Solucionario Student\'s book 1° Administración y Finanzas Ciclo Superior PDF

Title Solucionario Student\'s book 1° Administración y Finanzas Ciclo Superior
Author Antonio Rodríguez Rodríguez
Course Inglés
Institution UNED
Pages 21
File Size 1015 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 62
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1 Business Administration and Finance Student’s Book Photocopiable © B Burlington BooksOffice Orientationpage 41 1. Bruce Larson Financial Director Human Resources Director Mrs Lucy Grant Mr Gerald Trent (4) Marketing managers Financial supervisors Personnel Manager 2 1. desk 4. third first 5. 302 b...


Answer Key

Business Administration and Finance Student’s Book 1

Ed: Welcome, Mark. I look forward to working together. Catherine: Our third manager, Clare Jackson, is on holiday right now, so you’ll meet her when she gets back. She’s in charge of customer relations. Mark: Are any members of the sales team in the office today? Catherine: Well, the reps are usually out of the office, meeting customers, but there’s a special meeting in the office today, so you’ll actually get to know the whole team. Mark: Great, thank you Catherine. Catherine: My pleasure. Now, let’s go to my office. I’d like to discuss the new catalogue with you.

Office Orientation page 4


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


1. desk 2. first 3. big

Bruce Larson Financial Director Human Resources Director Mrs Lucy Grant Mr Gerald Trent (4) Marketing managers Financial supervisors Personnel Manager 4. third 5. 302 6. fax machine

page 5


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. d

HR Department Marketing, first floor Operations Department CEO, third floor personal assistant

4. f

6. e

3. e

4. c

5. a

Finding Your Way page 6


Working with Vocabulary 5 1. c 3. a 5. h 7. d 9. 2. b

2. b

Second Floor




8. i 203



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Personal Assistant (PA) Personnel Manager Junior Administrative Assistant Production Team Leader Financial Supervisor Accounts Assistant Senior management

1. b

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. a


Women’s Toilets

6. a


Men’s Toilets


7. a


1. 411 2. fourth 3. question


1. F

Your Turn Catherine: Good morning, Mark. I’d like to take you around the Marketing Department and introduce you to my staff. Mark: Thank you, Mrs Smith. Catherine: Please call me Catherine. First, let me introduce you to my personal assistant, Jen Baker. Jen, this is Mark Hall. Mark: Nice to meet you, Jen. Jen: Nice to meet you, too, Mark. Catherine: Now I’d like you to meet Ed Harris, one of our marketing managers. He’s in charge of market research. Ed, this is Mark Hall, a new marketing manager. He’ll be in charge of producing promotional material. Mark: Good morning, Ed. It’s a pleasure to meet you.


Conference Room

2. T

4. leader 5. Mrs Carlyle 6. lovely 3. T

4. F

5. F

1. Mr Chandler’s office is on the fourth floor at the end of the corridor. 4. Mrs Landy doesn’t want anything to drink before the meeting. 5. Amy is taking Mrs Landy to the top floor.

Working with Vocabulary page 7


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


1. c

conference room ground floor toilet cafeteria top floor reception, lobby 2. b

3. d

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

kitchen warehouse car park maintenance stockroom

4. a

Business Administration and Finance Student’s Book Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

Answer Key 7

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Andrea: Yes, they are. I’ll take a look at the presentation when you’re done. Finally, would you check the stockroom to see if we need to order anything? After you take the inventory, make me a list of what we need and I’ll order the supplies this afternoon. Hollie: Sure, I’ll take care of everything.

cafeteria stockroom Finance Department 601, 603 warehouse


Tick: 1, 3, 6, 8

Office Routines page 8

Purchasing Office Equipment


1. T


1. office 2. drink 3. arrive

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. F

6. T

4. taking 5. helpful

page 9


1. visitors 2. the visitors (they) come and go and who they’re visiting 3. office supplies 4. file documents 5. type the agenda

Working with Vocabulary 5 Tick: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 6 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 7 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 8 1. e 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. c


1. Mr Preston 2. No, he hasn’t. 3. 10

4. £177.22 5. black and white 6. 15% discount


1. pink 2. £8.00 3. 20

4. £19.89 5. £14.69 6. Perfect

page 11


1. 2 2. stapler 3. 12

4. writing pads 5. 10 packets

Working with Vocabulary 5 1. e 2. a 3. d 4. b 6. a

7. a

Your Turn Andrea: Can you come into my office please, Hollie? I’d like to discuss your tasks for today. Hollie: Certainly. Andrea: Well, first of all, Jay Carter is arriving at 11.00. I’d like you to receive him and show him around before his meeting with Arnold. Hollie: Should I show him all the departments? Andrea: No, just take him to Operations and Marketing. Hollie: Is there anything else? Andrea: Yes, Arnold has prepared agendas for several meetings that are scheduled for next month. I’d like you to type them and send them by e-mail to the relevant people. I’ve attached a list of participants for each meeting. Hollie: Fine, I’ll type the agendas and send them to all the participants. Andrea: Next, I’m giving you the notes Arnold has prepared for his presentation next Thursday. Could you please prepare a presentation using PowerPoint? Hollie: No problem. I’ll prepare the presentation today. Are these all the notes?


page 10


1. 2. 3. 4.

7 8

1. c 1. 2. 3. 4.

photocopier projector air-conditioner coat rack 2. e

3. f

run out of payment discount charged

5. 6. 7. 8.

5. c

scanner shredder filing cabinet waste paper bin

4. d

5. a

6. b

5. special offer 6. run low on 7. quantity

3 Using Voicemail page 12


1. new 2. Kim (from the IT department) 3. long

4. messages 5. access number 6. contact Lucy Forbes


1. send 2. listen 3. Of course

4. office 5. number


1. 4

2. 3

3. 1

4. 2

5. 7

Working with Vocabulary page 13

5 6

1. d


Tick: 1, 3, 5

2. a

1. location 2. replay 3. retrieve

3. b

4. c 4. modify 5. save 6. review

Business Administration and Finance Student’s Book Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

5. f

6. e

Answer Key Your Turn Julie: Tom, can you please help me record a couple of outgoing messages? Tom: Sure, Julie. First, enter your access code. Julie: All right. I’ve entered my access code. Now what? Tom: Dial 500*. Julie: 500*. OK. Tom: Now press 1 to record a daytime message or 2 to record a nighttime message. Have you got a message ready? Julie: Yes, it’s right here. I wrote it yesterday. Tom: Fine! All you need to do is press the “Program” button and begin speaking. When you have finished, press 3 to stop recording. Julie: “Program” before I speak and 3 to stop recording. OK. That sounds easy enough. How can I review my message? Tom: Press 4 to review your message. Then if you want to change something, press 5 and you can modify the message. Julie: I’m not sure if my nighttime message is OK. I wrote “This is Allan Hill Tours. Our offices are closed at the moment. Please call back between 9 am and 5 pm. For emergency situations, please press 111 now.” How does that sound? Tom: Great! Julie: Really? Thanks, Tom. Tom: Sure. Call me if you have any problems. 1. b

2. a

3. c

4. b

5. c

Using the Intranet page 14


1. instructions for logging into the company Intranet 2. two 3. a username and password 4. Accept all logical answers. 5. mustn’t 6. different times


1. read 2. written 3. important


Tick: 1, 2

4. room 5. now

Working with Vocabulary page 15



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

username password underline italics upper case letters lower case letters

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

bold cut copy paste flow chart


1. i 2. b

3. a 4. e

5. c 6. d

7. h 8. f


1. d

2. a

3. c

4. e

9. j 10. g 5. b

4 Handling Mail page 16


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. department 2. 15.00


1. F you collect the mail from the outgoing mail basket in each department 2. F check that the address includes the correct postcode 3. T weigh the envelopes and determine the postage 4٫ T use second class post unless the item must reach its destination the next day 5٫ T all legal documents must be sent by registered mail

stamp each document with the correct date it is documented in the mail log Customer Service Mrs Holmes Human Resources 3. online 4. second class

Working with Vocabulary page 17


1. c 2. a

3. g 4. f

5. b 6. d

7. e 8. i


1. D 2. S

3. D 4. S

5. S 6. S

7. S 8. S


1. 2. 3. 4.

International sender collect sort

9. h

5. mail log 6. registered mail 7. postcode

Your Turn Sam: Monica, can I ask you some questions about the incoming mail procedure? Monica: Sure, Sam, what do you want to know? Sam: Well, basically what is the most efficient way to sort the mail? Monica: I’d recommend dealing with registered mail first. Then you should sort the standard mail and leave the magazines and advertising material for last. Sam: OK, that sounds sensible. Can I throw the envelopes away after opening the letters? Monica: Yes, but check that you’ve emptied each envelope, and make sure the name and address of the sender are on the letter. If not, attach the envelope to the back of the letter. Sam: What happens if I open a confidential letter by mistake?

Business Administration and Finance Student’s Book Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

Answer Key Monica: If you accidentally open a confidential or personal letter, close it, write on the envelope, ‘opened in error’ and sign your initials. You can also apologise to the person the letter is addressed to. Sam: What do I do if a letter should go to more than one director or department? Monica: In that case, you should attach a routing slip to the letter. Sam: What’s a routing slip? Monica: Here, I’ll show you. It’s a special form for distributing a letter with a few recipients. You list all the people or departments who should see the letter in this form. Each person who’s read the letter ticks his or her name and passes it on to the next person on the list. If the letter is very important, don’t use the routing slip. Photocopy the letter and give a copy to each director. Sam: Thanks, Monica. You’ve been a great help.

5 Shipping page 20


1. T

page 18



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

DLT Electronics Birmingham, UK 2nd February, 2013, 11.00 am computer parts 17.9 kg 12 cm, 8 cm keep dry, keep away from heat 3rd February, 2013, 4.00 pm

1. organising 2. box 3. address

4. file 5. call

page 19


1. Put the goods in a box. 2. Weigh and measure each package. 3. Make sure the recipient’s address is written clearly. 4. One copy goes to the courier. 5. Access the courier’s website … / The website has got updates on all the shipments.

Working with Vocabulary 5 1. a, c 2. a, b 3. a, b 4. a, b 6 1. this side up 3. handle with care 2. keep away from heat



1. 2. 3. 4.


1. signature 2. parcel 3. pick up

measure bubble wrap inspect good condition

4. keep dry

5. wrap 6. update 7. height 4. paperwork 5. insure

3. F

4. F

5. T

6. F

Page 21


1. month 2. 20% 3. a few


1. They offer the best rates at the moment 2. They guarantee fast shipping. 3. The shipment was free of damage.

4. 2,000 5. smartphones

Working with Vocabulary 5 1. transports 6. international 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tick: 1, 3, 6, 7

Using a Courier Service

2. T

goods the sea size receives

7. 8. 9. 10.

boat goods prices an estimated


1. onto 2. from

3. has come from 4. will arrive


1. 2. 3. 4.

5. free of charge 6. loss 7. reliable

compete guarantee contact free of damage

Your Turn Mrs Sullivan: Good afternoon, Mr Becker. This is Mrs Sullivan, Shipping Operations Manager at Wilson Microsystems International. Mr Becker: Good afternoon, Mrs Sullivan. How can I help you? Mrs Sullivan: Ocean Shipping has given us a quote for a shipment to the port of Algeciras in Spain and I’m surprised we haven’t been offered a discount. Mr Becker: I’m sorry, Mrs Sullivan, but at the moment we can only offer a 20% discount on shipping orders over £1,200. Mrs Sullivan: But other shipping companies are offering better rates – with discounts on shipping orders over £1,000. Mr Becker: Yes, but I’m quite sure those companies don’t guarantee fast shipping. As you know, our freights are always delivered on time and free of damage. I’m sure your customers have never complained about our shipments. Loss or damage is never an issue for companies who work with us. Mrs Sullivan: That’s true. You are very reliable. Still, other shipping companies are offering better rates, and also the possibility of tracking shipments online.

Business Administration and Finance Student’s Book Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

Answer Key Mr Becker: We are working on an online tracking system at the moment. It should be ready next month. Mrs Sullivan: Next month, really? Mr Becker: Yes, and I really don’t think anyone can compete with our excellent service. Mrs Sullivan: Mr Becker, would it be possible to meet with you at your offices to discuss our shipping requirements? Maybe you can offer us better shipping rates if we guarantee certain shipping volume? I’m sure we can find a solution. Mr Becker: I’m travelling to Brussels tomorrow but I’ll be back next week. We can meet next Monday at my office if that’s OK for you. Mrs Sullivan: Yes, next Monday sounds good. 1. quote 2. 20 3. fast shipping

4. next month 5. his office


1. Connecting Buyers with Asian Manufacturers. 2. offers you assistance in finding reliable suppliers to match requirements. 3. Our personnel visit suppliers to ensure their professional standards. 4. Assistance in negotiations 5. Packaging solutions and shipping arrangements 6. minimise costs … means cheaper … business


1. money 2. price 3. difficult

4. recommend 5. paperwork

page 23


1. Always answer a call before the third ring. 2. Greet callers by introducing yourself and your organisation. 3. Always ask for permission to put a caller on hold. 4. Tell the caller who you’re transferring them to and announce the caller to that person. 5. A meesage must include … the date and time of the call. 6. Before ending the call, make sure you’ve answered all the caller’s questions.


1. manager 2. company 3. fax


1 F

2. F

4. Of course 5. phone 3. F

4. T

5. DS

5 6

1. b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

speak clearly introduce hang up avoid return your call greet ask for permission create a positive impression


1. 2. 3. 4.

ring friendly tone call you back urgent

2. b

3. a

4. a

5. 6. 7. 8.

5. a

6. b

7. a

line is buy professionally transfer calls pleasant

Your Turn

1. import-export 2. much money 3. buy

4. one or two 5. a sourcing company

Working with Vocabulary 5 1 f 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d 6 1. start a business 5. foreign


page 24

page 25

Page 22


Receiving Calls

Working with Vocabulary

Import and Export



6. c

2. resale 3. ensure 4. trade

6. advantage 7. requirements 8. shipping arrangements

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

minimise costs run a business negotiations trust

sourcing secure transactions follow-up manage risk

Phone call 1: Robert: Good morning, L Brothers, Robert Martin speaking. How can I help you? Susan: This is Susan Peters. Can I speak to Mrs Stevens, please? Robert: I’m afraid she’s out at the moment. Can I take a message? Susan: Yes, could you ask her to call me at 0117555-1427? I have to talk to her about the Taylor contract. It’s quite urgent. Robert: Is that 0117-555-1427? Susan: Yes, and my name is Susan Peters. I’m the lawyer who’s handling the Taylor contract. Robert: OK, Ms Peters. I’ll make sure Mrs Stevens gets your message as soon as possible. Susan: Thank you, bye. Robert: Have a nice day. Bye.

Business Administration and Finance Student’s Book Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

Answer Key Phone call 2: Isabel: Good afternoon, Technotoys, Isabel Crane speaking. Bob: Good afternoon. Is Jack Barnes in? Isabel: May I ask who’s calling? Bob: This is Bob Green from Top-Shop Department Stores. Isabel: One minute, I’ll put you through. I’m sorry, sir, but Mr Barnes’ line is busy right now. Shall I put you on hold or would you like to leave a message? Bob: I don’t mind waiting. I need to talk to him about our latest order. It’s very urgent. Isabel: OK, I’ll connect you as soon as possible. I’m putting you on hold now. Bob: Fine. Isabel: Thank you for your patience. Phone call 1: 1, 2, 4, 5 Phone call 2: 3, 5

Anne Bert a copy of the contract products it’s urgent delivery of computer equipment the quotes she received contact / speak to Emma


1. afternoon 2. go over 3. delivery


Call 1: Sara Fields, CI Exports, Nancy Ford, the contract Call 2: Janet Blake, EL Gardening, Gerald, a delivery

4. right away 5. last week 6. invoice

page 27


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

6 7

1. d


1. a, c

1. 2. 3. 4.

discuss as soon as possible essential interrupt get back to you handles problems regarding 2. c

3. b

more explain exactly very don’t answer 2. a, b

4. a 5. 6. 7. 8.

5. f

6. g

7. e

didn’t talk answered the phone didn’t finish the look at

3. b, c

4. a, c


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

9th January, 2014 the conference room 9.00 am 1.30 pm presentation sales figures new marketing strategies m...

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