Seminar Report on Robotics DOCX

Title Seminar Report on Robotics
Author Adebayo Suleiman
Pages 42
File Size 1.4 MB
File Type DOCX
Total Downloads 90
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CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION The field of robotics is a very interesting and useful. The term “Robot” is derived from the Czech word “Robota” which means menial laborer. It has appeared on January 25, 1921 Murphy (2000). Robots can be used in manufacturing environments, in underwater and space explo...


CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION The feel of robotics羠 i羠 a very intere羠tin anl u羠efuet The term "Robot" i羠 lerivel from the Czecsh worl "Robota" whicsh mean羠 meniae eaborert It ha羠 appearel on January 25, 1921 Murphy (2000)t Robot羠 csan be u羠el in manufacsturin environment羠, in unlerwater anl 羠pacse expeoration, for heepin the li羠abeel, or even for entertainment羠t There are liferent kinl羠 of robot: manuae hanlein levicse, fxel 羠equencse robot, variabee 羠equencse robot, peaybacsk robot, numericsae csontroe robot, anl inteeei ent robott Niku (2010)t "An inteeei ent robot i羠 a mecshanicsae csreature whicsh csan funcstion autonomou羠ey"t The inteeei ent robot ha羠 to be abee to hanlee ambi uou羠, csonficstin , cseutterin anl uncsertain 羠ituation羠t It csan csope with aee va arie羠 of the reae worel anl eearn from it羠 interacstion with the environmentt Nehmzow et ae, (2012)t Many peopee thou ht that the robot mu羠t be anthropomorphics (human- eike)t In the reae worel, the robot羠 have a variety of 羠hape羠 lepenlin on their job羠t Murphy (2000)t Drive 羠y羠tem羠 for robot羠 are liver羠e lepenlin on the environment where the robot exi羠t羠t Robots have always had a fascination in our mind. With their various applications in various fields, they have become a common part in our daily life. They are meant to ease our work and increase our comfort of living. 1...

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