SEO and PPC - Lecture notes 5 PDF

Title SEO and PPC - Lecture notes 5
Course Direct & Digital Marketing
Institution Edinburgh Napier University
Pages 3
File Size 70.9 KB
File Type PDF
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SEO and PPC description and notes of the teacher slides...


SEO & PPC Signals interpret reality 1. 2. 3.

On-page signals (text, code, architecture, meta etc) Off-page signals (links & mentions/sentiment) User signals

Important: Search engines want to provide the most relevant results. And they are getting quite good at it.

Spiders Crawling the web (following links) looking for new pages and updates  

get links to your site ensure all content can be crawled

XML to make most of your crawl allowance

Index  

Avoid duplicate content (think page per key phrase and construct site around themes) More content = more in index = more opportunity to rank

 

Now a “mobile first index” No longer just about the url and words

 Need to think about structured mark-up/data ( What is SEO? 

“Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results.” Wikipedia “In a practical sense, SEO is the process of making a website accessible to search engines, ensuring that it has well-organized, high-quality content that matches the needs and demands of its target market and that it becomes well known and cited.” Will Critchlow, Distilled  “Getting the benefits an organisation deserves from organic search engine rankings and then evolving the organisation so it deserves more” Tim Barlow, Attacat 

Seeing search queries as questions  

Ask yourself “How can I answer that question/solve that problem better than my competitors” i.e. provide solutions rather than keyword stuffed web pages Smartphones are bringing people online

By 2020 80% of adults on earth will have a smartphone

Search is evolving from finding stuff to helping with stuff (keywords to skills)

(i.e. technical SEO + marketing) Seo is not a channel is an outcome 1. 2.

Business has got more sophisticated (everyone does the basics) The search engines have got [a lot] more sophisticated - they are doing a better job of reflecting the real world

The PPC (pay per click) equation If willing to pay £X for a customer and one in Y clicks produces a sale, then pay up to £X/Y per click E.g. If willing to pay £100 for a customer and one in 10 clicks produces a sale, then pay up to £10 per click PPC is a predictably profitable channel (once you’ve tested)

Lessons to learn Need to bid on relevant keywords Need good ad copy Ad copy needs to be relevant to keywords You can advertise on less relevant keywords but it will cost Increasing focus on the post-click experience as well (speed, relevance + more)

Remarketing is king Once someone has visited your site (is “touched”):  

you can reach them again they’re a better than average “target” as: o they’ve self declared an interest o have begun to get to know you

remarketing is essential part of mix today

can entice prospects into site with “content” and then you can remarket to them (keep your initiatives focused on persona)


Promoting Content... Combined Targeting used:      

Lookalike of site visitors (US) Interests (AND/OR) Behaviours It is not just about engagement Great for driving content but Paid Social has also become a great platform for driving direct revenue and leads... TV Advertising is now affordable for all

(Although video assets still expensive relatively     

Pinpoint targeting No minimum spends Rates still cheap They work: (search Hubspot 31 video marketing statistics) Trackable

Increases remarketing list sizes

Where money is lost        

Uncompetitive offering Keywords Wrong ones Not enough Untargeted adverts Untargeted websites Expecting too much too quickly (squady dating) Failing to track properly

Not understanding quality score...

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