Socialism - i need lottery tickets pls PDF

Title Socialism - i need lottery tickets pls
Author rochelle burkin
Course Introduction to Politics and Government
Institution Simon Fraser University
Pages 3
File Size 89.1 KB
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SOCIALISM Sanders, viewers were to understand, was a relic, a political dinosaur whose ideological D N A had somehow been preserved in amber. His platform—free post-secondary education, wealth redistribution, and more regulations for Wall Street—bore the hallmarks of an unregenerate leftist.

“instead of fighting for political centre the NDP should return to its principals” Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect. “a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.” Simple definition “Socialism is an economic and political system where the ways of making a living (factories, offices, etc.) are owned by the workers who run them and the people who depend on them.” Advantage Under socialism, workers are no longer exploited because they own the means of production. Profits are spread equitably among all workers according to their individual contribution. But the cooperative system also provides for those who can't work. It meets their basic needs for the good of the whole society. The system eliminates poverty. It provides equal access to health care and education. No one is discriminated against. Everyone works at what one is best at and what one enjoys. If society needs jobs to be done that no one wants, it offers higher compensation to make it worthwhile.

Disadvantage The biggest disadvantage of socialism is that it relies on the cooperative nature of humans to work. It ignores those within society who are competitive, not cooperative. Competitive people

tend to seek ways to overthrow and disrupt society for their own gain. Capitalism harnesses this "greed is good" drive. Socialism pretends it doesn't exist. As a result, socialism doesn't reward people for being entrepreneurial. It struggles to be as innovative as a capitalistic society. A third disadvantage is that the government has a lot of power. This works as long as it represents the wishes of the people. But government leaders can abuse this position and claim power for themselves. Ex of socialist countries: Norway, Sweden, Denmark CONSERVATISM holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.

Tutorial stuff Liberalism Rational beings Value: absolute independence Representative democracy (b/c we’re rational beings) Rights(human): the idea of protecting human rights (should not be abused, no wrongful persecutions) Morality: the choice is up to the people. Cannot impose one another’s morality upon others. Economy: free market is promoted Political analysis: politics is a struggle for freedom Conservatism Human nation: humans are evil, imperfect, violent by nature therefore they must be controlled. Values: order and stability, no room for chaos nor anarchy. (most important) Political System: impose!! Traditional institutions (not just religious), must preserve values (ex. USA – Christianity, Thailand – Buddhism, Sweden – Democracy). Rights: Balanced by the duty (if I contribute to the system, I am safe; if I do not, I have no rights). Economy: a small agreement with liberals – free market as long as there is a social harmony (must be controlled) Political analysis: promote radical … (ex. Get rid of this race and this religion and then we’ll have harmony)

Socialism Human nature is open to corporatism, so we have a vibrant, healthly, peaceful environment. NO one is more privileged Political system: people run everything. Rights: universal socialism (it’s promoted) Morality: people’s values should be promoted by government Economy: planned economy, state ownership Political: make sure there is no class, all are equal. Fascism Should feel love, patristic Values: loyalty to the nation/state Political system: authoritarian, national conflict, should be in struggle of eliminating others to mxiamum themselves. Rights: devote your life to the wellbeing of the state Morality: heroic values Economy: cooperate state economy...

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