Level of Awareness on Sex Ed PDF

Title Level of Awareness on Sex Ed
Course Psychology
Institution Notre Dame of Dadiangas University
Pages 45
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LEVEL OF AWARENESS OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ON SEXEDUCATIONA Research Proposal Presented To The Faculty of the Senior High School Notre Dame of Dadiangas University General Santos CityIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For Practical Research 1Gertrude Sheilo Lastimosa Julianne Camyl Ba...



A Research Proposal Presented To The Faculty of the Senior High School Notre Dame of Dadiangas University General Santos City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For Practical Research 1

Gertrude Sheilo Lastimosa Julianne Camyl Balanon Beatrice Grace Dacera Lovely Rose Gantalao Leanne Amarinero Christine Ira Medel Dan Paulo Arnado Atsushi Alabado Janet Ramirez

November 2020


DEDICATION The researchers would like to dedicate the study to all of the people who took part in making it real, because of their unconditional love and prayers, the researchers have the chance to complete this study. To their beloved parents, who have been their source of inspiration and strength. Moreover, who constantly provides moral and financial support. To the teachers particularly Ms. Mary Jane Timola, who serves as the guide to finish the study accordingly and for the resilient belief in the researchers and who also, gives support in the mechanics of producing the study. The study would have never become truth, without her guidance. To the unswerving friends, who have been very supportive along the way of doing the study and who also shared advice, gives moral support, and continually bring positivity. Lastly, to the Almighty God, the Creator, who continually gives the skills, protection, love and power to overcome obstacles. Furthermore, who leads through the valley of darkness with light of hope and unending support.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researchers would like to express their deepest and heartfelt gratitude to the people who have been part of their journey in making this study possible and successful. First, to Almighty God for the gift of knowledge and wisdom that He had showered upon the researchers and for making this study a successful one. To their parents, for their financial and moral support. To their statistician, Ms. Hazel Mae S. Cañeda, LPT, whose her statistical expertise was invaluable during the analysis and interpretation of the collected data, and for her support, pieces of advice, guidance, valuable comments that helped the completion and success of the study. To their grammarian, Ms. Josephine Dorado, for her expertise that has been helpful in checking the proper usage of words and grammars that helped the proponents immensely in editing. To Ms. Allysa Villarmia, for her expertise in cognitive and behavioral analysis in regards with sex education which is helpful in the making of research questionnaires. To the panelist, Mr. Lloriellard Larona, Ms. Dianne Mae Diaz, and Ms. Rachel Lou Paranga for their detailed and constructive comments and suggestions. To their research adviser, Ms. Mary Jane Timola, for the knowledge and expertise she shared with the researchers. Also, they are grateful to her for molding them into good researchers they can be. Lastly, to their classmates and friends, who inspired and helped the researchers to finish the study.


The Researchers

Table of Contents DEDICATION...........................................................................................................i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.........................................................................................ii CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING..................................................................1 Introduction.......................................................................................................1 Statement of the Problem................................................................................3 Significance of the Study..................................................................................4 Scope and Delimitation....................................................................................5 Definition of Terms............................................................................................5 CHAPTER II............................................................................................................8 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES.....................................8 Conceptual Framework....................................................................................8 Related Literatures.........................................................................................10 Related Studies..............................................................................................20 CHAPTER III.........................................................................................................28 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY.................................................28 Research Design............................................................................................28 Locale of the Study........................................................................................28 Respondents of the Study..............................................................................30 Instrumentation..............................................................................................30 Data Gathering Procedure.............................................................................31 Statistical Treatment.......................................................................................31 Statistical Tools...............................................................................................33 General Procedure.........................................................................................33 References...........................................................................................................35

CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Introduction Philippine Statistics Authority showed that 8 percent of ladies in our country ages 15-19 is already a mother and another 2 percent are pregnant with their first child. Early pregnancy varies by education, wealth quintile and environment. Supported from the results from the 2013 National Demographic and Health Survey, initiation of sexual intercourse before 18 years old is more common among young adult specifically those with less education and poorer household. The survey shows that 44 percent of girls ages 15 to 24 with elementary education does more sexual activity versus 21 percent of ladies with college education. The young adult women who begun bearing a baby that are classified as belonging to poor households is 37 percent higher among those women within the highest wealth quintile which is 13 percent. because of their sexually active personality, they are inclined to initiate their first sexual activity before marriage. Among developing countries, Nigeria has the highest birth rates for women aged lower than 20 years old and study says that this issue has something to do with less sex education in schools and lack of availability of contraceptives and contraception services. The Nigerian establishment started implementing Sex Education that has been impacting moral lesson and social values to secondary students. Moreover, effective sex teaching programs can decrease sexual issues and increase contraceptive use among people who are already sexually active.


They focused on providing precise information about sexuality, build interpersonal and communication skills to resist sexual persuasion and address social and media influences on sexual behaviors (Amazigo et al, 2003). The Department of Education in General Santos City has expressed alarm over the rising cases of pregnancy among students within the past three years. According to Mario Bermudez, the assistant superintendent of the DepEd city division that they have already recorded a complete total of 83 cases of teenage pregnancies in local schools as of the end of 2018. To help address the matter, they intensified their sexuality education campaigns in every public and private schools, from elementary to senior high school levels, within the city. The move was supported by DepEd Order No. 31, series of 2018, which issued for the "Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (Philippine News Agency, 2019). Sexuality Education is seen as an answer to the young people’s sexual issues. (Advocates for Youth, 2019) described Sex Education as a provision of knowledge about bodily development, sex, sexuality and relationships. It's a tool for teenagers to grasp and make informed decisions regarding sex and their sexual health. Sex education isn't only an answer to the young peoples’ sexual activity but also for them to learn about sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy. It also includes the course of developing attitudes, beliefs and values, motivation, skills and significant awareness to one’s sexual health and consequences. The knowledge which will be taught to the students should be appropriate to their development and cultural background.


Sexuality education responds to the needs of youngsters and youth not only in terms of their sexual safety and health, but also as a part of their overall development. Family, society and schools all play important roles in providing sexuality education for adolescents. Family-based sexuality education is certainly important, but studies have shown that almost all parents are too embarrassed to explore the topic of sex or don't know the way to speak about it with their children.

Furthermore, although adolescents absorb much information about

sexuality from the media and wider society, the exactness of such information cannot be guaranteed. Hence, school-based sexuality education is especially important (Yan, 2005; Liu, 2007). “Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012” also called as the Reproductive Health (RH) Act presents government funding for contraceptives and sex education within the public-school curriculum. supported this curriculum, sex education should be taught to students starting from ages 10 to 19, which is both primary and secondary school. The Act also provides free or subsidized contraceptives which will be stocked in health centers and will be provided free for the poor (DOH Philippines, 2011). Statement of the Problem This study aims to find out the Level of Awareness of Senior High School Students on Sex Education. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following: 1. What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of last school attended:


1.1 Public; and 1.2 Private 2. What is the level of awareness of Senior High School students on Sex Education in terms of: 2.1 human body and human development; 2.2 personhood; 2.3 healthy relationships; 2.4 sexuality and sexual behaviors; 2.5 sexual and reproductive health; 2.6 personal safety; and 2.7 gender, culture and human rights. 3. Is there a significant difference between the Level of awareness of Senior High School students on Sex Education and type of school last attended? Significance of the Study This study will be essential to the following individuals who can benefit in the outcome of this study: To the NDDU Grade 11 students. This study will be useful to the students by letting them speak up their views towards sex education in terms of their last school attended. To the Teachers. This study will help the teachers encourage and let their students understand the importance of taking care of their sexual health. To the NDDU community. This study will be beneficiary to the school's community by providing them information about the level of awareness of Grade


11 students on Sex Education and help them foster an environment wherein students will be aware of the advantages of sex education. To the researchers of this study. This study will be beneficiary to the researchers by gaining knowledge about the level of awareness of Grade 11 students on sex education. To the future researchers. The results of this study will hopefully provide future researchers with additional knowledge and guidance to gather information and it may serve as a reference for a bigger study. Scope and Delimitation This study will be delimited to the Level of Awareness of Senior High School Students of Notre Dame of Dadiangas University towards sex education. Specifically, this study will focus on the student's awareness level based on the core topics of sex education in terms of their last school attended. This study will be conducted to the selected Grade 11 students coming from different strands of Notre Dame of Dadiangas University in the academic year 2020-2021. This study will take place in Notre Dame of Dadiangas University Marist Campus. No more other schools and other grade levels will be included. The primary data gathering method will be conducted through survey to determine the level of awareness of the selected respondents. Definition of Terms Sex Education. This refers to a high quality teaching and learning about a broad variety of topics related to sex and sexuality, exploring values and beliefs about


those topics and gaining the skills that are needed to navigate relationships and manage one’s own sexual health. Sex education may take place in schools, in community settings, or online (PPFA, 2019). Operationally, it refers to as an essential action to determine the students' belief in promoting sexual and reproductive health of the senior high school students. Sex. This refers to having consenting, pleasurable and safe sexual experiences (GW Australia, 1968). Operationally, it is defined to expand ones knowledge in this certain issue with the intention of determining the students' belief in promoting sexual and reproductive health of the senior high school students. Sexuality. This refers to the sexual feelings and attractions we have towards others and the way these are expressed (Western Australia, 2017). Operationally, it is defined as one of the important factors in order to determine the students' belief in promoting sexual and reproductive health of the senior high school students. Relationships. It refers to a close friend ship between two people, especially one involving romantic or sexual feelings (Collins, 2019). Operationally, it is defined as one of the important factors in order to determine the students' belief in promoting sexual and reproductive health of the senior high school students. Sexual Health. It refers to a state of physical, emotional, mental and social wellbeing in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence (Geneva,


2002). Operationally, it is defined essentially beneficial especially to the youth, for them to imbibe more about certain welfare and precautions. Awareness. It refers to a knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation or subject at the present time based on information or experience (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020). Operationally, this refers to the variable that will be gathered from the students that will be scaled and identified based on the contents under sex education. Contraceptives. It is also known as birth control, is used to prevent pregnancy (Sexandu, 2016). Operationally, this refers to be more significant for the reason that contraceptives are advantageous specifically in our study.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter provides an overview of previous research on knowledge sharing and intranets. It introduces the framework for the case study that comprises the main focus of the research described in this study. Conceptual Framework The implementation of sex education helped a lot of institutions in teaching students the proper ways of being aware towards puberty, early pregnancies, contraceptives, and other lessons in relation to sexuality. It has also lessened high risk of sexual behaviors. The study aims to assess the level of awareness of senior high school students in Notre Dame of Dadiangas University towards sex education based on their last school attended. In the illustration, the 2 variables are; 1) Level of Awareness of SHS students on Sex Education, 2) The demographic profile of the respondents’ in terms of last school attended. The dependent variable is the Level of Awareness of SHS students on Sex Education. The independent variable is the last school attended of the respondents. We measure the significant difference based on the demographic profile of the respondents.


Conceptual Framework

Level of Awareness of SHS students on Sex Education

Respondents’ profile in terms of last school attended: Public Private


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Related Literatures


The literatures cited in this chapter tackle the different concept, understanding,








development related to study of the enrollment from the past up to the present and which serves as the researchers guide in developing the project. Those that were also included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study. Sex Education Silva







intervention. This intervention has a goal which is to encourage and teach people especially the teenagers to be aware of unprotected sex, sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy. This intervention also shows that the use of contraceptives is a less effective method than abstinence. On the other hand, intervention was also defined as a safer-sex if it is applied with a strong component of contraceptives. According to Bangalore (2010), Sex Education is considered as a life-long process. It is a process in which it starts from childhood to adulthood. He said that Sex Education should not only be taught for sexuality, but also should demonstrate morale values, personal relationships and decision making. This education should help every individual to have self-awareness and conscious to avoid and resist sexual experience. Studies shows that sex education programs are effective in reducing pregnancy and abortion rates especially when it promotes responsibility and selfdiscipline. It also includes promotion of respect to human rights and gender roles,


with knowledge of sexual and reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases, which is the most lacking information, particularly on young adults in developing countries (Faundes, 2017). Sex Education is a process wherein individuals will be aware of their sexual development, functioning, behavior and attitude through direct teaching. Young people will deeply understand and will be properly informed about sex education if they are taught in a very effective way to help them gain knowledge about sexual awareness and make their sexual decisions wisely and knowledgably. The program is used to encourage adults to have a healthy sexual life. The main goal of it is to give adequate knowledge in order to avoid and resist bad sexual influences (Allen Taylor, 2010). There has been a great change on what is the focus of sex education from the early 1950’s to 1990’s. The focus of sex education back in 1950’s is to create healthy relationship within a family. However, changes have been noticed when the focus of sex education nowadays is to prevent early pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. There has been a shift from a family-focused to a health prevention focus and aside from that sex education has a big impact on religious aspects in Unite...

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