Sorority Questions - Grade: A+ PDF

Title Sorority Questions - Grade: A+
Course Rdgs In Dev & Ec Of Transition
Institution Indiana University Bloomington
Pages 3
File Size 65 KB
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mock interview thorough answers...


TARA ARORA 1. What part(s) of being in a sorority are you most looking forward to? I’m definitely the most excited about the sisterhood aspect of a sorority and the lifelong friends that I would end up making by being surrounded by a group of girls with similar interests and values as me. I really like how sororities give girls the opportunity to get to know people in every grade level. I also love the idea of having a “Big” to count on and a “Little” to guide through college life. I’m really looking forward to the philanthropy of my future sorority because I love volunteering and knowing that I’m actually making a difference in someone else’s life. I also think being in a sorority would really help me learn to manage my time even better because I would have certain responsibilities that I would need to carry out. Being in a sorority would teach me so many useful life skills that I will carry on with me far beyond college, and I am so excited for all of the fun, new experiences I will have with my future sorority sisters and lifelong friends. 2. Why did you choose your major and what is most interesting to you about the field you study? All of my family members pursued careers in the business world and the majority of them live in Dubai and Singapore. My family members have told me, from experience, that majoring in Finance opens up many opportunities because it’s a major that would be really useful for any type of career in the business world. Before high school, I was never really sure what career I would be the best suited for given my academic strengths and personality type. I knew I wanted a career that had a large amount of client interaction, but was also full of surprises and unique situations every day. I realized that majoring in Finance would be able to open up so many different career paths that would be a perfect fit for me, and I know that my family members in Houston and overseas will definitely be able to help me out along the way. I would love to travel for work, and Dubai is actually my favorite place so I would definitely not mind working or living there at some point. What I love the most about being a business major is definitely all of the amazing connections I’ll make at Kelley and beyond. I also love the work life balance that comes with being a business major and having a career in business, because it’s one of the few jobs that will always have a combination of social/communication skills and work-based skills. 3. What do you hope to become involved with during your time at IU? I would love to become involved in some community service organizations because I really enjoy helping people out in any way possible. All of my volunteer work in both middle school and high school has really opened up my eyes to all the things that I take for granted on a daily basis, so I like the warm feeling that I get knowing that I have impacted someone else’s life when I give back to my community. I also think it would be really fun to be a part of the IU Dance Marathon because dancing for a good cause would be a really fun and impactful experience. I would also like to join some business related clubs or organizations that would give me a better idea of what career or internship I would be the best suited for. I also hope to become involved in some type of leadership position during my time at IU, since I was a part of Student Senate/Student Council at my high school, Episcopal High School. I was a Student Ambassador

in high school, so I am used to giving tours to new families and college representatives that visited my campus. And, I would definitely be interested in doing something like this at IU because I love promoting my school and sharing my experiences so I can encourage people who are looking to join. 4. What are some of your hobbies, interests, and passions? I love traveling all around the world, exploring new places, and trying out new adventure sports on vacations. I also really enjoy doing cardio workouts on bikes and ellipticals, and my favorite workout to do is SoulCycle. I’ve always enjoyed yoga and any stretching-based workout class because it’s so relaxing for me. In high school, I danced and I had a lot of fun being in the dance concerts and pep rally dance teasers. I also love spending time and hanging out with my friends and family members. Another hobby of mine is trying out new restaurants and tasting new foods from many different cuisines. 5. What values/traits do you hold that guide you to be yourself and pursue your goals? How do you hope to find these values/traits in a chapter? I am a very patient person- I never lose my temper or take out my feelings on other people. I am definitely an empathetic person, and I make sure to always put myself in the other person’s position. I’m very hardworking and focused when I put my mind to something. I make sure I try my best and manage my time well when I need to get my work done. I think it is super important to be able to take responsibility for your actions- I will always own up and admit where I am wrong. I am always open to hearing feedback and constructive criticism because I like to know where I can improve. I also value open-mindedness because I love trying new things and being open to new ideas and experiences. I value flexibility and adaptability a lot because I think it is really important to be able to go with the flow and deal with unplanned situations. Another thing that I value is dependability because if you can’t count on a person to be there for you in tough times, then they aren’t worth your time. I would hope to find a chapter with girls that are very similar to me, based on my key personality traits. I would want my sorority sisters to be open to fun, spontaneous new ideas and experiences. But, I would also want my sorority sisters to be hardworking and focused, so that we can all manage our time well and hold each other accountable for getting things done. I would also want a chapter with girls that can give me useful advice and feedback on how I can improve and better myself. Also, I would love to be in a sorority with girls that I can always count on and trust. 6. How have you tried to stay positive during the Pandemic? Since Houston, Texas has been on lockdown for a large amount of the Pandemic, while I was at home, I wanted to set some quarantine goals for myself. I wanted to get better at stationary biking and the elliptical, so I worked my way up to being able to use both machines with the highest resistance setting possible. I’ve definitely improved my stamina and strength since I’ve been in quarantine because I’ve always loved cardio workouts but I wanted to become a little bit stronger so that I could use more resistance when I workout. During the Pandemic when

Houston was on a complete lockdown, I was able to stay really positive by staying in contact with all of my friends on FaceTime and we were able to keep each other company virtually. Since I’m coming to IU from way out of state, I also wanted to use quarantine to get to know a lot of people coming to IU really well so that I would already have some familiar faces on campus and people that I would definitely want to hang out with. I got really close to some people before even getting to campus, so I was already really excited to be in Bloomington from my very first day here! 7. What is a fun fact about yourself? A fun fact about me is that I’ve traveled to 21 different countries all over the world, and I can’t wait to visit even more!...

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