Idea of Progress notion PDF

Title Idea of Progress notion
Course Anglais 1
Institution Université Toulouse-Jean-Jaurès
Pages 2
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Notion idée de progrès ...


Idea of progress I chose to introduce the notion of idea of progress, but first I would like to define it. It can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, but always positive. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. We can wonder to what extent can scientific improvements be seen as progress. We will first see that scientific advances have revolutionized our world in order to show that they can be a danger to our society. (docs presentation) Brave New World written in 1932 Ever since the beginning of the modern world, we have been making scientific progress that revolutionize our society. As a matter of fact, science is a field in which we keep on progressing thanks to researches. Humans have always fantasized about new innovations such as clones. For example, in Aldous Huxley’s dystopia, we realize that clones aren’t the new craze. Indeed, men have tried to create them and thought of making some for quite a long time. Thanks to such an improvement, humans would be able to prevent abnormalities and choose traits, leading to a whole society only composed of clones. Also, the comic refers to clones and shows that thanks to them, we can get rid of any dysfunction or abnormality, choosing the perfect assets and throwing away the defective clones. With this selective breeding, we could have perfectly shaped humans and we wouldn’t have to worry about any deformity. We tend to complain about our bodies and defaults, never satisfied with what we have been given. Clones would be the answer, we wouldn’t have any complexes anymore, we would be “perfect”. Moreover, one big scientific improvement is the creation of “savior siblings” or also called “doublehope babies”. As a matter of fact, we found a way to cure diseases thanks to the birth of a younger sibling. As we can see in text B, Molly Nash had a very rare illness and would not have lived more than 15 years of her life if it hadn’t been for her little brother. Indeed, the doctors used her brother’s cord blood cells in order to do a bone marrow transplant. With this huge progress, the little boy was able to save his older sister. Thanks to science and researchers, we are now able to cure rare or very dangerous illnesses. Indeed, scientific advances have revolutionized our world for the best. Scientific improvements may have revolutionized our world, yet they can be a danger to our society. Indeed, we always try to create new things, whether it’s a crave or just because we are bored. But should we accept anything just because we want it ? A lot of scientific improvements ask ethical questions. As a matter of fact, little Adam was able to save his older sister, but we can ask ourselves to extent was that baby desired by his parents, and was not just made in a last attempt to save their daughter. And if that baby was more of a medicine and less of a true human to their eyes, we can wonder what psychological issues that baby will grow up with. Another ethical question that was raised is one concerning the impact of clones in our society. If we were to have clones, wouldn’t the world just be boring ? Isn’t diversity what makes the beauty of the world we live in ? In the comic Clones R us, every man that has a default or a difference is thrown away to the garbage. But getting rid of our diversity would probably mean getting rid of humanity. Indeed, if we take the example of Aldous Huxley’s text, we have to remember that it is a dystopia. So, we have to question the greatness of this principle of mass applied to biology. If we create and choose human’s assets, are we then still human or are we closer to machines. Indeed, scientific improvements can become a danger to humanity.

We never truly thought about the impact that these progresses could have. Indeed, even though we don’t think of them as a danger, some scientific improvements can become such a thing if they do not follow ethical rules....

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