Seven Kinds OF Listener ( Classroom) PDF

Title Seven Kinds OF Listener ( Classroom)
Course BS accountancy
Institution University of Cebu
Pages 4
File Size 408.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Assignment in English...



1. “Two – Eared Listener” –This listener listens and absorbs the ideas of the speaker thoroughly. You can see them that they are attentive and active during discussions. They will not be a problem to the speaker.

2. “Eager Beaver” – A kind of listener who pretends that they know the ideas they had heard. They often agree by smiling and nodding at the speaker even if their thoughts travel anywhere. Unlike the two – eared listener, you can see their eyes rolling anywhere, not focusing on the speaker. They should be asked if they understand what the speaker said about a certain topic.

3. “Sleeper” – A kind of listener who becomes drowsy when the speaker is boring for them. They slouch and slowly close their eyes while listening. Some incline themselves on a corner then sleep. The speaker should possess a sense of humor to make the discussion interesting and exciting so that the listeners will become active in the discussion.

4. “Bewildered” -A kind of listener who cannot really understand what the speaker is saying all about. You can see in his face that he is doubting and really don’t understand the idea of the speaker. The speaker should explain his idea well and simple in order for a bewildered listener to understand.

5. “Busy Bee” – A kind of listener who is busy doing something while listening. In a class, many students are considered busy bees if their teacher is discussing something while they are making their projects, doing homework etc. You can see the picture above, the students are busy eating while listening. The speaker should tell the students to stop on what they are doing and listen.

6. “Frowner” – A kind of listener who often doubts and asks the speaker. They are fond of raising their hands while doubting what the speaker is talking. Most cases, a frowner wants to be recognized by always asking the speaker. The speaker should understand and must be patient with this kind of listener.

7. “Relaxed” –A kind of listener who has no sign of doubt nor focus. They just listen to the speaker and do not ask anything. You can see them that they are really comfortable and relaxed while the speaker is talking. The speaker must see if this kind of listener understand what he says.

8. “Tiger” – A type of listener who waits for the speaker to commit a mistake like a tiger waiting to attack its prey. You can see them that they are focusing while listening but their intention is to embarrass the speaker. This kind of listener talks bad things about the speaker if a mistake is committed. The speaker should deliver his message well as much as possible so that this kind of listener would not attack like a tiger.


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