Soc Graded Exam #1-3 - Assignment material PDF

Title Soc Graded Exam #1-3 - Assignment material
Author Muhammad Faheem Paracha
Course Biology, Genes & Behavior: Living with Our Genes
Institution Delta College
Pages 12
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Graded Exam #1

(877) 787-8375 SOC101_MH_V5



Topic 3: Culture and Society

Started on Saturday, February 20, 2021, 4:45 AM State Finished Completed on Saturday, February 20, 2021, 5:43 AM Time taken 57 mins 17 secs Points 104.18/125.01 Grade 104.17 out of 125.00 (83%) Feedback You’re off to a good start. A course grade of 70% is required to request a transcript. You’ve met that for the rst exam already, but if you want to reattempt for a higher grade you can retake this assessment. Study hard for each exam, and consider using tutoring anytime you get stuck. Remember that 10 hours of tutoring are provided to you through your StraighterLine membership.

Question 1 Correct 4.18 points out

Which sociologist translated the works of Auguste Comte into English and emphasized the impact the economy, laws, trade, and population could have on contemporary social problems?

of 4.18

Select one: a. Émile Durkheim b. Jane Addams c. Harriet Martineau d. Talcott Parsons



Question 2 Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Graded Exam #1

Which social science would be interested in studying individual cases of emotional stress among workers, investors, and business owners? Select one: a. History b. Economics c. Sociology d. Psychology

Question 3

Sociology, anthropology, economics, and history are elds within the

Correct 4.18 points out of 4.18

Select one: a. natural sciences. b. social sciences. c. medical sciences. d. humanities.

Question 4

Émile Durkehim's cross-cultural study of suicide falls under the category of

Incorrect 0.00 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. mesosociology. b. microsociology. c. global sociology. d. macrosociology.



Question 5 Correct

Graded Exam #1

The scientic study of social behavior and human groups is known as _____d

4.17 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. psychology. b. political science. c. anthropology. d. sociology.

Question 6

W. E. B. DuBois developed the concept of

Incorrect 0.00 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. double consciousness. b. racial fetishism. c. double rejection. d. bipolar racism.

Question 7

What is considered to be the major theme of analysis in sociology today?

Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. social inequality b. individual inferiority c. genetic inuences d. mental disturbance



Question 8 Correct 4.17 points out

Graded Exam #1

Which sociological perspective would view sports as serving as a safety valve for both participants and spectators, allowing them to shed tension and aggressive energy in a socially acceptable way?

of 4.17

Select one: a. functionalist perspective b. conict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. feminist perspective

Question 9 Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Critics of television often suggest that executives of major television networks and movie corporations are wealthy White males who decide which programs or movies will be produced and which directors and actors will obtain jobs in the industry. This analysis reects the Select one: a. functionalist perspective. b. conict perspective. c. interactionist perspective. d. global perspective.

Question 10

Which of the following statements is true?

Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. Clinical sociologists take direct responsibility for implementing their ideas. b. There are no established methods for educating clinical sociologists. c. Applied and clinical sociology are the same. d. Clinical sociology has existed for only the last 20 years.



Question 11 Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Graded Exam #1

Which of the following is true regarding actions by the Exxon Corporation after the 1989 Valdez disaster? Select one: a. Exxon solicited anthropologists to do research on jury deliberations. b. Exxon offered research money for sociologists doing research on jury deliberations. c. Due to the controversy, none of the research funded by Exxon was published in peer-reviewed journals. d. Ultimately, Exxon settled the case and awarded each plaintiff close to $100,000.

Question 12 Correct

A study is being done on the effects of a new antibiotic on cognitive ability. In this scenario, the antibiotic is considered to be the

4.17 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. experimental group. b. control group. c. independent variable. d. dependent variable.

Question 13

Which of the following statements is true of cell phone users?

Incorrect 0.00 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. Cell phone users are more likely to answer all incoming calls. b. Cell phone users are more likely to complete surveys. c. There is a higher proportion of non-adults on cell phones. d. There is a higher proportion of females on cell phones.



Question 14 Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Graded Exam #1

Adler and Adler's work on self-injury reects which of the three major sociological approaches? Select one: a. global, functionalist, and interactionist perspectives b. conict, interactionist, and global perspectives c. interactionist, global, and feminist perspectives d. functionalist, conict, and interactionist perspectives

Question 15

A research design is a(n)

Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. explanation of an abstract concept that is specic enough to allow a researcher to measure the concept. b. speculative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. c. indicator of attitudes, behaviors, or characteristics of people or organizations. d. detailed plan or method for scientically obtaining data.

Question 16 Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Sociological studies have indicated that people who are married are less likely to commit suicide than people who are divorced. In this example, marital status is a(n) Select one: a. hypothesis. b. independent variable. c. dependent variable. d. index.



Question 17 Correct 4.17 points out

Graded Exam #1

What term do sociologists use to describe the phenomenon whereby subjects deviate from their typical behavior because they realize they are under observation?

of 4.17

Select one: a. the control group effect b. a spurious response c. the Hawthorne effect d. skewing

Question 18

Sociologists consider secondary analysis to be

Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. more valid than other forms of research. b. more reliable than other forms of research. c. a nonreactive form of research. d. an outdated mode of research.

Question 19 Correct

When conducting ethnographic research as a participant observer, the investigator must

4.17 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. develop friendships with key members of the study group. b. not be concerned about gaining acceptance by the study group. c. maintain some degree of detachment. d. use the same persona in the control group as he or she did with the study group.



Question 20 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 4.17

Graded Exam #1

Which of the following statements regarding Ogas and Gaddam's 2011 study on human sexual behaviour is true? Select one: a. Ogas and Gaddam could not distinguish between online fantasies and rational desires. b. Ogas and Gaddam were unable to differentiate the data pertaining to the web searches and the websites. c. Ogas and Gaddam found that women and men do not differ in their preferences. d. Ogas and Gaddam were able to distinguish between a single and repeated search by the same person.

Question 21

Culture lag occurs because people in most societies are

Incorrect 0.00 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. less likely to resist change to their material culture. b. less likely to resist change to their nonmaterial culture. c. more likely to modify cultural universals. d. less likely to change their folkways.

Question 22

Norms that are generally understood but not precisely recorded are known as

Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. mores. b. sanctions. c. informal norms. d. formal norms.



Question 23

Graded Exam #1

Which of the following is an example of an ethnocentric belief?

Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. Viewing Middle Eastern countries as developed and equal counterparts b. Acknowledging that the child-rearing practice of African cultures are successful c. Being repelled by the American practice of living in a household with dogs and cats d. Appreciating the Hindu religion's belief that cows are sacred

Question 24 Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others is called Select one: a. culture shock. b. cultural relativism. c. ethnocentrism. d. value stability.

Question 25 Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Which sociological perspective argues that the most powerful groups and institutions control wealth, property, and the means of producing beliefs about reality through religion, education, and the media? Select one: a. Functionalist perspective b. Conict perspective c. Interactionist perspective d. Global perspective



Question 26

Graded Exam #1

A subculture is

Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. a segment of society that shares a distinctive pattern of customs, rules, and traditions that differs from the pattern of the larger group. b. a large number of people who live in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside it, and participate in a common culture. c. the totality of learned, socially transmitted behavior. d. a specialized language that is used by members of a group.

Question 27 Correct 4.17 points out

In the study of language, which sociological perspective suggests that genderrelated language reects the traditional acceptance of men and women into certain occupations?

of 4.17

Select one: a. Functionalist perspective b. Conict perspective c. Interactionist perspective d. Feminist perspective

Question 28

Which of the following is a criticism of globalization?

Correct 4.17 points out of 4.17

Select one: a. It creates a notion of cultural domination of the developing nations by the more auent nations. b. It helps nations take their place in the world of commerce and brings in income. c. It helps people stay connected via the communications revolution. d. It gives nations access to knowledge that can improve living standards and save lives.



Graded Exam #1

Question 29

A new Ford Explorer can be considered


Select one:

4.17 points out

a. material culture.

of 4.17

b. nonmaterial culture. c. an argot. d. substance culture.

Question 30

Psychologist Shalom Schwartz researched values in more than 60 countries and found which of the following values widely shared?

Correct 4.17 points out

Select one:

of 4.17

a. Benevolence b. Holding grudges c. Disloyalty d. Power

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