Idea of progress - Notion pour l\'oral du bac PDF

Title Idea of progress - Notion pour l\'oral du bac
Author Charlotte Krebs
Course Anglais
Institution Université Côte d'Azur
Pages 1
File Size 31.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Notion pour l'oral du bac...


Idea of progress First of all, I’m going to define the notion “idea of progress”. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change; a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. However, there are some cases where this change can have a negative effect too. Very often progress is also accompanied by opposition. I will illustrate this notion with the example of the new technologies through the problematic “To what extent new technologies can change our lives” During many years, research and experiences of many scientists have resulted in technology advances. I take for example Internet. First, I will talk about the influence of internet in a professional environment with the example of telecommuting and then I will talk about the problem of internet addiction in the daily life. Internet was created in the seventies and has revolutionized the world. Almost everything we do in our everyday life, from communication, study, work and leisure, needs the Internet. It’s fast and simple to use. On the one hand, with internet you can get quick access to information, it helps you to speed up work. For example, telecommuting is a modern trend which consists in working from home with computers and internet. This new way of working presents benefits and drawbacks. The benefits of telecommuting it that you can save time everyday because you don’t have to drive or take public transports to go to work. You are more productive less tired by the distance and you can spend more time with your family. You feel more independent because you can organize your working time as you want. However, telecommuting can present disadvantages. You can feel isolated if you like to share ideas with co-workers and be in a professional environment. Moreover, at home, you can easily be disturbed by your family environment and you need to have high degree of self-discipline to become a productive telecommuter. In addition, your co-worker can perceive you as doing less work because you are at home. On the other hand, the New York Times has spotted a problem that many of us have but are not aware : Internet addiction. Nowadays, we have also internet on our phones and teenagers are more and more dependant on technology like social networks without being educated on their negative aspects. This generation has been exposed to the technology very early and they think, they can’t live without it. For example, an experience has been made by a teacher in Lincoln high school who asked students to spend few days without technology. Some of them did not participate till the end of the experience because it was too hard for them but they realize they were addicted and became conscious of this danger. To conclude, we can say that Internet and new technologies are the most powerful potential source of enlightenment in professional environment and daily life ever created. They represent a real positive progress if you use them with moderation because sometimes it can be dangerous....

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