Sociology essay (20 mark) match of progress PDF

Title Sociology essay (20 mark) match of progress
Course Introducing Sociology
Institution The University of Edinburgh
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includes march of progress, includes a plan, different explanations of child hood, includes different views - feminist. also included explanations of what childhood is...


Eve Bewick Evaluate sociological explanations of changes in the status of childhood (20 mark) Plan •introduction (discuss topic) •sociologists view of childhood - discuss two conflicting views •industrial vs medieval •march of progress and child liberationist views I will be evaluating the different explanations of the changes in the status of childhood by sociologists. Sociologists see childhood as something that is socially constructed and defined by society. They say that childhood differs depending on the child’s culture, eras and place. This idea is supported by showing the western idea of childhood compared to the medieval idea. Today’s idea of childhood is that there is a clear distinction between adult hood and childhood. This is shown to us in many different ways, for example there are laws put in place to protect children, regulating what they can and can’t do. Another way this is shown to us is through products and services that a specifically marketed towards children, toys, games. However, this view of childhood isn’t found in all societies. Some sociologists argue that because childhood is social constructed not each individual will experience it the same way. Phillip Aries is a sociologist that argues in pre-industrial society childhood didn’t exist. Aries says that children were expected to work at much earlier ages, sometimes as early as six years old, he also states that there was little distinction between the laws of children and adults. In mediaeval society there were no child protection laws in place to protect children from adults. This supports Aries idea of a non-existent childhood. Aries argues that it is only from after this century that childhood is a distinct phase of life from adult hood. Overall Aries argument is stating that childhood as we know it today is a somewhat recent intervention. Since this time there has been factors to leading the changes in position of children. Laws changed restricting child labour and excluded them from unpaid work, this also meant that children are now financially dependent on their families rather than an economic asset. Many other laws have also changed around child welfare. The growth of the idea of children rights. The Children Act defines parents as having responsibilities rather than rights in relation to children. Declining family size and lower infant mortality rates. These have encouraged parents to make a greater financial and emotional investment in the fewer children that they now have. Laws and rules have also been applied to separate children from adults such as legal ages for smoking and sex. Many sociologists agree that the change from pre-industrial to industrialised society was a major factor in the change in childhood status. Modern industrial society needs a educated workforce which has prompted the change in compulsory schooling, the overall higher living standards has been a possible lead to lower infant mortality rates. Therefore, industrialisation is a key factor in the modern-day idea of childhood. The ‘march of progress’ view argues that, over the past few centuries, the position of children in Western societies has been steadily improving and today is better than it has ever been. Aries and Shorter hold a ‘march of progress’ view. They argue that today’s children are

more valued, better cared for, protected, and educated, enjoy better health and have more rights than those of previous generations. For example, children today are protected from harm and exploitation by laws against child abuse and child labour, the family has become child-centred, with parents investing a great deal in their children emotionally as well as financially. Conflict sociologists such as Marxists and Feminists dispute this. They argue that society is based on a conflict between different social groups such as social classes or genders. Some groups have more power, status, or wealth than others. There are inequalities among children in terms of the opportunities and risks they face: many today remain unprotected and badly cared for. The inequalities between children and adults are greater than ever. Children today experience greater control, oppression and dependency, not greater care, and protection....

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