SOC-1502 Self-Quiz Unit 3 PDF

Title SOC-1502 Self-Quiz Unit 3
Course Introduction to Sociology
Institution University of the People
Pages 13
File Size 600.3 KB
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Introduction to Sociology - Unit 3 Self-Quiz...


11/30/21, 7:59 PM

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review

Dashboard / My courses / SOC 1502 - AY2022-T2 / 25 November - 1 December / Self-Quiz Unit 3

Started on

Tuesday, 30 November 2021, 10:26 PM

State Finished Completed on Time taken Marks

Tuesday, 30 November 2021, 10:48 PM 22 mins 16 secs 24.00/25.00

Grade 9.60 out of 10.00 (96%) Question


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A convicted sexual offender is released on parole and arrested two weeks later for repeated sexual crimes. How would labelling theory explain this?

Select one: a.

The offender has been labelled deviant by society and has accepted this master status.

b. The offender has returned to his old neighbourhood and so re-established his former habits. c.

The offender has lost the social bonds he made in prison and feels disconnected from society.

d. The offender is poor and coping with conditions of oppression and inequality.

The correct answer is: The offender has been labelled deviant by society and has accepted this master status.



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which person best illustrates opportunities for upward social mobility in Canada?

Select one: a.

First-shift factory worker

b. First-generation college student c.

Firstborn son who inherits the family business

d. First-time interviewee who is hired for a job

The correct answer is: First-generation college student


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

When Karl Marx said workers experience alienation, he meant that workers __________.

Select one: a.

Must labour alone, without companionship

b. Do not feel connected to their work c.

Move from one geographical location to another

d. Have to put forth self-effort to get ahead

The correct answer is: Do not feel connected to their work



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What factor makes class systems open?

Select one: a.

They allow for movement between the classes.

b. People are more open-minded. c.

People are encouraged to socialize within their class.

d. They do not have clearly defined layers.

The correct answer is: They allow for movement between the classes.


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

In Canada, most people define themselves as __________.

Select one: a.

Middle class

b. Upper class c.

Lower class

d. No specific class

The correct answer is: Middle class



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Mary works full-time at an office downtown while her young children stay at a neighbour's house. She's just learned that the child care provider is leaving the country. Mary has succumbed to pressure to volunteer at her church, plus her ailing mother-in-law will be moving in with her next month. Which of the following is likely to occur as Mary tries to balance her existing and new responsibilities?

Select one: a.

role strain

b. self-fulfilling prophecy c.

status conflict

d. status strain

The correct answer is: role strain


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following best depicts Marx's concept of alienation from the process of one's labour?

Select one: a.

A supermarket cashier always scans store coupons before company coupons because she was taught to do it that way.

b. A businessman feels that he deserves a raise, but is nervous to ask his manager for one; instead, he comforts himself with the idea that hard work is its own reward. c.

An associate professor is afraid that she won't be given tenure and starts spreading rumours about one of her associates to make herself look better.

d. A construction worker is laid off and takes a job at a fast food restaurant temporarily, although he has never had an interest in preparing food before.

The correct answer is: A supermarket cashier always scans store coupons before company coupons because she was taught to do it that way.



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Structural mobility occurs when __________.

Select one: a.

An individual moves up the class ladder

b. An individual moves down the class ladder c.

A large group moves up or down the class ladder due to societal changes

d. A member of a family belongs to a different class than his or her siblings

The correct answer is: A large group moves up or down the class ladder due to societal changes


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following fictional societies is an example of a pastoral society?

Select one: a.

the Deswan people, who live in small tribes and base their economy on the production and trade of textiles

b. the Rositian Clan, a small community of farmers who have lived on their family's land for centuries c.

the Hunti, a wandering group of nomads who specialize in breeding and training horses

d. the Amaganda, an extended family of warriors who serve a single noble family

The correct answer is: the Hunti, a wandering group of nomads who specialize in breeding and training horses



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Conflict theorists view capitalists as those who __________.

Select one: a.

Are ambitious

b. Fund social services c.

Spend money wisely

d. Get rich while workers stay poor

The correct answer is: Get rich while workers stay poor


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following situations best describes crime trends in Canada?

Select one: a.

Rates of violent and nonviolent crimes are decreasing.

b. Rates of violent crimes are decreasing, but there are more nonviolent crimes now than ever before. c.

Crime rates have skyrocketed since the 1970s due to lax court rulings.

d. Rates of street crime have gone up, but corporate crime has gone down.

The correct answer is: Rates of violent and nonviolent crimes are decreasing.



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is an example of corporate crime?

Select one: a.


b. Larceny c.


d. Burglary

The correct answer is: Embezzlement


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following best describes how deviance is defined?

Select one: a.

Deviance is defined by federal, provincial, and local laws.

b. Deviance's definition is determined by one's religion. c.

Deviance occurs whenever someone else is harmed by an action.

d. Deviance is socially defined.

The correct answer is: Deviance is socially defined.



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which graphic concept best illustrates the concept of social stratification?

Select one: a.

Pie chart

b. Flag poles c.

Planetary movement

d. Pyramid

The correct answer is: Pyramid


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Societies practise social control to maintain __________.

Select one: a.

Formal sanctions

b. Social order c.

Cultural deviance

d. Sanction labelling

The correct answer is: Social order



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following scenarios is an example of intergenerational mobility?

Select one: a.

A janitor belongs to the same social class as his grandmother did.

b. An executive belongs to a different class than her parents. c.

An editor shares the same social class as his cousin.

d. A lawyer belongs to a different class than her sister.

The correct answer is: An executive belongs to a different class than her parents.


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Organic solidarity is most likely to exist in which of the following types of societies?

Select one: a.


b. industrial c.


d. feudal

The correct answer is: industrial



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A student wakes up late and realizes her sociology exam starts in five minutes. She jumps into her car and speeds down the road, where she is pulled over by a police officer. The student explains that she is running late, and the officer lets her off with a warning. The student's actions are an example of __________.

Select one: a.

Primary deviance

b. Positive deviance c.

Secondary deviance

d. Master deviance

The correct answer is: Primary deviance


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The GNI PPP figure represents __________.

Select one: a.

A country's total accumulated wealth

b. Annual government spending c.

The average annual income of a country's citizens

d. A country's debt

The correct answer is: The average annual income of a country's citizens



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

According to Marx, the __________ own the means of production in a society.

Select one: a.


b. vassals c.


d. anomie

The correct answer is: bourgeoisie


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The Protestant work ethic is based on the concept of predestination, which states that __________.

Select one: a.

performing good deeds in life is the only way to secure a spot in Heaven

b. salvation is only achievable through obedience to God c.

no person can be saved before he or she accepts Jesus Christ as his or her saviour

d. God has already chosen those who will be saved and those who will be damned

The correct answer is: God has already chosen those who will be saved and those who will be damned



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

According to the concept of the power elite, why would a celebrity such as Charlie Sheen commit a crime?

Select one: a.

Because his parents committed similar crimes

b. Because his fame protects him from retribution c.

Because his fame disconnects him from society

d. Because he is challenging socially accepted norms

The correct answer is: Because his fame protects him from retribution


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What factor makes caste systems closed?

Select one: a.

They are run by secretive governments.

b. People cannot change their social standings. c.

Most have been outlawed.

d. They exist only in rural areas.

The correct answer is: People cannot change their social standings.



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

According to social disorganization theory, where is crime most likely to occur?

Select one: a.

A community where neighbours don't know each other very well

b. A neighbourhood with mostly elderly citizens c.

A city with a large minority population

d. A college campus with students who are very competitive

The correct answer is: A community where neighbours don't know each other very well


11/30/21, 7:59 PM Question

Self-Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Occupational prestige means that jobs are __________.

Select one: a.

all equal in status

b. not equally valued c.

assigned to a person for life

d. not part of a person's self-identity

The correct answer is: not equally valued

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