Sparta Plans for short answers + extended responses PDF

Title Sparta Plans for short answers + extended responses
Author Rory OShea
Course History: Ancient History
Institution Higher School Certificate (New South Wales)
Pages 23
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Download Sparta Plans for short answers + extended responses PDF


ROS – Sparta Plans LYCURGUS’ REFORMS 15M – Explain significance of Lycurgus’ reforms to Spartan Society THESIS Whilst AWE does not reveal certainty of existence – highlights all-encompassing set of revolutionary reforms. Reforms unique to Sparta - predominant militaristic focus = neutralize threat recently conquered Helot population. Through the GR – LG revolutionized the Spartan gov, Social Structure, economy, education and ultimately, life in Sparta in its entirety. Despite contradictions and flaws within P, X, H and A- they uniformly highlight the magnitude of the impact LG reforms held on SS

BPI – Government - Political Reforms LR to Gov – redefined political roles within SS with key emphasis on traditionalism, conservatism + oligarchic rule •

1st Constitutional innovation = Gerousia [X –succumb to tyranny / P- “Most important reform”

Political reforms– limited KP [Gerousia P– kind of ballast- prevent royal tyranny w democracy]

Gov transitioned- focus on army = Ekklesia [P- acclamation / A ‘childish’]

LGR – redefined political institutions of Sparta – paramount focus on militarization of government

BPII – Societal Reforms LF redefined all areas of SS to promote their militaristic agenda •

Spartiates live out reforms [P– ‘embedded in citizens character + training’]

Neutralised… [X- ‘Brutally oppressed’ into conformity / P (Bio of KA) every Autumn ‘blood guilt’]

Spartiates fulltime warriors [P- No other career / VO @ ToM]

Helots economic burden [P – worked Spartiates Kleroi = focus on training + military matters]

Perioeci – key role in Spartan economy/functioning of society [Vik Krater SF] – trade with surrounding city states and nations = allows Spartiates focus on military agenda

BPIII – Military Reforms LR = responsible for militarisation of SS + transitioning into an elite fighting force •

LR Agogae – Spartans 7-30 [P- ‘militaristic values’ / = X – Army = ‘Superior’]

Syssition promoted comradery [P- ‘LG finest reform’ / successful H – “best soldiers in the world”]

BPIV – Economic Reforms LG Economic reforms = allows focus on military agenda •

Combatted inequality [P – pre-reforms ‘dreadful inequality’ in Sparta]

Eradication of luxury + desire to accumulate wealth [P- ‘combat desire for luxury’]

Helots economic burden [P – worked Spartiates Kleroi = focus on training + military matters]

Perioeci – key role in Spartan economy/functioning of society [Kylix Laconian III – Pottery]

BPV – Role of Women LG reforms placed immense importance on role of women – especially in contrast to other city states of the time •

Fitness [P –trained pregnant ‘embryo would be strong’ / X – “no less than for the males” / Aristophanes play Lycisstra]

Produce children [P – ‘bore her son to die for Sparta’ + ‘come back with your shield or on it’]

P – “LG most revolutionary reform was his redistribution of the land” - Economic [A- Woman attained 40% of land = men focus on military]

LG reforms elevated status + role of woman - they became of critical importance to survival of Sparta


ROLE OF RELIGION 15M – What does the evidence reveal about Spartan religious practices? THESIS Combo of AWAE – reveals the centrality of religious practices in Sparta as they were intrinsically linked with the militaristic agenda and subsequentntly fundamental to all aspects of society. Following LGR’s - Religion was employed as a vehicle to foster an ethic of loyalty, obedience, conformity, which lied at the heart of the utilitarian military state. The importance of religion within Sparta is reflected through the literary works of Plutarch, Xenophon, Herodotus and a range of archaeological evidence, which uniformly highlight the magnitude of the impact of religion as it was a force used to facilitate the survival of the Spartan way of life

BPI – Spartan Constitution Religion used as vehicle to enforce LG reforms, thus critical to Spartan constitution and society •

Religion not implemented by LG – 4 temples – HW V [P – Oracle @Delphi – militarisation of S = control helots]

LG successful [P – praised Gods to become better soldiers / Unearthed terracotta VO @ ToAO]

BPII – Kings Evidence reveals King monumental role in religious practices •

Kings Chief Priests [X+H – Zeus Lakedaemon + Zeus Uranus]

Kings uphold connection w gods [X– consult oracles / H ‘safekeeping of all oracles’]

Kings performed sacrifices to please Gods [X- All Sacrifices / H – ToA sacrifice 7th day every month/]

BPIII – Military Religious practices inextricable link with military– promote values advancing Spartan ethos agenda •

Sacrifices before battles = victory [P – king killing goat pre-battle / X – trail animals on campaign]

Incited confidence and fearlessness [H – combing hair preparing for beautiful deaths]

Impacted Military campaign [H- King Cleomenes return Sparta 494BC Bad omens Erasinus river / X – 388BC King Agis not invading Argos earth tremor = Poseidon warning]

Unified Spartan army [H – “best soldiers in the world”]

BPIV– Festivals


Religious Festivals critical in SS – mechanism to please Gods = success •

Hyakinthia [H- disrupted military campaigns – Spartans returned to Laconia]

Karnia [H – Battle of Marathon = Spartans were late / T- Battle in 418BC with allies]

Gymnopaedia [P – 5d festival celebrating victory @ Thyrea – heroism of Spartiates / Unearthed VO @ ToAO] [Plato – dancing in July heat / P – ‘Anaple’ [P -Spartiates not marry= couldn’t participate]

H- 479BC Athens support VS Persia – suggested Sparta prioritising religion > facing P – Pausanias 5000 troops

BPIV– Funerary Customs Funerary Customs emphasise significance of state > individual •

P – Name on tomb if died in childbirth/battle

P – ‘bore her son to die for Sparta’ + ‘come back with your shield or on it’

Kings received statue if died in battle [Marble Statue of Spartan Hoplite – popularly believed to be Leonidas]


GOVERNMENT 15M – What does the evidence reveal about structure and role of Spartan Government? THESIS Combo of AWE - Spartan government was multi-faceted as it incorporated elements of monarchy, oligarchy and democracy. These elements combined to create a balanced system structured around the promotion of the militaristic agenda of Sparta GR reformed Gov –political instability of 2 hereditary Kings diminished by the reallocation of R+R BW Kings, G, E, E = maintenance conservatism and Eunomia Despite inherent contradictions between the works of P, X, H, T and a range of archaeological evidence, they uniformly highlight how a militaristic focus lied at the heart of the Spartan gov and this was ultimately responsible for Sparta’s long-term security

BPI – Kings Kings represented element of monarchy – GR sought to redistribute roles and IDS = limit power •

X- prestige + authority LG granted Kings campaign / A beyond campaign their sovereignty does not extend

Kings became part of Gerousia [P – 28 other members kind of ballast- prevent royal tyranny w democracy]

A – Corrupt Kings influence elders – still “a monarchy’ / MHIS Sealy- nothing to indicate influence]

BPII– Gerousia Gerousia held essential role as oligarchic element providing stability and equality •

1st Constitutional innovation instituted = Gerousia [X –succumb to tyranny / P- “Most important reform”]

P-Ekklesia voted them in through Acclamation – A childish

28 Elder members < 60 [P-greatest contest in the world / A since the mind has its old age = bribery]

Ensured wise militaristic decisions – reward for meritious life [X – continue excellence into old age]

BPIII– Ephorate Ephorate was not a LGR, HW, was critical to the stability of the Spartan government


Stability [X- could only hold office once/elected annualy – ‘swore on behalf of city’ to ensure political stability]

Monitor Kings [P – Kings on trial Plasstonax 446BC / P (Bio of KA) every 9 years / A – bribery]

Ephors promote military agenda [X+P – declare war on Helots]

BPIV– Ekklesia Comprised of Spartiates = promote military agenda •

Political role [P- chose king campaign+ Gerousia acclamation / X – follow Cleomenes + Demaratus initiate war]

Gerousia may Veto them = focus on military

BPIV– Women, Helots and Inferiors

SOCIAL STRCUTURE 15M – What does the evidence reveal about Spartan social structure? THESIS! Combo of AWEA reveals strictly structured nature of SS – little room for social mobility under militaristic + hierarchical LG Social reforms. Spartiates were afforded the most freedom, with Periokoi + women playing what they viewed to be as more peripheral roles and Helots +undesirables received substandard treatment despite pivotal role of Helots Despite their differences, the works of P, X, H, T and a range of archaeological evidence, uniformly highlight how a militaristic focus to neutralize the threat of the helots and subsequently maintain Eunomia lied at the heart of the Spartan social structure.

BPI – Spartiates Male citizens > 30 born of two S parents – trained in ago transition to Syssition and became elite warriors •

Agogae + Syssition = values

Ekklesia = promote agenda

Bound by law to militaristic lifestyle [H- Exiled Demaratus “they have one master and that master is law]


BPIV – Helots Low in social standing however critical – immense significance of their role reflected in GR transformation of the social and political landscape to facilitate the maintenance of the numerical threat they posed. •

85% POP [X- ‘Brutally oppressed’ into conformity / P (Bio of KA) every Autumn ‘blood guilt’]

took on economic burden [P – worked Spartiates Kleroi = focus on training + military matters]

Fought [H – battle of Platea = 35’000 Helots fought]

BPII– Women LGR placed immense importance on role of women = elevated status- especially in contrast to other city states -Centrality of maternal role to survival of Sparta = critical importance •

Fitness [P –‘embryo would be strong’ / X- “no less than for the males” / Aristophanes/ Bronze Statue dancer]

Produce children [P – ‘bore her son to die for Sparta’ + ‘come back with your shield or on it’]

-Role in socio-cultural sphere provided elevated status and platform to manipulate through influence • [H– Cleomenes daughter Gorgo convinced him not to trust foreign diplomat – Aristagoras of Miletus] •

[A – criticised extent of this influence arguing Spartiates were “ruled by their wives”]

H+A uniformly highlight the elevated status and subsequent influence woman wielded in SS

-Economic role = elevated status •

[A- owned up to 40% of Spartan land which he argues let women “wallow in expensive luxury”]

[Stephen Mitchell –POP lowered women given vacant estates 2 combat accumulation wealth]

Despite possible inaccuracy, economic independence affirms elevated status Spartan women v GCS

BPIII – Perioeci Second class inhabitants whose economic function as craftsmen and manufactures allowed the Spartiates to live state and military focused lives •

Key role in Spartan economy/functioning of society [Kylix Laconian III – Pottery] [Vix Krater SF] Southern France = trade

Fought [P- once ½ S army / H – 500 @ Battle of Phetare]

BPV – Inferiors Lowest stratum of Spartan society


Significant because they reveal that Spartiates could lose their citizenship and that helots were capable of gaining freedom. There was a category of Inferiors who were Spartan men who had failed to gain entry into a Syssition. There was also a group of inferiors for freed helots. The evidence does not reveal how they would have lived their life or what their social status may have been.

SPARTAN ARMY 15M – What does the evidence reveal about Spartan Army? THESIS! Combo of AWEA - centrality of army in SS as LG catalyst for transition to militarized society with army at its core. Primary role = neutralising threat of helots+ protection from external threats = upheld Spartan ethos + Eunomia Army consisted of Spartiates, products of the agogae and Syssition which foster an ethic of loyalty, obedience, conformity, that lied at the heart of their political + religious roles Despite their differences, the works of P, X, H, T and a range of archaeological evidence, uniformly highlight the centrality of the army in the social, religious and political spheres, as well as, their militaristic focus to neutralize the threat of the helots and subsequently maintain Eunomia which lied at the heart of the success of Spartan society.

BPI – Education Spartiates •

LR Agogae – Spartans 7-30 [P- ‘militaristic values’ / = X – Army = ‘Superior’]

Syssition promoted comradery [P- ‘LG finest reform’ / successful H – “best soldiers in the world”]

Instilling Values – Laconian Cup 2 soldiers carrying fellow Spartiate

BPII – Suppressing Helot Population •

Neutralised threat Helots [X- ‘Brutally oppressed’ into conformity / P (Bio of KA) every Autumn ‘blood guilt’]

Fought [H – battle of Platea = 35’000 Helots fought]

BPIII – Protection from external threats •


Geographic protection- Taygetus +Parnon + Eurotas –

[Battles – Thermopylae, Platea, Marathon]

BPIV - Political role •

Political role - Ekklesia [P- chose king campaign + Gerousia acclamation / X – follow Cleomenes + Demaratus dispute the Ekklesia held right to initiate war]

Gerousia may Veto them = focus on military

BPV – Religious role •

Sacrifices before battle = victory [P – king killing goat pre-battle / X – trail animals on campaign]

Incited confidence and fearlessness [H – combing hair preparing for beautiful deaths]

Impacted Military campaign [H- King Cleomenes return Sparta 494BC Bad omens Erasinus river / X – 388BC King Agis not invading Argo earth tremor = Poseidon warning]

Gymnopaedia [P – 5d festival celebrating victory @ Thyrea – heroism of Spartiates / Unearthed VO @ ToAO] [Plato – dancing in July heat / P – ‘Anaple’ [P -Spartiates not marry= couldn’t participate]

FESTIVALS + MYTHS – What does he evidence reveal about Spartan festivals and Myths? Combo of AWEA reveals Festivals/Rituals/Myths played immense role in SS due to inextricable link BW religion and military Centrality of militaristic elements highlights how they were implemented as vehicles to foster an ethic of loyalty, obedience, conformity, which lied at the heart of the utilitarian military state. Despite their differences, the works of P, X, H, T and a range of archaeological evidence, uniformly highlight the centrality of Spartan myths and festivals in the religious and military sphere as they were critical in upholding Eunomia and promoting the militaristic agenda of Sparta

BPI - Hyakinthia •

H – Give Apollo “his due” – series of sacrifices to Apollo = military success

X – 1st day = mourning of Hyacinths + 2nd

Significance [H- disrupted military campaigns – Spartans returned to Laconia]

BPII - Karnia



day – wreaths worn + singing

Cult of Apollo Karneios – [Unearthed Coins = horned God]


Promote Military [X – Music contest ‘Agon’ – heroism of Spartiates]

Significance [H – Battle of Marathon = Spartans were late / T- Battle in 418BC with allies]

BPIII - Gymnopaedia •

Military [P – 5d festival celebrating victory @ Thyrea – heroism of Spartiates / Unearthed VO @ ToAO]

Training [Plato – dancing in July heat / P – ‘Anaple’ boys wrestling]

Military/Helots [P -If Spartiates didn’t marry = couldn’t participate]

BPIV – Gods •

Apollo [ P – praised Gods to become better soldiers / Unearthed terracotta VO @ ToAO] [Statue of Apollo]

Apollo – [H- the commands of [Apollo] were more important to them than human ties]

Poseidon - Impacted campaign [X – 388BC King Agis not invading Argo earth tremor = Poseidon warning]

BPIV – Myths Emphasised the way in which Spartans should live, embracing a unified society which foregrounded military Lycurgus •

Lycurgus: legendary law-giver who established rules and structure of the Spartan state, emphasising authority and discipline Plutarch - fueled militaristic nature

Introduced institutions of the Kleroi + Syssitia Plutarch; institutions that would provide eunomia and harmony Xenophon - a means of perpetuating military endeavours

“existence of Lycurgus is strongly open to doubt”; Mitchell, yet their belief in him formed the basis for Spartan society - made citizens ‘homoioi’; (equal)

Dioscuri: Castor + Polydeuces •

Spartan twin heroes; patrons of athletic pursuits, hunting (Castor) + boxing (Polydeuces) - Feature in Euripedes play - underscored brotherhood that lay at heart of Spartan society


WRITING &LITERATURE – What does the evidence reveal about role of writing and literature in Sparta? Combo of AWEA reveals writing/literature instrumental role in instilling religious + militaristic values GR = Sparta devoted itself to utilitarian minimalism and W+L did not disappear – became tool to instill values Fragments of poetry from Alcman + Tyrtaeus reveal monumental role in fostering an ethic of Comradery, loyalty and deeply rooted in Spartan society

BPI – Writing •

Write to Gods for blessings [Two inscribed Bronze Artefacts excavated @ Menelaion]

Education [P- Boys learnt to write + read in Agogae – Inscriptions on tombstones]

BPII– Alcman •

Survival of work highlights significance

Demystifies death = Incited confidence and fearlessness [H – combing hair preparing for beautiful deaths]

Used at Festivals [P – Gymnopaedia – promoting Spartan heroism]

BPIII– Tyrtaeus •

Verses mark critical TP in S history – 7th C BC – 2nd Messenian War – shift to militarized way of life

Poetry rejects individualism [P – ‘bore her son to die for Sparta’ + ‘come back with your shield or on it’]

Promotes comradery + loyalty = Phalynx formation

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