, what is the best way to make people change their own lifestyles? I agree with the idea of “chain reaction of behavioral change”, but how can we start this change at first place? Which is the best way to convince people to start “going green”, except “ laws and money”. Changing of laws will definitely have an effect, but they want make this whole change desired. It will only tell people what they have to do, and they will do it, but they will not want it. They will not give their best in doing it. The whole thing will not be effective, unless people want it by heart. So, how can we make people desire the whole change?

“In conversation”: I wrote and marked what I thought it was the most important idea of Michael Pollan’s article. I highlighted my main thoughts, so it would be easier for me and other people to summarize my points of view. As a result of reading Pollan’s article, I realized the importance of changing people’s lifestyle. In fact, I am already growing my own vegetables. I have my own tomato, cucumber, pepper and basil plants in my house, back in Bulgaria. The article made me apt to try to make other people follow my example. In other words, I want to be somewhere in the beginning of the chain....

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