Sherrie Turkle\'s TEDtalk \"Connected, but ALONE?\" PDF

Title Sherrie Turkle\'s TEDtalk \"Connected, but ALONE?\"
Course Ethics
Institution De La Salle University – Dasmariñas
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This is a reaction paper talks about the reaction of Sherrie Turkle about technology and how it affects her everyday life....


Pullitan, Rebecca T. EEE11

REACTION PAPER Sherrie Turkle’s TEDtalk: ‘Connected, but Alone?’

Sherrie Turkle’s TED talk ‘Connected, but Alone?’, it is all about how she feels about technology, on how people use it in everyday life. She believes that technology affects individuals on how he/she interact with other people. The main idea of Sherrie Turkle in her talk is that, we, people, allows technology to control our everyday life to the point that we became the servant of our phones, gadgets, and any type of technology we have. She also states that individuals often used their gadgets even in the midst of meetings, classes, presentation and even funerals. Turtle also emphasize the idea called “Goldilocks Effect”, this is where people want to remain not too close but not too far away from other people either. Lastly, she emphasized that people makes technology their comforter. Having many followers on twitter and friends on any social media accounts will result many people that will know what we feel. Instead of longing for the comfort of a person him/herself, individual longs for the attention on social media to the point that we don’t face what the reality is. Turkle says that, we need to know how to be alone in order for us to prevent ourselves from diving deeper into technology and moving away from reality. In her last talk, she encourage every individual that if we want to really love the life we live in, we should develop more self-aware relationships. Self- aware relationship with others, with ourselves and with technology. As Sherrie Turkle spoke about the effects of having technology in our communication with other people, one of her statement is “People are connected through technology but seem alone because of too much involvement to it.” I agree with her idea in her talk. We are being controlled by the technology, in short, we are dependent into it to the point that we can’t live without our gadgets. It also seems that it became our breakfast, lunch, and dinner that we can’t live without it. Technology become our escape to reality. The more we are involved to technology, the more we will live in fantasy and the more we can’t appreciate the things that we have. I really believe that technology has a big impact with our communication with other people. It makes people want to just text or call rather than being presently with one another. It makes everyone feel alone even they are connected through technology. According to Edwards M., Mandy, Edwards, M., ME Marketing Services, & Marketing Agency (n.d), it can be easier for the people to say things from behind a keyboard when the other person aren ’t looking at the poster. I agree with that because as we can see and observe today, people are being shy when it comes to communicating verbally. They can’t speak and can’t really express their feelings face to face and it is all because of too much involvement to social media or technology. ‘We expect more from technology and less from each other because technology appeals to us most where we are most vulnerable’. It is also one of the statement says

by Sherrie Turkle, I believe that. Seeking peop le’s attention can make us disappointed that’s why most of us seek attention in social media, in technology. In illustration of the speaker, the robot became the comforter of the person who ’s in grieve. Every time we feel pain, disappointed and every time we fail, we long for the comfort of other people. In the story stated by the speaker, the woman is talking to a robot and she found comfort. Indeed people can find comfort from technology but for me, like what the speaker’s perspective, it is not good because you are just living in a fantasy world. It can make people to create illusions and can ’t face what the reality is. We are being distracted by our life, technology. According to Arndt (2018), to fully be able to handle being alone, we need to be fully be part of our experience and in the real world. “We’re lonely but we’re afraid of intimacy” this is also the statement from the video. I strongly agree with it, some people are afraid for commitment because they are afraid to be disappointed again due to past experiences. I agree with her ideas about to text or to talk. I would rather talk a person especially when I want to express everything that I feel. Like what Villines (2014) says, texting does not produce meaningful conversations. You can type and send messages about what you feel but you can’t see if the person you talk really listen and if he/she really put your shoes on his. Sherry Turkle’s TEDtalk was a great talk. She delivered the information understandable by the audience. She made a great points on how technology affects our communication with other people. In her TEDtalk, we can learn and realize things. At first, I look at technology as a great way of communicating with other individuals but as I heard every information the speaker says, I realized that we should not always be dependent on technology or social media. We must remember that we ’re the one who should control every technology and not the technology will control us, humans.

References: Edwards, M., Mandy, Edwards, M., ME Marketing Services, & Marketing Agency. (n.d.). The Problem with Oversharing on Social Media. Retrieved from Turkle, S. (n.d.). Transcript of "Connected, but alone?".



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