Session 4 - Twisted Fairy Tales PDF

Title Session 4 - Twisted Fairy Tales
Course Anglais Langue Majeure
Institution Université Paul-Valéry-Montpellier
Pages 5
File Size 471.2 KB
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Objectifs de la session: • • • • •


Réactiver les acquisitions de la séance précédente Découvrir ou réactiver des connaissances sur un genre littéraire particulier : les contes détournés Lire et travailler sur des contes détournés Revoir l’expression de l’antériorité dans le passé Comparer des supports vidéo et exprimer son avis à l’oral

ORAL RECAP: what did we do last week, what did you learn, what do you remember? + correction du PLOT DIAGRAM (≈ 10 mins) ANTICIPATION: Fairy Tale Brainstorming (≈ 10 mins) characters and creatures

How does it begin?

How does it end?



values that prevail

famous titles props


WHAT IS A FAIRY TALE? (≈ 15 mins)

A fairy tale, or wonder tale, is a kind of folktale or fable. In these stories we meet witches and queens, giants and elves, princes, dragons, talking animals, ogres, princesses, and sometimes even fairies. Marvellous and magical things happen to characters in fairy tales. A boy may become a bird. A princess may sleep for a hundred years. A seal may become a girl. Objects too can be enchanted — mirrors talk, pumpkins become carriages, and a lamp may be home to a genie. The oldest fairy tales were told and retold for generations before they were written down. French fairy tales were the first to be collected and written down, but now we can read fairy tales from almost any culture. When these stories were studied together, something amazing was discovered. From countries as distant and different as Egypt and Iceland similar fairy tales are told. Both Egypt and Iceland have "Cinderella" stories, as do China, England, Korea, Siberia, France, and Vietnam; and the list doesn't stop there. There may be a thousand versions of the Cinderella story, each with a unique 19

telling which carries cultural information about the time and place the story was told. One thing is for sure; people everywhere like stories in which truth prevails over deception, generosity is ultimately rewarded, hard work overcomes obstacles, and love, mercy and kindness are the greatest powers of all. source : 1. Classify words from the text in the appropriate column:

Characters and creatures

Values that prevail

Main adjectives

Props (and the way they transform themselves)

2. Give examples of tales which include the elements mentioned in the first paragraph of the text.

3. Fairy tales are translated into many languages and read to children all over the world. Why?


FAMOUS FAIRY TALES - Match the beginning of these tales with their title. (≈ 10 mins)

Little Red Riding Hood/ Pinocchio/ Jack and the Beanstalk/ Sleeping Beauty/ Cinderella/ Hansel and Gretel/ Goldilocks and the Three Bears BEGINNINGS OF TALES 1. Title: This is the story of a girl who walks through the woods to deliver food to her sick grandmother. A wolf wants to eat the girl but is afraid to do so in public. He approaches the girl, and she naively tells him where she is going. He suggests the girl pick some flowers, which she does. In the meantime, he goes to the grandmother's house and gains entry by pretending to be the girl. He swallows the grandmother whole, and waits for the girl, disguised as the grandmother. 2.

Title: The story tells of a boy who was sent to market one day by his mother to sell their last possession, a cow. As the boy was on his way he met a stranger who offered to trade five "magic" beans for the cow. The boy accepted the trade and returned back home with the beans in his pocket. His mother was angered that he had not obeyed her instructions to sell the cow and threw the beans out of the window. As the boy slept, the beans germinated in the soil, and a gigantic beanstalk grew in their place by morning. When the boy saw the huge beanstalk, he immediately decided to climb it.



Title: At the christening of a long-wished-for princess, fairies invited as godmothers offered gifts, such as beauty, wit, and musical talent. However, a wicked fairy who had been overlooked placed the princess under an enchantment as her gift, saying that, on reaching adulthood, she would prick her finger on a spindle and die. A good fairy, though unable to completely reverse the spell, said that the princess would instead sleep for a hundred years, until awakened by the kiss of a prince and true love's first kiss.


Title: Once there was a widower who married a proud and haughty woman as his second wife. She had two daughters who were equally vain. By his first wife, he had had a beautiful young daughter who was a girl of unparalleled goodness and sweet temper. The Stepmother and her daughters forced the first daughter to complete all the housework. When the girl had done her work, she sat in the cinders.


Title: Long ago there lived a lonely old carpenter. He made a puppet out of some wood, a ball, and some string. That night, a fairy visited and cast a spell that made the puppet walk and talk.


Title: This is the story of a brother and sister. Their poor parents were starving, so they went out in search of food. They took one slice of bread along, which they used to mark a path back to their home by leaving crumbs along the way. After a while, they came upon a little house made of gingerbread.


Title: There once was a family of furry animals: the mama, the papa, and the baby. They were just about to eat their lunch, but their porridge was too hot, so they went for a walk in the woods. Just then a little girl came upon their house and went inside. She saw the three bowls of porridge on the table and tasted some from each bowl. The big bowl was too hot, the medium-sized bowl was too cold, but the smallest bowl was just right, so she ate it all up.


DISNEY’S DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Twisted Fairy Tales - Look at the cartoon below and try to fill in the speech bubbles. Look at the characters’ attitude: what could they be saying to each other? (≈ 15 mins)



READING (≈ 30 mins)

The Little Girl and the Wolf One afternoon a big wolf waited in a dark forest for a little girl to come along carrying a basket of food to her grandmother. Finally a little girl did come along and she was carrying a basket of food. "Are you carrying that basket to your grandmother?" asked the wolf. The little girl said yes, she was. So the wolf asked her where her grandmother lived and the little girl told him and he disappeared into the wood. When the little girl opened the door of her grandmother's house she saw that there was somebody in bed with a nightcap and nightgown on. She had approached no nearer than twenty-five feet from the bed when she saw that it was not her grandmother but the wolf, for even in a nightcap a wolf does not look any more like your grandmother than the Metro-Goldwyn lion looks like Calvin Coolidge. So the little girl took an automatic out of her basket and shot the wolf dead. (Moral: It is not so easy to fool little girls nowadays as it used to be.) James Thurber, Fables of Our Time and Illustrated Poems (1940). 1. Calvin Coolidge was President of the USA between 1923-29. BEFORE READING Look at the picture. What can you say about the characters (attitudes, expressions...)?

READ THE TALE & DISCUSS DIFFERENCES 1. Which sentence in the text would you associate with the picture? 2. Classify the story elements into the grid: beginning/end of the story

characters and creatures






3. Compare this tale to the original one and discuss differences with the group: 'Like in the original tale...' / 'Unlike the girl in the original tale, this girl...' '...while...' / '...whereas...'

PLOT DIAGRAM Using what you learnt last week, draw a plot diagram of the story: 22


Travail à faire pour la Sess Session ion 5 ➢ TENSES AND TIME MARKERS TO CREATE A CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS a- Read the following extract from Jack and the Beanstalk Once upon a time there was a poor widow who lived with her son Jack in a little house. One day she sent him to the market to sell their milking cow which had grown too old. As he was going there, the boy met a stranger who offered him five magic beans for his cow. Jack hesitated for a while but then he decided to accept. When he returned home, his mother was furious: “You fool! What have you done? We needed the money to buy a calf. Now we don't have anything and we are even poorer.” After she had thrown the five beans out of the window, she sent Jack to bed with no dinner. The morning after, when he stepped outside, Jack saw an amazing sight. A gigantic beanstalk, reaching far into the clouds, had grown overnight. b- Pick out all the time markers and the verbs connected to them. c- Organize the different events on a timeline.

Sur Moodle [E39AN5 - Anglais S3 - Langue Majeure]


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