Author 34 Ajita Nair
Course Practicals
Institution Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's University
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Mohd.AhmadKhanv/ShahBanoBegum -( Ai r1985Scr( 3)844)-Tr i pl e Tal aqLandmar kCaseBenc hOfJudges:Y. VChandr achud,D. ADesai , O. nnappaReddy,E. SVenkat ar ami ah,Rangnat hMi sr a Chi i on: I nt r oduc t sal andmar kl awsui twhi ch Mohd.AhmadKhanV/SShahBanoBegum i hasdeal twi t ht hepr obl em of" Tr i pl eTal aqVer di ct " .Thi scasei snor mal l y i one das" ShahBanoCas e" .I ti sconsi der edt obeave r ydebat abl eand ment emat i cwel l c ont es t edl e galbat t l ei nI ndi a.Thi sl awsui thas pr obl subst ant i at edt obeami l e st onei nt hest r uggl eofr i ght s,f r eedom f ort he l i m women. Mus I ti sal laboutShahBanof ear l es sandval i antst r uggl eagai ns tt hesys t em of i pl eTal aq.I ns t eadofcr eat i ngahi s t or yorst or yofas uppr essedwomen Tr t yandherhusband.Ev en shef acedt heembar r assment ' soft hec ommuni t houghshewasf ac i ngsuc hadr as t i csi t uat i oni nherl i f esheel ec t edt o edagai ns therhusbandandf acedt het hewor l dwher eever yonewas s t r uggl i nf avorofherhusband,andabov eal lshebr avel ydeci dedt of i ghtagai ns t l edomi nat edsoc i et y .Shef oughtagai ns tt hesyst em ofTr i pl eTal aq t hema asthereffor t snotwen i n tv ai n,shewasabl et oac hi ev ewhatshe andatl want edandhasal t er edt hesys t em et er nal l y . Fac t s : scasear egi v enbe l ow: Thef act soft hi #I n1932,ShahBanowasmar r i edt oMohd.Ahmadkhan,whowasa r enownedl awy eri nI ndor e. . e .i nt ot alt heyhave5 #Theywer et hepar ent sof3sonsand2daught eri l dr en. chi #Af t er14yr s.Oft hei rmar r i ageShahBano' shusbandmar r i edanot her m. womenwhowasyoungert hanhi #I n1975,whenShahBanoagewasof62yr s,shewasdi sownedbyher i moni alhomeal ongwi t hher husbandandwast hr ownoutf r om hermat r l dr en. chi #I nApr i l1978,shebr oughtanappea lunderSec.125ofcodeofcr i mi nal ,1973( Cr PC)i nt hepr esenceofj udi c i almagi st r at eofI ndor eaf t er pr ocedur e whenshewast hr ownawayf r om hermat r i moni alhomebyherhusband. i l l edt hi ssui ti n1978becauseherhusbandhasabandoned #ShahBanof herf r om t hemai nt enanceofRs.200permont hwhi chheguar ant eedt ogi ve. f ewhoi swi t houtanyi ncomeandi snegl ect edbyherhusbandi s #Awi ent i t l et omai nt enance,whi c hi ncl udesadi vor cedwi f ewhoi snotr emar r i ed. edi vor cet ohi swi f eShahBanobyar t i cul at i ngor #I nNov .1978,hegav ut t er i ng" Tri pl eTal aqandi twasi r r evocabl e . l i c tbe t weenShahBano' schi l dr enandher #Thear gumentorconf husband' sot herwi f ewer ev i t alr easonorgr oundsonwhi chdi vor cewas i nqui shedandf ur ni shed. r el

#Af t erhepr onouncei r r evocabl eTr i pl eTal aq,het ookasaf eguar dt hatsi nce becauseoft hi sdi vor ceshehasbeent er mi nat edt obeherl egalwi f eanddue chhewasnotaccount abl et of ur ni shherwi t hmai nt enanceor t owhi i mony . al #Thel ocalcour t( magi st r at e)cour tdi r ect edMohd.Ahmadt of ur ni shher naf or m ofma i nt enance. Rs .25/-permont ht oShahBanoi #ShahBanoi nJul y1908,apar tf r om t hi s,madeapl eat oHi ghCour tof M. P,t oal t ert heamountofmai nt enancet oRs .179/-ever ymont h. i l l edape t i t i onagai ns t #ShahBano' spr ecedentwentt oSupr emeCour tandf ctofHi ghCour tofMadhyaPr adesh. t hev er di #Herhusbandessent i alar gumentaf t erd i vor cehecannotkeepanyf or m of al l i anceorc onnec ti onwi t hhi sdi vor cewi f ebecausei ti snotal l owedby l ami cl aws/I sl am andi s" Har am"& hencehei snotl egal l yr es ponsi bl et o I s ma i nt a i nherwi f e . sedI nThi sCase: I ssuesRai i on125oft heCodeOfCri mi nal Pr oc edur ei sconcer nedwi t h #Whe t herSec t Mus l i msornot . i v enbyt hehusbandondi vor cei s #Whe t hert heamountofMehrg adequat et ogett hehusbandr i dandi sl i abl et omai nt ai nhi swi f eornot . f or m Ci v i lCodeappl i est oal l r el i gi onsornot . #whe t herUni : Judgement #Thever di ctofShahBanocasewasc onveyedbyC. J,CHANDRACHUD. l I ndi aMusl i m Per sonalLaw Boar dandJam i atul emaeHi ndwer e #Al t het woMus l i m Bodi esaccompani edt hel awsui tasan i nt er venor . emeCour tgav ean l i kemi ndedconcl usi oni nt hi s #On3rd Feb.1981,Supr caseandbani shedt hepl eaofMohd.AhmadKhanandval i dat et hever di ct ghCour t . ofHi #Thecour thel dt hatSect i on125ofCodeOfCr i mi nalPr oc edur esol i ci t ed l i mst oo ,wi t houtanysoughtofdi scr i mi nat i on. t oMus nt hi scasedul yhel dt hat ,si ncer espons i bi l i t yof #Supr emeCour ti Mus l i m husbandt owar dsherdi vor cedwi f ei sl i mi t edt ot heext entof od,ev ent hought hi ss i t uat i ondoesnotcont empl at et her ul e " I ddat "peri ofl aw t hati sment i onedi nSect i on125ofCrPc. ,1973 #Accor di ngt oSupr emeCour tt hi sr ul eaccor di ngt oMus l i m Law was ns thumani t yorwaswr ongbecauseher ead i v or cedwi f ewasnoti na agai t i ont omai nt ai nher se l f . condi #Thus,att heend ,af t erver yl ongpr ocedur e,cour tf i nal l yconcl udedt hat sl egall i abi l i t ywi l lc omet oanendi fdi vor cedwi f ei s t hehusbandi c ompet entt oma i nt ai nher sel f . ssi t uat i onwi l lber ever sedi nt hecasewhenwi f ei snoti na #Butt hi c ondi t i ont of i nanceormai nt a i nher sel faf t ert heI ddatper i od,shewi l lbe i t l et or ecei v emai nt enanceoral i monyunderSect i on125ofCr Pc. ent l i m Women( Pr ot ect i onOfRi ght sOnDi vor ce)Act ,1986: Mus i v eni nShahBanoCas ewascr i t i ci z edamongMus l i msand Thej udgementg accor di ngt ot hem t hi sdeci s i onwasi nc onf l i c twi t ht her ul esof" Qur an"and

" I s l am i cLaws/I sl am" .SoPar l i amentofI ndi ai n1986,( Congr essgovt . ) deci dedt oenac tt heMus l i m women( Pr ot ect i onOfRi ght sOfDi vor ce)Act , nobj ec t i v eoft hi sac twast opr ot ectt her i ghtoft hedi vor ced 1986.Themai l i m womenandort ot hos ewhohav egotdi vor cef r om t hei rhusbands. Mus Theenac t mentoft hi sac twasdonebygover nmentofRaj i vGandhi , t o i nval i dat et hedeci s i on/decr eepassedbySupr emeCour ti nShahBano Begum Cas e.Accor di ngt ot hi sac t ,Musl i m di vor cedwomenshoul dbe i t l et oadequat eandr easonabl eamountofmai nt enancet i l lt heI ddat ent per i od.Whenadi vor cedwomenmai nt ai nsach i l dbor nbyheranyt i me vor ce ,t hehusband i sunderl egalobl i g at i ont opr ovi dea bef or eoraf t ert hedi cer t ai namountofmai nt enancef ort hechi l dt oaper i odof2yr sf r om t he r t hdat eofachi l d.Thewomeni sal soaut hor i z edt oobt ai n" Mahr "or bi i v ebac kal lt hepr oper t i esores t at ewhi chi spr ovi dedt oher " dower "andr ece byherpar ent s ,f ri ends ,r el at i v es ,husbandorhusband' sf r i ends.I fsuch i v edbyt hedi vor cedMusl i m womenf r om herf or mer advant agesar enotr ece husband,shecanappl yt omagi st r at ef oror der i nghi mt opr ov i deherwi t h i nt enance/al i monyoramountof" Mahr "ordowerorherest at eor ma pr oper t i es. i t i calAnal ysi s: Cr I nt hecaseofMohd.AhmadKhanV/SShahBanoBe gum,t heSupr eme Cour tspec i f i cal l yunder l i nedt het hatTr i pl eTal aqcannott akeawayt he i nt enancer i ghtofadi vor cedMusl i m womenwhoi snoti nacondi t i ont o ma ma i nt a i nher se l forherc hi l dr enwhenshei sdi sowne dordi vor cedbyher odwhent hever di ctofShahBanoCasewasde l i ver edby husband.Theperi t heSupr emeCour ti tf ac edal otofcri t i c i sm.Att hatpo i ntoft i meMus l i m i edorunmar ri edwer enotg i venf r eedom ev ent hey womenwhe t hermar r wer edebar r edf r om t her ebasi cf r eedom,whi c hi sagai ns thumani t yandi t i cal l yv i ol at est hebasi corf undame nt alri ght sofhumans .Musl i m women bas wer ebac kwar di nt hei rs t at usascompar edt oot herwomenoft hewor l d. l f r e l i antascompar edt oot herwomen.The y Theywer enoteducat edandse i ousi ssuesandpr obl emswhi chl edt ot hedecr easei nt he i rl ev e lof f acedser se l f conf i denceandt hei rknowl edgei nv ar i oussect s.Al ongwi t ht heset hi ngs t heywer enotal l owedt ost udyoreducat et he msel vesandt he ywer ea l so edt owor kei t her .Si nc et heyf acedal lt heset hi ngsf r om t hei rver y deni l dhoodi twasver ynat ur alt hatt he yi nt he i rdi ff i c ul tt i mecannotear n chi t hei rl i vi ngandcanmai nt ai nt hemse l v essof ort hem al i monyor i nt enancewasmuchneeded. ma ustl i keot hercasesofmai nt enance ShahBanocasewasanor malcasej chhast ake npl aceandal sot hever di ctt hatwasconcl udedbySupr eme whi Cour twasal sosi mi l art ot hepr evi ousl awsui t sbutt het wonakedt r ut h t hatwaswi t nessedi nt hi scasemadet hi scaseal andmar kj udgementcase i r st l y,s pi ri t ual i t yofr e l i gi ousper sonall aws andt het wonakedt r ut hwas -f wascr i t i ci z edandt hen i twasques t i onedwhet herUni f or m Ci vi lCodei s i edt oal lr e l i gi onandt hei rf ol l ower sandsecondl y,whe t herCr Pci s appl appl i edt oper sona lr e l i g i ousl aws.

Conc l usi on: Thi swast hecas eofaTr i pl eTal aqver di ctwhi chaccor di ngt omewasa s t or i cver di c tasi tmai nt ai nst het r ut handf ai t hoft hepeopl ei nt he hi j udi ci ar yasi nt hi scase ," Jus t i ceandequal i t yhasover c omer el i gi on" . ngt omet hi sl awsui twasmi l e st onei nj udi ci ar yasi twas Accor di c our ageous,bol d,i mpar t i alanduni quedec i si on.Thi sj udgementhas mpor t anceofmai nt enancewhi chshoul dbepr ov i dedt ot he mar ke dt hei di v or c edMusl i m womenwhoar enoti nt hecondi t i ont oear nand i nt a i nt hemse l v es. ma Event hought hever di ctofShahBanocaseg i v enbyt heSupr emeCour twas i nval i dat ebyt heendor sementofMusl i m WomenAc t,t hecour thel di n ct ' st hatdi vor cedMus l i m.women,underSec t i on125ofCrPC f ur t herver di canaff i r m mai nt enanceoral i monyf r om t he i rf or merhusband,orapar t sdi vor cedMus l i m womencanasser torcl ai mf orr oundsome f r om t hi moneyoramountunderMusl i m WomenAc t .TheSupr emeCour tev en r t ypo l i ti cspassedt hej udgementt hatwasi mpar t i alandat t houghaf t erdi l asti thadmai nt ai nedt het r us tandf ai t hofc i t i z ensi nj udi ci ar y ....

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