Skillful ls3 students book answer key PDF

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Listening&SpeakingAnswer KeyLEVEL 3Skillful Level 3. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.####### 4 T5 F Iris recognition is used. 6 F The speaker believes the use of biometric information is the most reliable way to identify people. He doesn’t say it is likely t...


Skillful Listening&Speaking

Answer Key




Vocabulary preview 1 a 2 b

3 b

4 b

5 b

6 a 7 a 8 a

4 T 5 F Iris recognition is used. 6 F The speaker believes the use of biometric information is the most reliable way to identify people. He doesn’t say it is likely to increase.

Vocabulary skill

LISTENING 1 Life events Global listening 1 interviewee 1: marriage interviewee 2: making the swim team/becoming a school athlete interviewee 3: getting a driver’s license interviewee 4: discovering a new talent/skill/hobby 2 Students’ own answers

2 1 national 2 probability 3 verification

4 information 5 flexibility


Close listening 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 related to: structural capable of: attainable, manageable state or result: information, recognition, variation, verification quality of: nationality, probability, reliability

T F (2-children) F (all summer) T T F (some talked about defining moments)

LISTENING 2 Beyond the ID card Global listening 1 1 All except for student ID, and face scan.

1 A: but, or B: whereas A: so, while B: rather than 2 Students’ own answers

Speaking skill 1 1 2 3 4

You’re kidding! I can’t believe it. It was a guy you didn’t recognize? That sounds interesting.

2 1 Biometrics is the measurement and analysis of a unique feature of a person 2 Photo IDs can be lost or stolen. 3 biometric

Close listening 1 1 c

2 a, d

3 c

4 c

5 d

6 b

2 1 T 2 T 3 F We all share about 99% of the same DNA features, only a small amount of DNA features vary from person to person.


Pronunciation skill 1 1 What / do identification cards tell us / about who someone is? 2 An ID card from India / will include / about 16 personal details. 3 I hope to be / a skillful doctor / some day. 4 The lab used several samples / before they got a good match. 5 The patterns in the iris of the eye / are unique to every person.

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2 Possible answer:

LISTENING 1 The inventions of Arthur

We all /have hopes and dreams. Part of achieving a dream/, for example,/ becoming a civil engineer,/ is being able to envision your future self/ in that identity. One consideration is /your skills and abilities. Evaluate/ what you can do now, / what you know, and what skills and knowledge/ you still need to learn /to attain your goal. Then make a plan/ for how to learn/ what you need to know. Your plan/ will help you feel/ in touch with your future identity.



Pedrick Global listening 1 1 c

2 a 3 a

2 1 Not used 2 b 3 c

4 Not used 5 Not used 6 a

Close Listening 2, 3, and 6. They are rhetorical because although they are questions there is no expected answer to them.

Vocabulary preview 1 1 2 3 4 5

devices invention solutions benefits industries

6 7 8 9

research genetically modified creative patent

2 1 noun - machines or pieces of equipment that do a particular thing 2 noun - a machine, tool, or system that someone has made, designed, or thought of for the first time 3 noun - ways to solve a problem or to deal with a bad situation 4 noun – advantages you get from a situation 5 noun - the people and organizations involved in producing goods 6 noun - the detailed study of something in order to discover new facts, especially in a university or scientific institution 7 adjective - a genetically modified plant or animal has had its genetic structure changed in order to make it more suited to a particular purpose 8 adjective - involving a lot of imagination and new ideas 9 noun - an official document that gives someone who has invented something the legal right to make or sell that invention for a particular period of time, and prevents anyone else from doing so

LISTENING 2 Patents for living creatures Global listening 1 b 2 1 c

2 a 3 b

4 e

5 d

Close listening 1 1 2 3 4

host spokesperson member of a trade association science journalist

2 1 no clear position 2 support

3 oppose 4 no clear position

Vocabulary skill 1 1 2 3 4 5

invention, inventor; inventive patent; patented solve genetic concern; concerned

2 1 inventor, invented 2 patented 3 concerned


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4 invention 5 genetic 6 solution

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3 1 look 2 shower 3 laugh

4 guess 5 think 6 word




Vocabulary preview 1

1 1 The person who invented the zipper must be very rich by now. 2 The salmon that they developed grows twice as fast as a normal fish. 3 The company is developing a new phone that/which runs on solar power. 4 There is a genetically-modified tomato which (it) has genes from a fish to resist cold. 5 Companies (that) are suing each other over patents more and more these days.


1 2 3 4

reasoning researcher experiment automatically

LISTENING 1 Catching lies in the brain Global listening 1 Summary 2


1 that/which; b 2 that/which; c 3 who; e

4 that/which; a 5 who; d

at the beginning of the report

Close listening



Sentence 2 – it’s an object relative clause

1 F

Pronunciation skill 1 strong 2 weak

3 weak 4 strong

2 T

3 T


b, d, e, and g 3 one example 4 is, example

SPEAKING TASK Plan 2 a 3 d

4 b

6 T

7 T

2 intelligent: sentences b, g not intelligent: sentence d, e

Close listening 1 can’t 2 leaves 3 never

4 nine times 5 once 6 are

STUDY SKILLS Taking notes effectively

Vocabulary skill

Scenario Answers will vary but possible answers include: don’t try to write down every word, write down key phrases instead of complete sentences, write down questions about points she doesn’t understand.

1 do: business, an experiment, a favor (for someone), research, the right thing, your homework make: a decision, an exception, a mistake, a plan, progress, someone wonder


Consider it Ling already does: 2, 3. Tips that could help Ling: 1, 4, 5-7.


5 F

Global listening 1

1 example of 2 is a, example

4 F

LISTENING 2 Animal intelligence

Speaking skill

1 c

5 6 7 8

instinct accurate lie detector behavior

1 doing 2 make

3 make 4 made

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5 did 6 do

Skillful Listening&Speaking

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Students’ own answers




1 1 even though 2 while 3 Although

4 After 5 while

a, b, d, e, and h

3 Collective intelligence: sentences a, d, e, f, and h

2 Possible answers: 1 Scientists have learned a lot about the brain, though there is much we still don’t know. / Though scientists have learned a lot about the brain, there is much we still don’t know. 2 Although some animals make tools, they are not as sophisticated as human tools. / Some animals make tools although they are not as sophisticated as human tools. 3 Before studying crows, researchers thought only chimpanzees used tools. 4 Chimpanzees are very smart whereas other animals are not as intelligent. / Whereas chimpanzees are very smart other animals are not as intelligent. 5 Many companies rely on lie detectors even though they are not 100% accurate.

Speaking skill 1 1 Since the fMRI actually looks inside your brain, it is extremely accurate. 2 Humans aren’t the only ones who use tools, as crows can also do this. 3 fMRI scanners are large and expensive, so they aren’t widely used yet. 4 Polygraph tests aren’t accurate because some people can lie without feeling stress. 5 Since animals can’t speak our language, it is difficult to understand their minds. 6 The crow made a tool in nine out of ten tests, so it probably wasn’t an accident.



Vocabulary preview 1 1 a 2 b

3 b

4 b

6 b

7 a 8 b

9 a 10 b

2 Students’ own answers

LISTENING 1 The discovery of fire Global listening 1 Controlled use of fire means use in daily life for various purposes 2 Four ways: warmth, protection, cooking food, socializing 3 Using fire to cook food; increased nutrition led to people being healthier, living longer, having more variety in their daily diet 4 Using fire as an application of technology = using something to improve our lives

Close listening 1 F

2 O 3 O 4 F

5 F

6 F

7 F

8 O 9 O

LISTENING 2 Forest fires: friend or foe? Global listening 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8

Pronunciation skill

Close Listening



1 exactly 2 too 3 just, one

1 and 2 are correct. 3, 4,and 5 are incorrect.


5 b

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2 3 The seeds are released after the fire. 4 The blue beetle lays eggs in the trees just after the fire. 5 The trees take longer to regrow than the slower-growing plants.



Vocabulary preview 1

Vocabulary skill 1 1 a, b

2 b, c

3 a, b

4 a, c

5 a, b

6 b, c

4 trade 5 migrants 6 rural


2 1 was cheated 2 makes me very angry 3 excited

4 doing great 5 exhausted

Grammar 1 b

Students’ own answers

LISTENING 1 Globalisation in history Global listening

1 2 a 3 a 4 a

2 1 2 3 4

1 global 2 urbanizaton 3 route

Frankly, To be blunt, To be honest Actually actually, in fact Frankly, To be honest, Actually

The Silk road: 2, 4, 5 The Columbian Exchange: 1, 3, 5 Today’s trade network: 1, 3, 5

Close listening 1 f 2 b

3 a 4 g

6 d

7 h

LISTENING 2 Urbanisation

Speaking skill 1

Global listening

Oh by the way, Anyway, as I was saying





Students’ own answers

1 c

5 e

2 a 3 b

1 a 2 b

3 b

Close listening 1

STUDY SKILLS Reviewing notes Scenario These are the things Aida is doing well; reading over her notes nightly, writing ? if her notes are unclear, and reviewing before exams. The things she isn’t doing well are not asking ask for help, studying alone, not looking up information that is unclear to her and not revising her notes or adding information so that notes are complete and easy to follow

1 a, c, d 2 b, c, d 3 a, b, c, d

2 1 c, d 2 b, d 3 b, c, d

Vocabulary skill 1 1 2 3 4


adopted networks goods exports

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5 6 7 8

ships produce illustrate issues

8 c

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2 1 2 3 4

5 illustrated 6 adopt 7 issue

shipped produces, exports good network

Speaking skill 1 1 Yes I’m sorry

OK I was wondering

3 adopt: to decide to start using a particular idea, plan, or method (Ex. 1); to take someone else’s child into your family and legally make him or her your own child (Ex. 2) network: a system of lines or similar things such as roads or wires that are connected to each other (Ex. 1); a group of people that are connected or that work together (Ex. 2) good(s): objects produced for sale (Ex. 1); advantage or benefit (Ex. 2) export: a product that is sold to another country (noun) (Ex. 1); to send a product to another country so that it can be sold there (verb) (Ex. 2) ship: a very large boat used for carrying people or goods long distances (Ex. 1); to send goods or people somehwere by ship, air, or land (Ex. 2) produce: fruit, vegetables, and other things that farmers grow (Ex. 1); to make or grow something, especially in large quantities and in order to be sold (Ex. 2) illustrate: to show what something is like or to show that something is true (Ex. 1); to draw the pictures in a book or to put pictures in a book (Ex. 2) issue: a subject that people discuss or argue about (Ex. 1); a magazine that is published at a particular time (Ex. 2)



Global listening



1 Can you tell me where you were born? 2 I was wondering if you grew up in the countryside. 3 I’d like to know what your favorite kind of foreign food is. 4 Can you tell me if you are interested in living in another city or country? 5 Do you know if you are going to move anywhere in the next year? 6 Can you tell me if you have ever tried food from an unusual place?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Pronunciation skill 2 1 2 3 4 5

imported import decrease decrease increasing


6 7 8 9 10

increase project project contract contracting

Excuse me Go ahead

Can I ask

SPEAKING TASK Plan 1 They are presenting to peers in an academic presentation, to describe a city and its connection to global systems 2 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.



Vocabulary preview 1 e

2 a 3 b

4 d

5 c

6 j

7 f 8 g

9 h

10 i

LISTENING 1 Germ myths

many diseases dangerous diseases spread always spreads dangerous germs loaded with germs that can cause diseases ‘If you drop some food on the floor, but you pick it up within five seconds, then it’s still OK to eat it’

2 1 True 2 Myth 3 Myth

4 Myth 5 True 6 Myth

Close listening 1 2 3 4

viruses bacteria old good

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5 Many 6 passenger 7 wet

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LISTENING 2 Disease detectives Before you listen land = flying fox, giraffe, tortoise water = dolphin, prawn, whale both = frog, hippo, snail, snake

Possible explanation:

1 1 two 2 Senegal, West Africa and Guam, an island in the Pacific Ocean 3 snails, flying foxes

2 2 h

3 b

4 f 5 a 6 d

7 g

8 c

Close listening 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

F (no cases) F (within two years) T F (not kill the snails, restore the prawn habitat) T T F (overhunting) T

Vocabulary skill 1 2 3 4

5 recovered from 6 prevent 7 eliminated

caught cure catch reduced

1 doesn’t it (falling); is it? (falling) 2 doesn’t it? (falling) 3 wasn’t it? (falling + sarcastic)


Global listening

1 e

Pronunciation skill

Grammar 1 must have been 2 may/could/might have been, may/could/might have been 3 can’t have been 4 must have been 5 may/could/might have been, may/could/might have been

The woman came down with malaria as the result of being bitten by a malaria-infected mosquito at the airport. The mosquito might have entered the airport on the suitcase of a traveler who had been on an international flight from a country that had a malaria risk. It could also have been in a jetliner. As international travel has increased, there has been an increase in the incidence of “airport malaria” in the United States and in Europe. Cases have been reported for people who live and work close to international airports, as well as for people visiting an airport.

STUDY SKILLS Leading a group Scenario These are the things Ahmed is doing well; making a list of questions to talk about prior to the discussion, helping start the discussion by sharing his own ideas, asking others for their ideas, noticing that a classmate isn’t participating, and bringing that person into the discussion, telling a classmate who has interrupted to let the other classmate finish first, and reviewing ideas they’ve shared at the end of the discussion. These are the things he is doing wrong: not setting clear goals for the discussion at the beginning, not asking someone in the group to take notes in order to keep track of the ideas discussed, talking about his own ideas for a long time rather than briefly presenting them to launch the discussion, and letting all the group members talk at the same time so that they don’t listen to one another.



Vocabulary preview 1 a 2 a 3 b

4 b

5 b

6 a 7 a 8 a 9 b

10 b

Speaking skill 1

LISTENING 1 Kindness as a survival skill

1 What exactly do you mean 2 So, your point is 3 So, you mean

Global listening

2 That there’s a direct relationship between stress and disease. PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 1 concerned about her neighbors 2 direct 3 indirect, didn’t expect

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4 naturally help one another to survive 5 knew instinctively it was the right thing to do

Vocabulary skill

Close listening

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5 6

F (other customers did, too.) T F (housing not mentioned; medical supplies were) F (two children) T T

1 generous; generosity survivor; survive sustainability recycled; recycle; recycling


LISTENING 2 Building for the future

reciprocity (n) – reciprocate (v) – reciprocal (adj) minimize (v) – minimal / minimum (adj) – minimum (n) maximize (v) – maximal / maximum (adj) – maximum (n)

Global listening




1 c 2 b 4 d

1 If the village had money, they’d build a well. 2 If the neighbors helped each other, they’d have a stronger community. 3 If the builders used local materials, they’d save resources. 4 If the houses were strong enough to withstand an earthquake, people would feel safer. 5 If the windows were bigger, they’d let in more light.

3 a

2 1 2 3 4 5

in th...

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