Sex ed review PDF

Title Sex ed review
Course Sex, Health, and Decision-Making
Institution University of South Florida
Pages 11
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Exam 1 Review

Bonus Points: _____ Score: _____

Chapter 1 Review R and K are college students in an exclusive, romantic relationship. They have decided to remain abstinent until marriage due to their religious and family expectations. Since taking a Sex, Health, and Decision-Making course, they discussed with each other their desired sexual parameters for the relationship. R wants K to stop watching pornography and masturbating, since R believes that these behaviors weaken K’s sexual purity. K wants to keep watching pornography because it is commonly viewed amongst K’s friends, and K is concerned that, between being abstinent and not watching pornography, K will be viewed as weird and strange.

For each of the following, mark those most related to the biological dimension with a B, those most related to the psychological dimension with a P, and those most related to the sociocultural dimension with a S. __S__ R and K valuing abstinence from sexual intercourse for religious reasons _S___ K masturbating and orgasming with the aid of pornography __S__ R’s religiously-based belief that pornography and masturbation should be avoided __S__ K’s friends’ view of normal college behavior causing them to tease K for being “weird and strange” _B___ R and K having to stop kissing and touching because they are aroused __P__ K and R’s attraction to and emotion for each other __S__ R viewing pornography as “wrong” Put the steps of K deciding whether to continue or discontinue viewing pornography and masturbating in the proper order according to the Decision-Making Model and label each step. Order 2

Step Label evaluation







Description K makes a pro and con list about continuing to watch pornography and masturbating and compares each option. After stopping watching pornography, K thinks about how this has impacted their life. K decides to stop watching pornography and asks R if they would be comfortable masturbating together. After talking with R, K defines the issue of whether to continue watching pornography and masturbating.

Vocabulary: ________essentialism___________

The belief that the essence of sexuality is biological.

______socioconstructualism_____________ The belief that sexual identities and experiences are acquired from and influenced and modified by an ever-changing social environment.

Exam 1 Review

Bonus Points: _____ Score: _____

Chapter 3 Review A and S are college students who are not in a relationship and occasionally have sex with each other. Since taking a Sex, Health, and Decision-Making course, they have decided to discuss whether they want to stop having sex with other people. Match the following elements of the Basic Communication Model with their most fitting example and number each element in the proper order (1-5): Number 4 2 3 5 1

Communication Element Receiver decodes message (__B__) Sender encodes idea (__C__) Channel carries message (__A__) Feedback (__D__) Sender has an idea (_E____)

Communication Example A. A speaks calmly and looks S in the eyes. B. S interprets, “A is catching feelings!” C. A says, “We’ve been hooking up a lot lately and I wonder if you would want to be exclusive.” D. S tells A they want to think about it because they are not sure if they are ready to be in a relationship. E. A would like to stop having sex with other people.

Vocabulary and Fill-In-The-Blank: ____bypassing________

Misunderstandings resulting from missed meanings

_____flooding_______ A technique for learning to use and becoming comfortable with sexual language _____passive_______ Giving up one’s basic rights so others may achieve theirs ____assertive________ Standing up for one’s basic rights without violating anyone else’s rights _____aggressive_______ person’s rights

Standing up for yourself by putting someone else down or violating that

90% of a message is sent _nonverbally________________. The three most important forms of non-verbal communication are: _________proximity__________, ________eyecontact____________, and ________touching_____________

Select which of the following are barriers to effective sexual communication:       

Having proper knowledge Sex myths yes Negative beliefs about sexuality yes Self esteem Lack of sexual vocabulary yes Boundaries yes Criticism

Exam 1 Review

Bonus Points: _____ Score: _____

Exam 1 Review

Bonus Points: _____ Score: _____

Chapter 4 Review In the boxes below, fill in the names of A, B, and C. In the space to the right of the diagram, describe the function of A, B, and C.

a. Clitoris b. B. labia minora


c. Vaginal orifice

Genitalia Vocabulary and Fill-In-The-Blank: _________G spot_________ Area located along the anterior wall of the vagina ______Skenes gland____________ Thought to be analogous to the male prostate gland _______Cervix___________ Mouth of the uterus __________fallopian tube________ Routes through which eggs leave the ovaries on their way to the uterus ______corpus luteum____________ Structure that develops in the Graafian follicle at the discharge of an ovum ______myometrium (middle)____________ Smooth muscle layer of uterus that aids in pushing newborn through the cervix

What happens during the menstrual cycle? Proliferative Phase: _____________________________________________________________________ Ovulation: ____________________________________________________________________________ Secretory Phase: _______________________________________________________________________

Exam 1 Review

Bonus Points: _____

Score: _____ Menstrual Phase: ______________________________________________________________________

Match each hormone to the statement that best describes one of its functions. A. B. C. D. E. F.

Follicle-stimulating hormone Luteinizing hormone Prolactin Estrogen Progesterone Testosterone

_D___ Causes development of female secondary sex characteristics __F__ Affects sex drive __B__ Stimulates ovulation __E__ Produced in the ovaries after ovulation __A__ Stimulates ovary to ripen an ovum __C__ Causes milk production

Match each term to the statement that correctly describes it. A. B. C. D. E.

Breast self-examination (BSE) Mammography Pap smear Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Speculum

__E__ Inserted into the vagina to hold the walls apart, allowing for medical examination __C__ A test of the tissue of the cervix for cervical cancer _A___ Should be performed one every menstrual cycle or every month after menopause __D__ Caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria __B__ An X-ray of the breasts to detect abnormalities before they are visible or palpable

What cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system?

Exam 1 Review

Bonus Points: _____

Score: _____ ______Ovarian cancer_______________________________________________________________________________

What is a physician who specializes in women’s reproductive health called? __________Gynecologist_________________________________________________________________ __________ Chapter 5 Review In the boxes, label each of the starred genitalia.


Penis Match each vocabulary word with the correct description. A. Spermatic cord B. Glans penis C. Coronal ridge D. Testicle E. Smegma F. Corpus cavernosa ___C_____ ____E____ ____B____ ____D____ ____A____ _____F___

Helps form a seal with the walls of the vagina during sexual intercourse. A cheese-like substance that must be removed from below the foreskin of uncircumcised males to prevent irritation and/or infection. The head of the penis. Gonad contained within the scrotal sacs that produce sperm cells and male sex hormone testosterone. Suspends the testicles and contains the vas deferens, blood vessels, nerves and muscle fibers. Spongy body in the penis that contains blood vessels and nerves; fills with blood during arousal to make the penis erect.

Exam 1 Review

Bonus Points: _____ Score: _____

Fill in the blank for the statements below about hormones and reproductivity. Male reproductivity is due to the increased secretion of ____________Androgens_____________ during _______________puberty____. This causes the development of secondary sex characteristics such as hair growth and deepening of the voice. The increase in a specific hormone, ____________Testosterone_________________, lead to a heightened sex drive or ___libido_________________. Place the steps of the pathway of the sperm in the correct order, from 1 to 5. Number 3 1 5 4 2

Steps Fluid is secreted from the prostate gland that mixes with the sperm and fluid form the seminal vesicles. Sperm housed in the epididymis proceed up through the vas deferens to the ampulla. Ejaculation results from muscular contractions of the glands and ducts of the reproductive system. The Cowper’s glands also empty fluid into the urethra to neutralize the acidity of the urethra from urine flowing through. The sperm receive nutrients from the seminal vesicles.

Answer the questions below based on the scenarios provided. An individual shows up to the doctor complaining of painful urination, frequent urination, and lower back pain. Based on these symptoms, what are the possible conditions that this individual may have? Circle the best option(s). Prostatitis Prostate cancer Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Describe what needs to occur during the medical examination to distinguish between the possible conditions above and correctly diagnose the patient? Digital rectal examination, PSA blood test, Biopsy of prostate

Person M is a 30-year-old mine worker with undescended testes. In the space below, write the name of the condition that person M may be at high risk for. Also, describe how effective (low, moderate, high) treatment will be if person M sees a physician and is diagnosed early.

Exam 1 Review

Bonus Points: _____ Score: _____

Testicular cancer 99% stage one 96% stage two 74% stage three cured

Bonus: List the steps in a self-testicular exam.

CHAP 6 Match the vocabulary word with its description. A. Transudation B. Sex flush C. Refractory period D. Multiple orgasms Letter C D A B

Description The time needed for recovery between orgasms. Orgasm that occur without the need for a refractory period. The process of vaginal lubrication resulting from engorgement of blood that creates pressure and forces moisture to seep from spaces between cells. Darkening of the skin of the neck, forehead, face, or chest that occurs during sexual stimulation.

Beside each figure, write the phase of the Master and Johnson’s Sexual Response Cycle that it represents.


Exam 1 Review

Bonus Points: _____ Score: _____

Plateau Phase


Orgasm phase

Exam 1 Review

Bonus Points: _____ Score: _____

True/False Orgasm is always accompanied by ejaculation. False Sexual arousal is both psychological and physiological. True What is sexually stimulating is similar across cultures. False Orgasms are similar in intensity each time they occur. False If an individual has an orgasm, it means that they are satisfied sexually with their experience. False The excitement phase of the Masters and Johnson Sexual Response Cycle can last a few minutes or a few hours. True Chapter 15 Review Vocabulary: __D__ 1. Masturbation ___A_ 2. Fantasy ___G_ 3. Foreplay ___F_ 4. Cunnilingus __B__ 5. Fellatio __I__ 6. 69 __C__ 7. Analingus __H__ 8. Anal intercourse __E__ 9. Tribadism

A. Thoughts and images, daydreams, and scenarios for sexual pleasure B. Oral stimulation of the penis by the sexual partner C. Licking of the anus D. Self-stimulation of the genitals for sexual pleasure E. The rubbing of genitals against someone’s body or genital area F. Stimulation of the clitoris/vulva/vagina by the mouth, lips, and/or tongue of the sexual partner G. The physical contact that usually precedes coitus or oral-genital sexual activity H. Insertion of the penis or a dildo (fake penis) into the anus I. Two partners’ simultaneous stimulation of each other’s genitalia orally

For each of the following position pros and cons, write the letter of the associated position: A. B. C. D.

Man (or person doing insertion) on top Woman (or person being inserted into) on top Side-by-side Rear entry

___A_ Allows full frontal body contact ___C_ Sometimes difficult to keep the penis in the vagina __B__ Good position for men who are attempting to control orgasms __A__ Not recommended for men who have difficulty controlling ejaculation __A__ Most effective for pregnancy __D__ Lack of face-to-face contact _B___ Permits more clitoral stimulation by either partner

Exam 1 Review

Bonus Points: _____ Score: _____

__C__ Neither person is bearing the weight of the other

Health Promotion Activities For each of the following topics, select the sexual activities that require this communication. G. H. I. J.

Oral-genital sexual behavior (in general) Fellatio Analingus All of the above

__J__ Discuss the use of condoms/dental dams __G__ Discuss whether ejaculation should occur in the mouth (or where it should take place)...

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