Sexual Ethics & Utilitarianism Essay PLAN PDF

Title Sexual Ethics & Utilitarianism Essay PLAN
Course Applied Ethics
Institution Nottingham Trent University
Pages 1
File Size 22.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Plan for an essay discussing the application of Utilitarian ethics to sexually ethical, modern decisions. Paragraph and structure plan. Basic Ethics revision....


Cr i t i cal l yassesst hevi ew t hatUt i l i t ar i ani sm i sofnousewhenmaki ng deci si onsaboutsexualet hi cs. I nt r o.Defini t i onsandi ss uesr ai s ed. • Ut i l i t ar i ani sm-nor mat i v e,subj ect i v e,f oc usonconsequences • ‘ Us e’ ?Pr act i c al ,si mpl e,pos i t i v e • I ndi v i dualv s.s oci et yasawhol e ?( st emsf r om bei ngasubj ect i v et heor y ) • I s suesr ai sedbysexualet hi c s;STD;unwant edpr egnanc y ; • Dependsonwhats t em ofs ex ualet hi c si sbei ngdi sc ussed( homos ex ual i t y ,pr emar i t al ,adul t er y et c)

Par a1.Focusonpr emar i t als ex • Whati si t ?( sexbef or emar r i age) • Ut i l i t ar i ani sm f ocusonpl eas ur e,hi gherandl ower .Pr emar i t als exmaybr i ngaboutpl easur e, buti ti sapl eas ur eoft hebody( al owerpl easur e) • Pl eas ur egai nedmaycauseemot i onalhar m • Tel eol ogi cal -f oc usonconsequence • Mak ess ur epeopl et hi nkaboutt hef ut ur er esul t soft hei ract i ons • HOWEVERdoesi tr el yt oomuchonpr edi ct i ngt hef ut ur e ? Par a2ex t r amar i t al • Anot herex ampl ewher eemot i onalpai nmaybei nt r oduced.E. ghar mt of ami l y . • Hedoni cc al cul us -wi l lt hepl eas ur el as t ?Pur i t y ?Ext ent( ot her seffect ed) ? • Tak esal li nt oaccount • Pr act i c al i t y -l i k el yt ous et hecal c ul usi nact ualdai l ydec i si onmak i ng? • Tak esaway‘ usef ul ness ’ Par a3.Homos ex ual i t y • Pr ev i ouspoi nt sappl e • Pr ef er eceUt i l( Si nger ) -Tak ei nt oacc ountt hepr ef er encesofal li nv ol v ed. • I nc l udesev er y one,al sonots ecul arasat heor y . Conc l usi on • Ut i l i t ar i ani sm asawhol emaybecons i der edusef ul • Subj ect i v e-s exi sasubj ect i v epar tofl i f e,notal lpeopl ehav et hesameex per i ences • Bei ngs ubj ect i v eal l owsf oranemot i v er es ponse,f orasi t uat i ont hati sf ul l yemot i v e. • Hedoni cc al cul usi sgoodasi tmeanst hatt het heor yr equi r espeopl et ot hi nkaboutt hecons equencesoft hei rac t i onsaswel last heeffec t supont hemsel v es ....

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