Soc 302 The City and Society PDF

Title Soc 302 The City and Society
Course The City and Society
Institution Ryerson University
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Week 1

Robert Coles Biography REVIEW

Robert Coles is a well known American psychiatrist who studied mainly on children development and morals. He had studied at a few places. He started off at a Boston Latin school and then made his way over to Harvard College to get his BA . At the time when he got into Harvard he was majoring in English at the time and then he began writing to a well known writer known as William Carlos. Eventually he went to New Jersey to finally meet William and from there his whole idea of studying English changed. William made Robert realize that studying premedical courses was the way to go. So from there on he went back home to study premedical courses and eventually made his way to university of Columbia where he then switched his course to child Psychiatrist . From then on he realized he really wanted to do work with children. He went into studying their morals and how their mind forms after he left the military in 1960. He went to writing many books and came with the theory that “moral conduct and moral character takes shape in children”. His studies all surrounded the morals of children. If it wasn’t for his friend William Carlos he never would of went down the road to study children development.


Whe nIs t a r t e dr e a di n gi t , i twa sha r dt of ol l o wa n dr e a ds oIbe c a me c onf us e d. Asi twe ntonIg o tt heha n go fi ta ndi twa s n ’ ts oba d .Wi t ha l lt h e p i c t u r e sIt h ou g htf o rawh i l et h a tIc o ul dj us tl o oka tt hepi c t u r e sa nds ki m o v e rt het e x t . Af t e rac e r t a i na mo un to ft i meIf o un dt ha tIwa sj u s tgu e s s i n g wh a tha dha p pe ne dne xta ndIwa s n ’ tr e a l l yr e a d i n gt hes t o r ya ta l l . Ib a c k t r a c k e da ndr e a dt h et e x ta n di tbe c a memu c hc l e a r e rwh a tt h es t o r ywa s e s s e n t i a l l ya bo ut . I ’ mmo r eo fap e r s o nwh ol i k e sfir s tpe r s o nn a r r a t i on n o v e l ss oId o n ’ tt h i nkIwi l lg ol oo ki n ga r ou ndf o ra n ymo r eg r a p hi cn o v e l s . Tomet ha twa sa ne xp e r i me n ta nda ne x pe r i e n c et ha tIh a dt ol o oki nt o b e f o r eIc o ul ds a yt ha tIl i k eno v e l sb e t t e r . I ti s n ’ tt ha tt heg r a p hi cno v e l sa r e c h i l d i s horn o te nt e r t a i ni n gt or e a d, Ij u s tt hi n kt ha ton c ey o ul i k eac e r t a i n f or mo fr e a di n g , ora n yt hi n gf ort h a tma t t e ry ous t i c kwi t hi t .Ie n j o yn o v e l s s ot ha t ’ swha tIwi l ls t i c kt o . Ho we v e rt h i se x pe r i e nc ewi l lpr o ba bl yl e a dme t or e a da no t he rg r a p hi cno v e la ts o mepo i nto ra n o t h e r .Ij u s tdo n ’ tt h i nkI wi l lg os e a r c h i n ga r o u ndf orag o odg r a p hi cno v e lt or e a dl i k eIwo ul da

b oo k. WEEK 3 ESPANIA

Bienvenidos a República Dominicana

Located on the Island of Hispaniola. Second biggest country in the Caribbean. 20 distinct geographical regions. 18 657 square miles long. Larger than the Bahamas, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands all combined. Year round tropical weather. Offers an estimated 1,000 miles of gorgeous beaches.


explored by Columbus on his first voyage in 1492. Started off with dramatic political and economical

Had to fight for its independence several times under two colonial european powers : Spain and France republic was hopelessly bankrupt by 1905


Cultura-Idiomas, raíces étnicas, celebraciones

Majority speak spanish English and spanish are the two main languages Very Friendly culture known for Flamenco music and dance,bullfights, fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine There break starts from the beginning of December all the way to February

Carnival is celebrated the entire month of Febrero/ February filling each weekend with parades, events and competitions.

The celebration brings with it so much color and tradition from the vivid colors of the costumes, the spirited music and lively dancing.



Dominican Republic usually has very warm climates year round. The temperatures go from 17° 36, - 19° 58, In the morning the temperate is 32°C and in the evening it is usually 23°C The lowest temperatures in the mountain areas near Constanza, where temperatures have dropped to 0°C

Clima Lugares de interés Entertainment



300 has a real good plot development. When reading the graphic novel you can literally pick out all the points in the story from the exposition to the resolution. You can see the key actions that set off every section for the plot. From the start of the graphic novel you see all of the Spartan’s training with each other. It then gets into a scene where the men are gathered speaking about King Leonidas and how he became the man he is. It gives a brief background on his life and the story of Sparta. That is the exposition because that is how the story starts off. It notifies the reader of why he is the leader and why he was chosen for that duty. The rising action would be when the Persian messenger came about with a message for them. The message was to quietly surrender. Kind Leonidas did not like that so he sent the Persian down the well for eternity. That set off the war so all men

had to be ready and suited up to go fight for their loved ones and for Sparta. The climax of the story is the battle itself. For days they fought each other. The Spartans would be winning the battle because of how much Persians they killed with the little amount of men that they had. For days they camped around the gates of Greece waiting for the Persians to come in with their new army. Eventually it went on till the numbers got bigger and the warriors got more violent. The falling action would be when the Spartans realized the were way to out numbered for their battle. Eventually they were all killed and King Leonidas was murdered in the end along with his fellow men. The resolution is when King Leonidas’s main capitan ,Capital Dilos was telling the story back home to the other warriors and being able to gather a next 10,000 men and now taking them to go fight for victory once again. Basically the Spartans didn’t win the fight but they won the war because of how much Persians they had killed in the long run. This graphic novel did a great job of splitting the story up into

chapters where you can see how the plot develops. The chapter goes onto different sections of a regular plot (exposition ,rising action ,ect). It was a real easy and understandable read.

WEEK 5 Theme: Land

A theme that arose often in Green Grass Running Water was land. Land is a big issue even today to native peoples. A specific issue in the novel was the invasion the dam had being doing to their native land, and Eli fought it and stayed strong.

Today, an 1172 kilometre long, 5.5-billion dollar, pipeline, is being proposed to be constructed through native land. Native call for environmental protection is strong yet still neglected by industries such as Enbridge with this pipeline, as well as many other industries like forestry and mining.


Fake Nose: Charlie’s father, a Hollywood actor, acts as an Indian in the movies, and is told to wear a fake nose to look more “Indian”

-Symbolizing the Hollywood media bent image of Native Peoples of North America.

Dam: The dam very near Eli’s house causes Eli lots of stress and lots of fighting against the industry representatives. - This is symbolizing the constant invasion of native land and environmental destruction. Also symbolizing the ignorance of the industrial companies of what the land means to the native people. They only think of money and themselves not the native people and the environment.

Touchstones Nelson: Museum of Art and History


Water: - Can symbolize their culture and other cultures that it is constantly flowing and ever changing. - The flow of the story, representing how it is moving and never ending. - Puddles and ponds and bodies of water showing disconnection, water isn’t all together.

Missing cars in river: Charlie, Alberta, and Dr. Hovaugh all loose their American built cars mysteriously, found floating down the river into the damn destroying it, concluding that the 4 Indian spirits did this, to solve the dam problem. - These cars floating down the river symbolize that American cars are what ended up destroying what the natives were fighting the whole time.

Christianity references: Earth Started with nothing, darkness, and then a garden. - Noah is portrayed as a pervert, saying “Christian Rules” using them and procreating as an excuse to ask Thought Woman for sex.

The Map: Symbolizing unity in the novel through broken up pieces. The map Is made of many televisions, the book is put together in a lot of fragmented sections.


- Connie, Police officer that gives Alberta a ride, is a police officer but only allowed to do desk work. -Alberta talks about men only being good to procreate. Lesbian?

WEEK 8 Pure Violence

Murder, drugs, rape all small ingredients put together to create one perfect recipe, that is known as the media. When going out to a movie theatre most would rather see the action movie rather than the children’s movie. When going out to rent a game, usually the gory, dangerous , mind-blowing video game is the one that is flying off the shelf. Violence is found everywhere no matter the situation people will always be exposed to it one way or another. Even though the media just wants to make their products sell, they do not always realize the effects that is has on their viewers through their outlets of movies, music, video games and the internet. When watching a movie you never realize how much you are actually being sucked in. Movies like Saw, Kill Bill and Pay Check are three perfect examples. When we watch those movies we do not realize we are secretly actually learning something. That is ways to kill people or torture them. You learn how to tie someone up and make ways for them to fight for their life. Now maybe nobody has ever actually tried to do those psychotic acts to someone but researchers at Wake Front University have found out that violence is usually learned through behaviour (Osborn, B).

That could mean a six year old child could somehow view these movies and then the next day as a joke take a knife to someone and think it is a funny little game. In movie’s they portray someone as a “good guy” and “bad guy”. There is a huge negative effect to that and it is the good guy is sometimes forced to do wrong things. The comic book hero is a perfect example. When watching the Punisher movie you see him literally massacre allot of people. That can send the wrong message, which is that killing people is alright as long as you mean it for the greater good. Movies that are 18A or rated R are usually most violent. The truth is most people who go see those movies with those ratings are usually younger people. In those movies like Scarface,

being a drug lord is idolized. Many teens will take it as it is cool and that people like Tony Montana are Gods. You see he has all the women, money and the power. At Nineteen years old that is what you are looking for, so it may influence you to go ahead and start dealing drugs and holding a weapon on you. That will slowly take you into allot of trouble all because the message was portrayed to you wrong. The company the produced the film just wanted to make money but their movie made a huge impact on

many lives. Although movies have a high violence rate music takes violence to the next level. When music started out it began as a nice soft classical sound. Slowly and slowly it got louder, aggressive and just offensive. Whatever genre of music you listen to, you will find a artist who pushes the barriers and curses their heart out. The songs also contain mentions of drugs, depression and violence. Music has a huge connection with emotions, whether you are sad, mad, happy or depresses there will always be a song to suit the emotion. Now when the mood is down the angry and sad songs tend to comfort you the most because you can relate to them at the time. All these songs tell stories which are very easily relatable to. The song No Love by Eminem is full of violent lyrics within the song. “Put a dick in her mouth so i guess its f*** what they say. I’m high as a b**** up up and away, It’s weezy mother***** blood gang and I’m in bleed mode”. That one verse right there is full of violence. He speaks on shutting up a woman by sexual manner. Then smoking away all his problems and then shouts out his gang stating that he is in “bleed mode” which means he will always be devoted and true to them. Currently that song is on the top charts meaning anyone can hear it. That is an example of one song, now think of all the millions of songs out there people listen to every single day that are like that.

Eventually if you are always hearing that you are bound to sing it and get influenced by it. A study at the prevention research center showed that rap music is linked to a high amount of teen violence nowadays (Gordon, Ed). Look in our own community of Pickering. The area of Pickering Parkway is known as the “ghetto” of Pickering. When you go through it you see a bunch of high school students who claim to be

rappers living the hood lifestyle. A good amount of these teens no longer attend school because they got so much into this rap game as they call it that they believe they will become famous. Sad thing is all of their motivation is coming from rappers who did the same thing of dropping out of school at a young age. Majority of the famous artists never completed high school or even got a high school diploma. They are literally making double the money than someone who actually went to school and studied for years to become a doctor. Even in their songs they mention how great their lifestyle of parting and drinking is. So it is not really a mystery as to why these kids are getting sucked in so easily. You hear these songs almost everywhere you go, it is almost impossible to dodge it. Music is a big influence on violence in the media but video games puts violence right at the palm of your hands.

In 2003 a seventeen year old boy named Devin Thompson was arrested for grand theft auto and murder of two police officers and a dispatcher (Press, Associated). Where did his influence come from? The very popular game known as “Grand Theft Auto.” This is a perfect example of a game that puts violence to the full limit. You are able to literally able to do anything from having sex with prostitutes, deal drugs, murder people and of course grand theft auto. Now Devin Thompson was taken to court and admitted he had learned all of this from the video game which he plays hours on end. This video game series in total has made one hundred and twenty million dollars in total .People from all ages play these games on regular daily basis and are attached to it. These games are top sellers and they all revolve around murder and harsh violence. For hours on end people sit and play these games nonstop. It begins to take over their life and changes their attitude even. In Brampton Ontario a young boy ran away from home after a huge fight with his parents because they would not allow him to play Call Of Duty (Doolittle, R). People become so addicted that it creates anger within them and they want to fight to keep playing it. If you ever play online and speak with other players around the world, they are all rude to you and are ready to argue for ever. They take their revenge on you by killing you in the game

and then smack talk to you for hours. It makes you realize how violent people can get while playing these games. Just imagine how they are in real life. Not only do video games cause anger but they promote violence in small secret ways. When you play Mario there are places where you must jump onto a mushroom and kill them. Mario is a rated E game and that right there is murder. Little kids are able to play these games. The wrong message can get sent through to them right there. Even though video games have a huge key to violence by being able to control every movement, there is a even bigger outlet to violence and that is the internet.

WEEK 9 There are no limits to what you can do on the internet. It is literally a whole world online. You are able to just type in whatever is on your mind

and millions of links will come to you with a push of a button. On the internet there is not much filters so you can access anything you would like. 1. There are website ads that are full of violence. “Kill the duck to win a IPod” is one or even “click here to see the world’s most disturbing videos” which usually shows a picture of a dog and a knife and you must click to see more. It is wrong for anyone to even want to see those pictures as a joke. It creates disturbing thoughts in your mind but you are so easily taken in by the ads and the way it is presented to you. You will want to look at it because nobody can stop you and it looks like it would be interesting. The internet is also a huge tool for violence as well because people are able to use the web to go around and harass others. Cyber bulling comes in different forms like speaking on messenger, Facebook or even posting a picture of someone in a rude manner. People now use it to “smack talk others” as Education Digest put it Almost forty- five percent of students are currently being bullied (Feinberg, T). It is from making fun of them to threatening to kill them. Allot of the messages can be anonymous so the victim will never know who it was. Cyber bulling has become a huge issue because many people use it as a tool to get at someone and it can lead to

sever dysfunction, externalized violence and even suicide (Robey, N). The violence within cyber bulling varies because it has different effects on different people; some are real


The internet also has a very popular use that many people go on which is for pornography. Pornography is well known to be seen on the internet

with ease. It is not hard to access it. The problem is that porn is begging to show disturbing violence forms of sex known as a “fetish”. These videos show women being tied up and being sexually harassed n various ways. To some it is amazing, but to many it is disgusting. It is a form of rape to tie a woman and perform sexual pleasures on them. The Western society is now taking legal action towards websites with these sort of videos because it is demeaning to women (Mankiler,W). The internet has many good resources to it but it also has the bad sides. Soon enough these sites will hopefully be taken away along with their ads and cyber bulling will be taken control of, so it may be safe to go online. With all these sources of violence it is easily seen why the audience can act the way they do at times. They are being repeatedly influenced. With movies they are basically visually learning violent techniques; music is coming through sound and sending a violent message. Video games and the internet is all in your control. You can see and do what you what, when you want. Violence in the media is around us all the time. Even though the media is just trying to sell their product they do not realize the effects it has on viewers through movies, music, video games and internet....

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