Sept 25 Notes - Prof. Howard Dooley PDF

Title Sept 25 Notes - Prof. Howard Dooley
Author Nick Alberty
Course World History Since 1500
Institution Western Michigan University
Pages 3
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Prof. Howard Dooley...


Sept 25 Class Notes Portugal's Hybrid Caravels: Europe's First Seaborne Empire 1440-1999 Arab Sail, European Hull 1498 Vasco da Gama rounded South Africa, picked up Arab navigator, sailed across to Kerala (spices) in SW India 1500 ff: Portugal set up chain of fortified trading posts on African coast and Indian ocean rim, reached to China, Japan Angola, Mozambique, Aden, Hormuz, Goa, Calicut, Cochin, Melaka, Macao = 1st European Overseas Empire After trade routes created, price of peppercorns (a luxury then) fell 90% Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Cardamon among “big 4” spices. Voyages of Columbus Columbus searched for another route to China, unaware Ming Dynasty had replaced Yuan rule. Oct. 12 1492, saw islands, thought he had reached the Indies 4 voyages explored Caribbean Isles, Coast of Central America, never realized he found a “New World”, thought he was off the coast of Asia. st 1 encounter w/ Native Americans: “Gentle” Arawaks/Tainos & “Warlike” Caribs; Native Americans = Innocents or Savages. Americans in 1491 = 100M +/Described the “Indians” in reports to Spain: Caribs bloodthirsty cannibals, always attacking the Arawaks, who were simple, friendly, cowardly, & generous. 1493 – Nina & Pinta ships returned to spain. Spain's First Conquests: Invented “Encomienda” System Caribbean Islands – Spain's Laboratory Columbus claimed Hispaniola (today Dominican Rep. & Haiti) for Spain. Crown rewarded conquerors w/ grants of land & attached native labor. Indians put to work mining gold... Aztec (Mexica) Empire: New State Aztecs c. 1325 migrated to Valley of Mexico, built new empire of 25M by conquest. Ruled by Emperor, powerful Priesthood War waged for tribute and to capture prisoners for human sacrifice; neighbors terrorized, hated Aztecs. Tenochtitlan 1325-1520 about 250,000 pop. Thought that eating parts of sacrifice victims were similar to a “Communion” of sorts. Aztec foods – Maize, Beans, Chilies, Tomatoes. Aztec elite consumed Chocolate

Aztec gods Quetzalcoatl – Feathered Serpent, God of Life, creation, brotherhood. Legend: white bearded diety who promised to someday return. Aztecs thought Cortés was returning god. Huitzilopochtli – War god, demanded diet of human hearts; War waged to capture people for sacrifice. Conquest of Mexico 1519-1521 Hernan Cortes, 500 men, horses landed Moctezuma thought god Quetzalcoatl was returning. Cortes allied with Aztec enemies (Tlascalans) Spanish welcomed to Tenochtitlan, awed. Moctezuma captured, set up as puppet Aztec rebellion 1520, Spaniards fled city. Moctezuma stoned, killed Spanish, Indian allies besieged Tenochtitlan Smallpox weakened Aztecs Tenochtitlan destroyed, Mexico City arose. First great building of Americas: The Great Cathedral in Mexico City Mexico City is among 10 largest cities in the World, pop. Est. 21M+ Magellan's Voyage: 1519-1522 First recorded circumnavigation of the world. Inca Empire (New) 1438-1525 Incas: Andean highlanders c. 1400 began conquests. Cuzco capital (Peru) Empire stretched Ecuador to Chile, linked by 25,000 miles of roads, suspension bridges, runners Est. Pop. 16M Weakened by civil war between 2 brothers, smallpox before Spanish arrived. Used camels and llamas to carry goods, items, resources. Conquest of Peru 1532 Francisco Pizarro – 168 men, 62 horses Met Inca Emperor Athualpa @ Cajamarca, who had just defeated & killed rival brother. Athualpa with 80K soldiers, ambushed, captured. Paralyzed power structure; Pizarro demanded room full of Gold, ransom collected, Inca executed anyways in 1534 Cuzco taken 1533, Incas resisted for 40 years. Pizarro fd. Lima, assassinated 1541 Macchu Picchu “Lost City”, discovered 1911 Pizarro's 168 Spaniards seized Emperor Athualpa who came to meeting unarmed. 7000 retainers slaughtered, 0 Spanish. 80K man army paralyzed. How? Why? (See Jared Diamond's “Guns, Germs, Steel”) In the same way Moctezuma was captured by Cortes, Athualpa was captured by Pizarro.

Http:// Incan buildings built so tightly, paper cannot be inserted between stones. Also earthquake-proof From Americas to World corn, potatoes, tomatoes, chocolate, bell pappers, chilies, squash, pumpkin, beans, peanuts, tobacco, turkey From Eurasia to Americas wheat, sugarcane, grapes, horses, cattle, goats, pigs, sheep, disease Religions & Cultures fused Wheat God (Catholic Body/Bread) & Corn God Our Lady of Guadalupe Mexico 1531: Virgin Mary appeared as an image on Juan Diego's cloak; spoke in Nahautal, provided inspiration to both Spanish and Mexicans Fusion of Mary with Aztec fertility goddess Fusion cuisines/cultures Corn #1 world commodity, Potato #2...

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