Solo heroquest rules remix PDF

Title Solo heroquest rules remix
Author Niko Kokalas
Institution Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Pages 5
File Size 745.3 KB
File Type PDF
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solo-rules solorules

HeroQuest Random Dungeon Generation Rules By Mitchel Hansinger ©1994 also the quest table is from cornixt user of bgg and some tweaks by giogionis who also did this pdf . The following rules should be used for solo gaming or in the event that Zargon is running an impromptu dungeon adventure. All the house rules are considered to be in effect for the random rules. Position the board with the HEROQUEST words upside down and away from the players. The board contains five room areas, one in each corner and one in the center. Each area is numbered from 1 to 5 in a clockwise manner with the group of rooms in the upper left corner being numbered 1, and the center room being numbered 5. Roll a d6 to determine the starting area, rerolling if a 6 turns up. The number rolled determines which grouping to start in. Number the rooms in each grouping in the same clockwise manner starting from the upper left room. This need not be done if the starting group was the center room. Roll a d6 to determine the starting room in the starting area. Use the same method to determine which corner of the starting room in which to place the stairs. Place the door for the starting room in the diagonally opposite corner, as far away from the stairs as possible. Whenever a hero gains line of sight into an unexplored room the following things must be done in the order below: 1) Roll for doors 2) Roll for furniture 3) Roll for monsters 4) Roll for traps Whenever a hero gains line of sight into an unexplored corridor the following things must be done in order below: 1) Roll for doors 2) Roll for monsters (wandering) 3) Roll for traps Doors After the first hero has line of sight into an unexplored room, roll once on the door table. North is always toward the HEROQUEST words on the board. Do not roll for a door if there are already two or more doors for the room. Reroll if the table indicates a door leading back out to the area where the heroes entered from, or if there is no other way out of the room. Place the door as far from the heroes as possible on the wall called for. Note: there can be two doors on the same wall yet each leads to a different area.

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monsters in a room roll when you enter into a room 1-2 monsters 3-4 no monsters 5-6 monsters

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# of Monsters appearing: 2) 4 3) 6 4) 5 5) 4 6) 4 7) 5 8) 3 9) 4 10) 3 11) 6 12) 7 Note: If the number of monst ers called for is greater than th monsters thee number of figures available fo forr that type of monster, then the monsterss than there are available next less powerful monster ttype ype should be used to complete tthe he force. If there are more monster squares in the room the extra monsters are not placed. After the first hero has mov ed into an unexplored room or corridor, roll on the trap table. If a trap is called for place it moved directly in front of the llead character. Use a skull tile to mark spear and falling block tr ead ap squares. trap Traps: 2) Falling Block 3) Spear 4) Spear 5) Pit 6) None 7) None 8) None 9) None 10) None 11) None 12) None Treasure this is a table for when yo u are looking for you treasure roll a dice 1-nothing 2-secret door 3-10 gold pieces 4-1 wandering monster 5-nothing 6-pick a treasure card

QUESTS Starting the Game, and th thee ObjectiveAt the start ooff the game, roll 2D6 and consult the table below: 2Rescue the princess for a reward of 360gp. 3Rescue the prince for a reward of 360gp. 4Kill all the monsters you find for 15gp per monster. 5Kill the necromancer for a reward of 240gp. 6Find an artifact for a reward of 180gp. 240gp. 7Kill the Orc warlord for a bounty of 240 gp. 8Find an artifact for a reward of 240gp. 9Kill all the monsters you find for 20gp per monster. warlordd for a bounty of 36 360gp. 10Kill the Orc warlor 0gp. forr a reward of 360gp. 11Kill the necromancer fo 12Find an artifact and kkeep eep it when at least 4 rooms ar ytime a new room is aree explored roll 1d6 ever everytime found to see if the oobjective bjective is in the new rroom oom 1 objective 2 nothing 3 nothing 4 objective 5 nothing 6 objective...

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