Soal Olimpiade Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs/2017 Waktu : 80 Menit Jumlah Soal : 60 Butir Soal PDF

Title Soal Olimpiade Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs/2017 Waktu : 80 Menit Jumlah Soal : 60 Butir Soal
Author Maris Putri
Pages 6
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Shared by: Soal Olimpiade Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs/2017 Waktu : 80 Menit Jumlah Soal : 60 Butir Soal 1. Prabu : Hello Ratu, How do you do? 6. All of the leave-talking following Ratu : Helo, Prabu ______________ expressions are correct, EXCEPT Prabu : Nice to meet you. _...


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Soal Olimpiade Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs/2017 Waktu : 80 Menit Jumlah Soal : 60 Butir Soal 1.

Prabu : Hello Ratu, How do you do? Ratu : Helo, Prabu ______________ Prabu : Nice to meet you. Ratu : Nice to meet you, too A. Fine, thanks B. How are you. C. How do you do D. It’s great to meet you.


Opik : How are you, Ryan? Ryan : Not too bad, thank you The underlined words mean ___________ A. asking about health B. talking about weather C. telling about others D. introductions


Ratu and her brother, Prabu, were talking in the verandah when Kadita, Ratu’s friend, came. Ratu introduced her brother to Kadita. Ratu : ______________ Kadita : How do you do? Pleased to meet you Prabu : How do you do. A. How are you B. Kadita is my friend, Prabu C. How are things, Kadita? D. Kadita, this is my brother, Prabu.


How have you been? Which of the following answers is not acceptable? A. I’ve been good B. I’ve been from Bandung C. All right D. Not bad


The following is what you say to someone when you meet him/her at night? A. Good night B. Good evening C. Good day D. Good afternoon

Head Office: Jl. Tamalanrea Raya, BTP Grand Central Blok M B3, No. 12-16, Makassar, Indonesia Phone: +62 411 - 4774222


All of the leave-talking following expressions are correct, EXCEPT ___________ A. I think I must be going now B. I am afraid. It is time for me to leave C. We have had a wonderful time D. I am sorry, I have to leave now


Teacher : Is there anything else you want to know? Students : That’s all I want know Teacher : Alright, then see you tomorrow class! The underlined utterance expresses __________ A. Greeting B. Apologizing C. Congratulation D. Leave taking


You are sending a friend off at the airport. He is going on a holiday. Just before he boards the plane, you say to him : A. Drive carefully! B. Have a good time! C. Do come again! D. Have a safe journey!


Setiawan : You know, I think I should be getting on my way. Djuharie : I should get going too Setiawan : _________________ A. Cheerio B. Please leave C. Chase me away D. Just go

10. One day you are celebrating your birthday party. Your friends gave you many presents. What did you say to them? A. It’s very kind of you to give me presents. Thank you very much B. I’m much obliged to you for your presents C. It’s pleasure D. That’s alright

Shared by: 11. Ratu : This Saturday night I am holding my birthday party. Why don’t you all come? Friends : We’d love to, thanks The underlined utterance is used ________________ A. to invite people B. to thank people C. to have an offer D. to have a leave-taking 12. Bobby : Will you go to the movie with me tonight? Henny : I’d love to but I don’t think I can. There’s so much homework to do. From the dialogue we know that Henny is _____________ A. stating agreement B. giving an opinion C. accepting an offer D. refusing the invitation 13. Susi : Lets go to the Jazz Festival tonight Yani : You go, please. Jazz is not my music. I’d better go back to my books. From the dialogue we know that Yani ______ Susi’s invitation A. Refuses C. Accepts B. Ignores D. Hates 14. If you wish to leave the classroom during a lesson, you say to your teacher: A. It’s time to leave B. I’m going out C. May I go out for a while D. I’ll be back in a minute 15. Passenger : Is it allowed to bring a bird on the plane? Custom officer : I am sorry, that is not allowed. The underlined utterance expresses ____________ A. Caution C. Permission B. Admiration D. Prohibition

16. Husband : Our car always troubles me Wife : Why don’t you sell it and buy a new one

Head Office: Jl. Tamalanrea Raya, BTP Grand Central Blok M B3, No. 12-16, Makassar, Indonesia Phone: +62 411 - 4774222

Husband : Well, I don’t have any objection to your idea as long as we can afford it. In the dialogue the husband expresses _________ A. sympathy B. capability C. agreement D. intolerance 17. Dora : What are you doing here, Boots? Boots : Oh, this is my house. I have just moved here with all the family. Dora : _________ meeting you here All surprise expressions below are correct, EXCEPT ____________ A. Oh, I forgot B. How strange C. Really, it’s hard to believe D. What a surprise 18. Kadita : How you heard that you will be choosen to be our school representative for the English Debating championship? Ratu : __________________ A. You are joking B. You are a joke C. I beg you pardon D. I can’t say anything 19. “Watch the TV tonight. My daughter is on TV channel 5 at eight. She always makes me happy. “Sure, I will” From the underlined words we know that the first speaker feels ________ her daughter A. proud of B. angry with C. disappointed at D. doubtful about 20. Susilo : Do you wants to listen to my new cassette? Yudhoyono : I’d love to The underlined words mean ___________ A. Susilo wants Yudhoyono to listen to the new cassette B. Yudhoyono is eager to listen to the new cassette

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Yudhoyono need Susilo’s new cassette D. Susilo wants Yudhoyono to listen to his new cassette 21. While you’re chatting with some friends, you suddenly sneeze. After that, you say to your friend : A. Excuse me B. Pardon me C. I didn’t mean it D. It was ac accident 22. X : Have you visited Bob? He got an accident last week. Y : Oh, poor Bob. I hope he’ll be better soon. The underlined sentence expresses __________ A. Sadness C. Expectation B. Sympathy D. Satisfaction 23. Mother : When the price of petrol rises, the price of all basic accommodation follows to rise. It always happen like this. Father : ___________ that out income will be sufficient if there is no increase in our salary A. I am sure C. It’s possible B. It’s certain D. I doubt 24. Yeni : What do you want to drink, Fuad? Tea of coffee Fuad : Well, I’d like some tea, please. Yeni : Do you want some sugar in your tea? Fuad : Yes, please The underlined words express _____________ A. thinking people B. inviting people C. asking for something D. offering something 25. You have a visitor. You want to offer her refreshment, so you say : A. Are you thirty ? B. Can I get you a drink? C. Do you drink ? D. Help yourself to the drinks in the refrigerator.

Head Office: Jl. Tamalanrea Raya, BTP Grand Central Blok M B3, No. 12-16, Makassar, Indonesia Phone: +62 411 - 4774222

26. Bachruddin : Do you think Lola will come? Mustafha : Perhaps, I’m not sure. The underlined word expresses _______________ A. an agreement B. an introduction C. a possibility D. a disagreement 27. Student 1 : Is man able to find an efficient way to convert the heat of the sun into energy? Student 2 : __________ because a lot of experiments have been done, and the result is quite positive. A. It’s quite improbable B. It’s out of the question C. I don't think it is possible D. There is always a chance 28. A tourist who has been going round the city is not sure of the way back to the hotel where he is staying. He stops a passer-by and asks : A. Is this the Rosan villa Hotel? B. Can you tell me how to get to the Rosan Villa Hotel? C. Do you stay in Rossan Vila Hotel? D. Is there Rossan Villa Hotel in this city? 29. In showing direction, what will you say to tell someone not to turn left nor right? A. Go straight ahead B. Take the left turning C. Follow the round-aboout D. Follow me! 30. Which of the following expressions does not belong to a suggestion? A. You have to obey the rules here B. Have you considered taking that joboffer? C. It might be a good idea take a walk right now D. What if we stayed a little longer here? 31. You go to a friend’s house. A lady, whom you do not know, opens the door. You ask : A. May I go in? B. Is this the right house?

Shared by: C. Is Rita at home? D. Do you know Rita? 32. You go and visit a friend who is ill in hospital. At the end of your visit, your say to him: A. Take care of yourself! B. What’s wrong with you? C. Get well soon! D. How are you getting on? 33. A : I never see you so nervous like this. What happens to you? B : I have to do this complicated task, but I do not know where to start. The underlined words express ______________ A. dissatisfaction B. incapability C. uncertainty D. disagreement 34. The following expressions are used to express capability, EXCEPT ___________ A. I’m good at persuading people B. I can defeat him C. I am capable of winning the game D. I’m afraid I’ll lose 35. The following expressions are used to ask for repetition, EXCEPT __________ A. Sorry ? B. Excuse me! C. I beg your pardon D. Please forgive me! 36. Ucup : Don’t speak too fast, I __________________ Said : Okay. A. know what you mean B. understand what you are talking about C. can’t catch what you’re saying D. can’t speak well 37. If you want to ask someone’s opinion, you will say the following expressions, EXCEPT ____ A. What do you think of my appearance? B. What’s your opinion of my appearance?

Head Office: Jl. Tamalanrea Raya, BTP Grand Central Blok M B3, No. 12-16, Makassar, Indonesia Phone: +62 411 - 4774222


What do you feel about appearance? D. What do you see from appearance?

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38. The Following questions are used to ask a description of think. EXCEPT _______ A. What is it like? B. What condition is it like? C. What make is it? D. How do you like it? 39. Rinaevi has _________ A. one sisters B. two brother C. two brothers D. one sister and two brother 40. He has finished completing math assignment. He will directly do _____ assignment ! A. Another C. Others B. The other D. The others 41. _______ White House announced that ____ president of ____ United States had reshuffled his cabinet. A. A – a – a B. The – a – the C. The – the – the D. The – the – a 42. Nunik generally leaves for work after eight. The underlined word means ________ A. Always C. Often B. Usually D. Sometimes 43. This is a fast train means ________ A. This train is fastly B. This is a train fastly C. The train runs fast D. The trainer is fasting 44. She walks as ________ as a snail. A. Slow C. Slowly B. To slow D. Too slowly 45. Has your sister drunk milk ______? A. this morning B. last night C. tomorrow morning

Shared by: D. yet 46. ____________ ? No, she hasn’t A. Has father told it B. Has uncle cooked C. Has Prabu come yet D. Has mother told it 47. My family have been living in Bandung _________ A. since three years B. after three years C. for three years D. last three years 48. The visitor of the village ______ to annual ceremony already. A. Came C. were coming B. have come D. will come 49. They _______ the computer game for two hours. A. have played B. have been playing C. played D. are playing 50. Every vacationmy brother goes away from home. He seldom ____ at home. A. stay B. stays C. stayed D. is going to stay 51. Which sentence is command? A. Pass me the salt! B. Please pass me the salt! C. Would you like to pass me the salt, please? D. Won’t you pass me the salt, please? 52. Choose the correct statement! A. Don't speaking loudly! B. Please, don’t speak loudly! C. Would you speak not loudly! D. Not speaking loudly! 53. I could not found the museum you told me about. I _________ the wrong bus. A. must have taken B. should take

Head Office: Jl. Tamalanrea Raya, BTP Grand Central Blok M B3, No. 12-16, Makassar, Indonesia Phone: +62 411 - 4774222

C. should have taken D. would have taken 54. You needn’t wait here. The italic words mean _______ A. mustn’t C. may not B. shouldn’t D. will not 55. Both of my brothers _____ not at home yesterday. A. Were C. Is B. Are D. Was 56. Most of the government officials ______ with a luxurious car and a lovely house. A. is accommodated B. are accommodated C. accommodate D. to accommodate 57. My brother and I were invited to attend the opening ceremony of our neighbor’s restaurant however, neither of us _______ A. are able to come B. have been able to come C. was able to come D. were able to come 58. Mr. Agus : Two kilograms of onion, please! Shop assistant : ____________ smaller onions or bigger one? A. Why do you like ? B. What do you want to do C. Which do you prefer D. How much do you need 59. ____________? Almost three years. A. Did you learns English B. When did you learn English C. Where are you learning English D. How long have you been learning English. 60. Let’s visit the Setiawans tomorrow, ____________? A. won’t we C. shall we B. do we D. aren’t we

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Head Office: Jl. Tamalanrea Raya, BTP Grand Central Blok M B3, No. 12-16, Makassar, Indonesia Phone: +62 411 - 4774222

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