Spanish 1001 - syllabus PDF

Title Spanish 1001 - syllabus
Author Buzz summa cum laude
Course Elementary Spanish I
Institution Georgia Institute of Technology
Pages 19
File Size 675 KB
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syllabus of elementary Spanish 1 explaining how the course will be structured and grades will be calculated (fully online course)...


SPAN 1001-UA

Elementary Spanish I Fall 2020 Syllabus Dra. Danielle Geary Message me any time – I’m always around!

*This syllabus provides pertinent information about class policies and expectations. You are responsible for reading it, understanding it, and following it. *You must have your own computer and Internet access to take this course (not a friend’s or the library’s, etc.), as well as other required technologies noted herein. *Logging on to our Edmodo group class is your attendance in this course. You are expected to check Edmodo a minimum of every other day. Understand that failing to do so may cause you to miss pertinent course information/assignments. *You should plan on spending a minimum of 4-5 hours per week on this course. *Everything in this course is due by 11:59 of the night of the due date. *Students who take this class should recognize the value of language study, be genuinely interested in learning to communicate in Spanish, and fully understand the level of autonomy and self-motivation required to be successful in an online language course. COURSE PARTICIPATION AND ACTIVITIES You will use three websites to participate in this course: Edmodo, Contraseña, and Linguameeting. Think of them this way: --Edmodo is for classroom communication and interaction. --Contraseña is for reading the eBook and submitting exercises.

--LinguaMeeting is for completing your coaching sessions. *I’ll send instructions on how to get started in a Canvas announcement when the time arrives. *Once you complete the registration process and log in to the correct course in Contraseña, you will have a 14-day grace period to purchase access. Full access is $50. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, students will be able to speak and write in basic sentences, as well as read certain texts written in Spanish and comprehend some spoken Spanish almost at the paragraph level. Learning Outcomes and Goals: 1. To converse in Spanish by applying practical vocabulary and syntax in order to communicate basic needs. 2. To understand and respond to simple and practical sentences and questions in the target language. 3. To communicate orally in Spanish, using good pronunciation and intonation. - LinguaMeeting, online Spanish coaching sessions with a native speaker. To register:  Log on to Contraseña. Click on “LinguaMeeting” tab from the left Menu. Click on “Register & Access LinguaMeeting”. Click on Register.  Click to pay with a credit card via paypal and it will show you the fee ($35 for a 6-conversation pack of 15-minute individual sessions).  Pay the fee and continue the enrollment process to complete registration.  See the Coach Activities deadline in the Contraseña calendar. After choosing your native speaker partner, you agree on days and times that best work for you BY the deadlines. You should schedule your sessions on either Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of the weeks that we have sessions. Write them down in your personal calendar, they will not show up on your Contraseña calendar since each student has a different session/s.) TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS

   

A computer with an updated operating system, either a PC running Windows 2000 or later, or a Mac running OS X or later. Digital recorder or similar device and basic computer audio/video equipment. A webcam and headset with microphone. DSL Internet connection or a connection speed no less than 7 MB/s IMPORTANT: I am the course facilitator. I guide you and help you through course material and answer questions about course subject matter. I am not Tech Support. (Keep reading!)

Need tech help? (1) Click HELP in the left menu of your Contraseña home page for brief FAQ videos. (2) Use the chat that opens when you click ASSIST on the top menu. 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM EST Monday-Friday (3) Contact Hub Suport at the following: OR hubsupport@lingrole 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM EST Daily For LinguaMeeting Support contact the following: OR support@linguameet

INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES SPAN 1001-UA is student-centered and focuses on collaborative learning, with the instructor acting as a facilitator. Students will use the Spanish language to complete a variety of interpretive and presentational tasks, both oral and written, using various instructional tools. The instructor plays an active role in monitoring student interaction and providing feedback. The course is run on Contraseña’s platform, LingroHub.

ORGANIZATION OF COURSE MATERIAL All Contraseña chapter material is available online, as students work at their own pace; however, it is divided into 6 units (Unidades 1-6), each lasting 2 weeks. This format is designed to help students maintain a schedule and be

aware that the instructor will spot-check their work and site activity at least every two weeks. Contraseña activities due dates are every Wednesday, every Friday and every Monday, which is when various exercises from that 2 weeks will be due. Hence, this is the schedule: Wednesdays: Vocab/Culture Fridays: Grammar/Coaching Sessions Mondays: Comprobar/Projects In addition to Contraseña unit activities, there are 6 projects.

EXERCISES AND ACTIVITIES Students will engage in a variety of online activities and scheduled assignments that might include reading information, watching grammar and vocabulary video tutorials, viewing video clips, and listening to audio files. Students will be instructed on how to create videos to complete independent speaking activities, and will complete partnered LinguaMeeting sessions with language coaches. Both types of assignments are paramount to success in the course. Important Note: Completion of all activities is self-paced; however, all assignments have firm deadlines. ASSIGNMENT EXPECTATIONS AND PENALTIES This is Elementary Spanish I, key word being elementary. The Spanish you use in this class should reflect this level. When you use grammar and sentence structure that are above what we're studying, it tells me one of 3 things, all of which are unacceptable:  

Your Spanish is above this level and you're taking this class under false pretenses.

You used a translator to do your work. (A dictionary is not a "translator;" I am referring to a translating application or website that does the grammar construction and/or sentence structure for you.) 

A native speaker or someone on a higher level of Spanish helped you with your work, or did it for you. 

Understand that if I see grammar and/or sentence structure above what we are currently studying, I will deduct 10 points from your grade for each one, as this means that one of the 3 things above is occurring. *Dictionary use is fine and expected. CLASS PARTICIPATION 21% of your grade is for participation and interaction in Edmodo. This counts as “class attendance.” 1.) 1 point of the 21 in this category are for displaying a clear profile picture of YOU throughout the semester in Edmodo. 2.) 2 more points of the 21 are for filling out and submitting the Language Background Form (BEFORE the add/drop period ends). This form will be available in Canvas under Assignments. 3.) 2 more points of the 21 are for taking and submitting the results of the Placement Exam (BEFORE the add/drop period ends). *If you took the AP Exam or the IB exam, submit it instead. 4.) 2 more points of the 21 are for submitting the Edmodo Acceptance Form (BEFORE the add/drop period ends). This form will be available in Canvas under Assignments. 5.) 2 more points of the 21 are for the Syllabus Checklist Quiz in Edmodo. 6.) *Edmodo will serve as our “classroom.” Throughout the semester, I post announcements and documents in our Edmodo classroom. There will also be reminders, pictures, country and culture information, interesting facts and food trivia, travel tidbits, and fun questions to answer. Following along and interacting in Edmodo is worth the 12 remaining points of the 21 in this category. Interacting on the page includes things like liking a post when I ask you to, liking a post because you feel moved to do so, commenting on a post, and answering a question. Edmodo Interaction Posts. You should complete at least 7 Edmodo Interaction Posts of your choice by the end of the semester. These are required.

Study groups. You will have assigned Edmodo groups of 5. About 4-5 times over the semester I’ll give you an activity to do in your Edmodo groups for reinforcement and practice. These are required. *You are expected to follow Edmodo announcements and posts as you would information in a classroom. DO NOT wait for Edmodo notifications to “attend class.” Go to our group at least every other day to assure you don’t miss anything. YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND THAT WAITING FOR EDMODO NOTIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN MISSING PERTINENT COURSE INFORMATION, WHICH MAY AFFECT YOUR GRADE IN THE CLASS.

- Contraseña Online Class Activities have Wednesday, Friday and Monday due dates – by 11:59 that night. In each unit, students will be required to complete a variety of online activities, both oral/written interpretive and presentational, using a variety of technology tools. Students are expected to actively engage in all class activities. Assigned activities must be completed and submitted by the designated deadline. Assigned Contraseña activities and due dates are set in the LingroHub virtual classroom. Each activity will be computer graded, instructor graded, computer-instructor graded, or completed as credit/no credit. No credit is given for late work and LingroHub will not accept work submitted after the set due date. 1. Vocabulary Activities are due every other Wednesday by 11:59 that night (alternating with Culture Activities below). 2. Culture Activities are due every other Wednesday night by 11:59 that night (alternating with Vocabulary Activities above). 3. Grammar Activities are due every other Friday by 11:59 that night (alternating with coaching activities below). 4. Language Coach Activities with LinguaMeeting are due every other Friday (alternating with Grammar Activities above). You will choose a language coach at the beginning of the course for LinguaMeeting sessions. Students are encouraged to schedule coaching days as soon as possible and mark their calendars accordingly. You should schedule your sessions on either Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of the weeks that have a session. To prepare for the session, you MUST complete the activity Antes de la Sesión BEFORE you see your coach. These are scheduled on Monday, for this

reason. Also, make sure to complete the Comprobar activities (Additional Practice activities are optional but strongly recommended) to check your readiness for a meaningful conversation with your coach every other Monday (alternating with LingroFolio Projects below). Each session is worth 4 points. 5. LingroFolio Projects. At the end of each unit, you create a Proyecto, a written or oral project. All projects are posted in an ePortfolio called LingroFolio, so your instructor and classmates can see and comment on your work. The activities throughout the unit prepare you to be able to complete the Proyecto successfully. Proyectos 1-5 are worth 3 points each. 3 of these proyectos will be graded in general and for completion. 2 of the 5 will be graded individually, with a sharp eye. Proyecto 6 is worth 10 points and will be individually graded with a sharp eye.

*Weight Percentages* Canvas and Edmodo Participation Contraseña Activities Coaching Sessions (LinguaMeeting) Lingrofolio Proyectos 1-5 Proyecto 6 ----------Total

21% 30% 24% 15% 10% -------100%

HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS CLASS 1. Log on to EDMODO on our class days to see everything I post. Participate accordingly. *Our class days are Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Mondays. 2. Begin every chapter with the chapter vocabulary words in the "Aplicar" section of the unit. Go through the vocabulary words to get familiar with them. This will help you understand the reading content later. 3. Make flashcards of your vocabulary words. MAKE THEM. In your own handwriting, on your own paper of choice. Spending time to write them out will help you to remember the words faster. 4. As you do your activities, watch ALL the GRAMMAR VIDEOS IN THEIR ENTIRETY. Use them to kick-start the accompanying exercises. It may seem

time consuming, but it’s more time consuming to try to do the activities with no grammar base. 5. As you do your exercises, TAKE NOTES in your own handwriting on paper. Studies show that typing on a keyboard does not have the same effect on memory as does the act of handwriting. 6. Keep a chronological notebook of YOUR NOTES in YOUR OWN WORDS. Use it to study. 7. Try to stay a few exercises ahead. When you complete one day’s exercises, go ahead to the next day and do 2-3 exercises. This will make your due dates seem a little shorter. (If you can stay an entire day or two ahead, that’d be even better because if something unexpected comes up, your activities will be done = no stress. �) 8. When you have trouble remembering a certain word or phrase, try this: grab a sheet of paper and write it in Spanish over and over again while thinking about the English word that it means. You don’t have to be neat and use the lines of the paper – just scribble everywhere until you fill one side of it. Use the other side for the next word/phrase. 9. Another way to help you remember words: make post-it notes and stick them in places you pass several times a day so you see them repeatedly (even if it’s subconsciously). 10. Make good use of your language coach. Be a good partner! Put in the effort to converse even if it feels like “kindergarten-level Spanish.” It’s okay! We all start somewhere. � 11. Form a study group for peer support. The groups who do so report that it's productive, good for practice, and fun. � 12. I’m here for you! I’m just a click away, so send me a message in Edmodo messages and we’ll chat. �












Withdrawing From This Course: October 24th: Last day a student may drop a course without receiving a grade. Attention: Disappearing without formally dropping a course or withdrawing from the University, will result in a 0 on each assignment or test you miss thereafter and will ultimately result in you receiving a grade of F at the end of the semester. As long as you are on the roster, you will be receiving grades for assignment/quizzes/ tests that you miss. Questions about refund deadlines and policies should be directed to the Office of the Registrar. *Students taking this course pass/fail MUST earn a minimum final grade of 70 (C) to successfully pass the course. Academic Integrity: In this course, you are encouraged to form study groups. However, any written/oral work that forms the basis of your final grade in the class MUST be your (or your study group’s) own original work. Do not plagiarize. This includes all classwork and projects. I will report any and all indications of academic dishonesty to the Vice Provost of Student Services. I expect you to follow the Georgia Tech Honor Code always, throughout your GT experience. Should you have any questions regarding what constitutes "academic dishonesty" in this course, please contact me. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a student with learning needs that require special accommodation, contact the Office of Disability Services at (404)894-2563 as soon as possible to make an appointment to discuss your special needs and to obtain an accommodations letter. Please also e-mail me as soon as possible in order to set up a time to discuss your learning needs.

STUDENT-FACULTY EXPECTATIONS AGREEMENT At Georgia Tech we believe that it is important to strive for an atmosphere of mutual respect, acknowledgement, and responsibility between faculty members and the student body. See for an articulation of some basic expectation that you can have of me and that I have of you. In the end, simple respect for knowledge, hard work, and cordial interactions will help build the environment we seek. Therefore, I encourage you to remain committed to the ideals of Georgia Tech while in this class. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES These procedures are intended to provide students at Georgia Tech a means for setting forth grievances relating to academic matters, intellectual diversity, and grade disputes when they believe that an instructor has acted unfairly or improperly in assignment of grades. CAMPUS RESOURCES Week Unit №




*Background Form (2 pts.)

Wed 8-19

Date s Intro Intro - Complete and submit the Week Wee Language Background Form in Canvas. k Aug -Complete and submit your 18Placement Test. 24 Tues day to Mond ay

*Placement Test Results (2 pts.) Wed 8-19 *Edmodo Acceptance Form (2pts.)

- Sign and submit the Edmodo Acceptance Form in * Edmodo Picture (1 point) Canvas. *Syllabus Checklist Quiz (2 - Upload a profile picture to pts.) your Edmodo account. * Register in Contraseña. ***Check our Edmodo group classroom at least every * Getting Started other day for important - ¡Bienvenidos! information. Checking - How to use Contraseña Edmodo every other day is - ¡Antes de comenzar! Key considered your class words and phrases in Spanish attendance. Understand to know before you begin, to prepare for your… * that failing to do so may cause you to miss pertinent Readiness Quiz course

Fri 8-21

Fri 8-21

Mon 8-24

information/Interaction. * Register in LinguaMeeting -Read the syllabus carefully and take the Syllabus Checklist Quiz in Canvas.

*Choose a coach and make your LinguaMeeting schedule and then take the Language Coach Checklist - Download and print this Calendar. Print it. Attach it Quiz. to your bulletin board/work station. Check off items as you do them each chapter. - Register in Contraseña. Use the registration instructions located in Edmodo. - Register in LinguaMeeting. Use the instructions located in Edmodo. - Get in touch with your language coach and schedule LinguaMeeting dates/times. Week Unidad 1 1 ¿Quién soy yo? Aug (first 25- week) 31 Tues day to Mond ay

Do Vocab Activities * Introducción y meta final * Estrategia de comprensión: Leer - Preparar - Aplicar * Contraseña: Texto - Introducción - Preparar - Texto - Aplicar * Vocabulario - Preparar: Vocabulario I - Preparar: Vocabulario II - Aplicar (1-1 to 1-11) Do Grammar * Gramática I Activities - Preparar - Aplicar (1-1 to 1-8) * Gramática II - Preparar - Aplicar (1-12 to 1-14)

Wed 8-26

Fri 8-28

Mon 8-31

Week Unidad 1 ¿Quién 2 soy yo? Sept (second 1-7 week) Tues day to Mond ay

Do Comprobar Activities

* Vocabulario - Comprobar (1-14 P1 to 1-14 P4) * Gramática I - Comprobar (1-11 P1 to 1-11 P3) * Gramática II - Comprobar (1-15 P1 to 1-15 P3)

Do Culture Activities

* Exploración cultural - Aplicar (1-1 to 1-3) * Estrategia de producción: Escribir - Preparar: Ortografía - Aplicar (1-1) - Preparar: Destreza - Aplicar (1-2)

Wed 9-2

* LinguaMeeting - Unit Worksheet - Antes de la sesión - Durante la sesión

Fri 9-4

* LingroFolio - Proyecto: ¿Quién soy yo?

Mon 9-7

Do Language Coach Activities (LinguaMeeting)

Do Proyecto

¡Terminamos la Unidad 1! Week Unidad 2 ¿Quién 3 eres tú? Sept (first 8–14 week) Tues day to Mond

- Do Vocab Activities * Introducción y meta final * Estrategia de comprensión: Escuchar - Preparar - Aplicar * Contraseña: Texto - Introducción - Preparar - Texto - Aplicar

Wed 9-9

* Vocabulario - Preparar: Vocabulario I - Preparar: Vocabulario II - Aplicar (2-1 to 2-8)


Do Grammar Activities

Do Comprobar...

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