SP21 Quiz 5 pdf PDF

Title SP21 Quiz 5 pdf
Author Thắng Duy
Course   Supply Chain Strategy
Institution University of Houston
Pages 3
File Size 69.6 KB
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Quiz 5 with answers...


1. Benchmarks beyond your industry will allow you to discover new possibilities. a. True b. False 2. The organization holding on to its past success and refuse to change will be replaced by those organizations that adapt to changes. a. True b. False 3. Awareness of the factors that prevent transformation efforts is important, which of the following is not a tip mentioned in Article 13: a. Inviting external expert to join the conversation b. Initiating an annual analysis of resistance to change as part of the regular routine c. Setting a detailed implementation plan of the transformation d. Recognizing the difference between knowing a transformation and executing the transformation 4. One of the possible reasons for failing to transform is that the leader is not aware of the shifts in their environment and they think the Status quo is already good enough. a. True b. False 5. While a linear supply chain throws away the scraps as trash, A circular supply chain will reuse and harvest the value and treat it as a starting point for a new process. a. False b. True 6.

A supply chain that reuses and creates values from the waste and end-of-life products is called _____ supply chain a. Round b. Sustainable c. Linear d. Circular

7. The Circular supply chain mindset is only applicable to the manufacturing industry. a. False b. True 8. Moving towards a circular supply chain is more like a transformation that happens within an organization, it does not require external collaboration. a. True b. False

9. In Article 14, the author gave an example about a circular supply chain: The packing of a _____ company’s product can be broken down into dirt for farming purposes. a. Soap b. Beverage c. Athletic consumer goods d. Plastic Type: MA 10. Which of the followings are the benefits of adopting a circular supply chain? Choose all that applied. a. Improve environmental sustainability b. Greater public appeal c. Improve efficiency d. Being more attractive to shareholders and investors Type: MA 11. Which of the followings are the characteristics of circular products? Choose all that applied a. Degradable b. Repairable c. Recycling d. Longevity 12. If a company can reclaim old products and easily recycle some of or all raw materials, it will be able to reduce its costs considerably a. False b. True 13. Too much focus on analysis and the data could lead you to not being able to move forward. a. True b. False 14. What is not one of the reasons that is given for transformation efforts failing? a. Lack of Awareness b. Past Failures c. Past Success d. No correct choices 15. What is the first reason that is given for transformation efforts not getting off the ground? a. Benchmarks leading to Comfort b. “We’ve always done it that way” attitudes c. Lack of awareness of a need to change d. A lack of leadership

16. As with most transformations, what is required to drive a successful change to circular supply chains? a. Internal buy-in b. Green thinking c. Excess capital d. Societal Pressure 17. ____________ is essential to creating a circular supply chain. a. The right mindset b. Collaboration with suppliers/customers c. Changing views on excess/waste d. All choices are correct 18. What is not one of the benefits for a manufacturing company switching to a circular approach? a. Improved efficiency b. Improved public perception c. Cost reductions d. Increased employee retention 19. _______ was an example of a company that successfully changed one of its production processes to be more sustainable and use less water. a. Nike b. IKEA c. Michelin d. DyeCoo 20. Repairability is not another growing trend in the circular economy. a. True b. False 21. What is the main contributor of CO2 in your TFC supply chain? a. Warehouses b. Orange Mash c. Bottling Line d. Distribution 22. PET finished goods are less carbon intensive to produce than their Pack 1L counterparts. a. True b. False...

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