SIT763 assignment 1 details PDF

Title SIT763 assignment 1 details
Course Cyber Security Management
Institution Deakin University
Pages 4
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T1 First Individual Assessment Information/ Criteria for Cyber Security Management...


SIT7 SIT763: 63: CYB CYBER ER SSECU ECU ECURITY RITY MA MANAGE NAGE NAGEME ME MENT NT As Assess sess sessmen men mentt 1: pro proble ble blemmm-sol sol solving ving tas taskk 1

Plan Plannin nin ningg fo forr Cyb Cyber er Secu Security rity Man Manage age agem ment Key inf inform orm ormatio atio ation n • • •

Due: by 8pm (AEDT) Sunday, 28 March 2021 (end of Week 3) Weight: 15% of total mark for this unit Submit: electronically via DeakinSync Unit SIte.

Lea Learni rni rning ng outc outcome ome omess In this assignment, you will be focusing on the following unit learning outcome (ULO): ULO2: Assess security risks, threats and vulnerabilities to the organisation and implement appropriate information security protection mechanisms by analysing requirements, plans and IT security policies. This ULO will contribute to three of your Deakin graduate learning outcomes (GLOs) in the form of discipline knowledge (GLO1), critical thinking (GLO4) and problem solving (GLO5).

Brie Brieff ddescr escr escripti ipti iption on ooff aasse sse ssessm ssm ssment ent ttas as askk This task requires students to demonstrate their ability to plan for assessment of cyber security management in corporate organisations. Students will be required to evaluate approaches to cyber security management planning. Students will need to decide and justify the elements to be included in a plan for a given organisation and present the plan to high level management for approval. Students will be assessed on their ability to compare and justify suitable elements to include in the plan and effectively communicate this to high level management. This is an individual assessment task. The student is required to submit their solution for given problems along with the exhibits to support findings, and a bibliography. The solution sheet should consist of: • a cyber security management roadmap presented as a figure depicting the relationship between strategic cyber security goals, the steps required to be performed to meet the goals and how the achievement of the goals will be measured • explanation of each of the elements presented in the figure. • comparison of 3 electronic sources to evidence evaluation of approaches and selection of elements to cyber security management planning • communication to management to convince and justify why your roadmap will be successful.

Bac Backg kg kgroun roun round d iinfo nfo nforma rma rmatio tio tion n This assessment has been designed for you to demonstrate and apply understanding of approaches to cyber security management planning. A real world example of a SAD (Solution Architecture Document) has been provided by Secureworx, one of Deakin University’s cyber security industry partners to create a fun and engaging experience. This is available in the assignments folder and MUST be used for this assessment task. NOTE: The organisation represented in this document will be used as the reference corporation for all of the assessments in this Unit.

Yes, this document is 54 pages. Don’t let this be a concern. The focus for this assessment is on ‘Section 8 Security Architecture’. You will be able to define the cyber security goals from this section. The entire document is provided to place cyber security management into context for the operation of a corporate organisation. Other sections that may be useful include: 5.1;5.3.7;5.3.8;;.,6.2.4 and 7.1. The purpose is to provide you with the experience necessary to learn and apply cyber security management practice within an organization you may or already are working for.

Ins Instruc truc truction tion tionss Please use the “Assessment_Task_1_TEMPLATE.doc” file provided in the assessments folder on the Unit Site to complete this assessment. A template and explanation of requirements is included below as part of this assessment task. Use this template together with the guide provided between the { } brackets, with each of the sections to complete the problem solving tasks for your solution. A copy of the template without the guide is available in the assignments folder on the Unit Site. A channel on TEAMS has been provided for queries related to assessment 1. Questions requesting specific answers or solutions will NOT be responded to. You will need to allow up to 48 hours for a response to a query.

Assessment Task 1 – Template [Insert Document Title Here] {This document has been provided as a template to complete assessment task 1. Use the SecureWorx SAD (Solution Architecture Document) New Organisational Management System Version 100 to complete this assessment task.}

[Insert Brief Document Introduction Here]

1. Figure depicting the relationship between strategic cyber security goals, the steps required to be performed to meet the goals and how the achievement of the goals will be measured. [Insert figure here – use any software tool (see below for access to MS Visio), or choose to hand draw, then scan or take a photo of the figure.] {MS Visio is available through ADA (Apps and Desktops Anywhere). Follow instructions below about how to access ADA and your own files when using it: Installing VMware Horizon Client for Apps and Desktops Anywhere Mware – Installation & Setup for ADA (macOS): Accessing your files in Apps and Desktops Anywhere:


This is a brainstorming exercise. The focus is NOT on implementation of the technical cyber security functions; rather proposing the approach for the cyber security plan to manage the cyber security goals related to the business processes described in the SAD. Here are some steps to get you started: o Read, analyse and synthesise the SAD o Identify one of the cyber security strategic goals o Translate cyber security goal into cyber security objectives and cyber security tactics – refer to week 2 lecture and workshop o Show the relationship between goals, planning steps and measuring achievement of goals from 2.} 2. Explanation

of each of the elements presented in the figure.

{Use the following table to display the answer for 2. Include link to SAD, and provide justification of selected cyber security management planning elements from 3.} Cyber Security Goals Cyber security management planning steps Measuring Achievement of goals

3. Comparison of 3 electronic sources to evidence evaluation of approaches and selection of elements to cyber security management planning {Use the following table to display the answer for 3. Here you want to show you have considered literature on contemporary approaches to cyber security management planning – Here you can make the connection to cyber security management frameworks and standards as sources to support management planning} Element Cyber Security Goals Steps to be Performed for cyber security management planning Measuring Achievement of goals

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

4. Communication to management to convince and justify why your roadmap will be successful. {Maximum 300 words. Make it clear who the audience is for the communication and identify the relevant stakeholder(s) – the persuasive writing style needs to be demonstrated to convince and justify the success of your roadmap to management.}


-end of template -


• •

Start collecting and researching information. Think creatively. Create your Cyber Security Planning Roadmap. Look at the assessment rubric and the unit learning outcomes to ensure that you understand what you are being assessed (and marked) on. Maximum size of your submission is 5 pages. The font size should be no less than 11pt. Your submission must be in either MS Word or PDF format. To complete this assessment you will need to have followed the theoretical material and completed the workshops for weeks 1-2. This assessment covers material up to the week ending November 22nd. Ensure you keep a backup copy of your work. The IEEE Referencing Style is to be used for this assignment where appropriate.

As Assign sign signmen men mentt Ex Exten ten tensio sio sions ns To seek an extension for this assignment, you will need to apply via the online Assignment Extension Tool in the SIT763 unit site via DeakinSync. o

Pe Penal nal nalties ties for LLate ate Su Submi bmi bmissio ssio ssion n 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days. Work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked; you will receive 0% for the task. o

Re Refere fere ferencin ncin ncing, g, pplag lag lagiar iar iarism ism and col collusi lusi lusion on Any work that you submit for assessment must be your own work. Please note that this unit has systems in place to detect plagiarism and all submissions are submitted to this system. Submitting written work, in whole or in part, that is copied or paraphrased from other authors (including students), without correct acknowledgement, is considered one of the most serious academic offences. This practice is equivalent to cheating in examinations and it may lead to expulsion from the University. For further information, you should refer to Regulation 4.1(1), Part 2—Academic Misconduct, via (Current university legislation). Please note that these regulations are not intended to discourage group work and exchange of views and information with other students and staff. Such interaction is most desirable, provided that you ultimately write your own answers and acknowledge any quoted sources. We see responsible attitudes to plagiarism as part of general good ethical practice. Ensure you have familiarised yourself with the rules and regulations on plagiarism and collusion....

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