SPM-Final Report (InterExp (Online Internship and job portal for undergraduate students)) PDF

Title SPM-Final Report (InterExp (Online Internship and job portal for undergraduate students))
Course Project Management
Institution University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
Pages 46
File Size 6.7 MB
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Project management report for theoretical subject. Includes all the details requirements. It was submitted after some important changes....


SPM Project Report Project Title: InterExp (Online Internship and job portal for undergraduate students)

Project Description: The opportunity to gain working experience before graduation is the whole concept behind developing this system. If you are a fresh graduate then in our society, you will face a lot of family pressure, with an absolute question which says " When will you get a job?", and at that time, you are restricted to apply for only those jobs with a label saying, "No experience required". If you are applying for a job then what matters the most to the Employers is your skills and working experience. What if, you graduate with your degree at one hand and an experience letter in the other, and to make this happen in real, is the main goal of our platform. So, this platform will help students to find a job in their university span, where they can work remotely with any company, so to add experience in their respective CV and to find a good job afterwards or continue enjoying the one they are already into. This platform will also help companies in the shortlisting process of the applicants, thus saving their time and to find students of their Interest that will eventually help them in the completion of their small tasks or projects.

Tool Used: Project Professional 2016

Step 01: Adding Tasks,Durations,milestones and links: The First step is adding tasks related to your project and their duration. The corresponding Gantt chart will show the duration in bars along with dependencies. Possible relationships (links) among different tasks are:    

Finish-to-Start (FS) Start-to-Start (SS) Finish-to-Finish Start-to-Finish (SF)

In this project we used Finish-to-Start (FS) relationship. Then in next step we add Milestones.Milestones are significant (important) events that are either reached in the project or imposed on the project. They are used as major progress points to manage project success and stakeholder expectations. They are primarily used for review, inputs and budgets. Because the milestone normally does not include any work, so presented as task with ZERO duration


Step 02 : Adding Summary Tasks: It is especially useful in Resource Usage view when you want to figure out “which” task is being listed. Part(1/2)

Part (2/2)


Step 03: Set working & non-working time: In the Name field on Exception tab, enter a descriptive name for the non-working time. In our project After Mids vacations, Iqbal Day, Quaid Day, Kashmir Day and Resolution day are the exception in which we don’t perform any task. In the Start and Finish fields, type or select the start and finish dates for the non-working time span.

Now Active “Work Weeks” tab and then click Details button to change the default working days and timing. Default working time of Friday is 8:00AM to 12:00PM 1:00PM to 5:00PM We have changed it to 8:00AM to 1:00PM 2:00PM to 5:00PM Because in Pakistan, its time for Jumma Prayer and named this exception as “Friday Exception hours” in Exception Field. Changed the recurrence pattern to “Weekly” and select the day as “Friday”. Now on every Friday, the break time will start at 1:00PM and will ends at 2:00 PM. Set the start date and End after as follows:


Step 04: Setting up the project Information: We have made the following changes to project Information i-e setting up the Title of Project,SubjectAuthor,Manager and Company Name As follows


Step 05: Enter Task Notes: Following are the two notes that we have entered in our project 1: The first one is on Proposal Submission Task which is as follows:

2: The Second One is on SRS task, which is as follows:

Step 06: Hyperlink: Hyperlink allows to connect a special task to additional information that resides outside of the project plan such as another file, a page on the Internet or Intranet. As we have to learn Node.js before development, so we have added this link to the task before Development i-e SRS. Which means while we are working on our SRS, We will use this link to learn node.js too. We have changed the Text to display as “Node.js” And Adress to the actual link, which is “https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/”


We have also added another link in the design phase, which is the link of another website which will help to design our own website.

Step 07: Resources to be added: In project management terminology, resources are required to carry out the project tasks. They can be people, equipment, facilities, funding, or anything (except labor) required for the completion of a project task. Optimum Resource Scheduling is the key to successful project management.MS Project works with three types of resources:   

Work resources − People and equipment to complete the tasks. Cost resources − Financial cost associated with a task. Travel expenses, food expenses, etc. Material resources − Consumables used as project proceeds..

We have Enter resources and the maximum capacity of this resource to accomplish any work in terms of % ,where a group of people with the same skill set can work on the task, we can enter larger Max Units to represent the number of people in the group. Ad Engineer group contain 3 labors, so we set Max unit Field to 300%. Entering a value less than 100% in Max Units would mean you expect the resource capacity to be lower than a full-time resource. So, we add Max unit capacity of supervisor to 50% would mean the individual works for half of the normal full capacity. Following are the resources to be used in our project.


Step 08: Assigning resources to tasks: Now we have assigned the resources to tasks as follows: Part (1/2)



Step 09: Adding Cost: We will add the column of Cost in the column fields, It will calculate the cost to be used according to the resources assigned: Part(1/2)



Step 10: Calculating Work: Insert the Type and Work fields into the Gantt Chart view. Change type to “Fixed Duration” and and work will be calculated as follows in the work column. Part (1/2)

Part (2/2):

Step 11: Level by and Sort By Priority: A value of between 0 and 1000 can be set where 1000 is the highest priority. The default priority value for task is 500. Selecting Level All schedules tasks to take place in order of priority. (Highest first).After Leveling by priority, it makes sense to resequencing the tasks in the order that they are to be performed. This can be done by sorting by the Priority field from largest to smallest.



Part (2/2)

Step 12: Formatting: The formatting of Gantt chart bars using tab bars and tab bars styles is s follow. Using tab Bars:


Bar style of “defining requirement” are changed as shown below.


Using tab Bars styles: Using bar styles of each task can also be changes at a time as shown below.

As I changed the bar styles of milestones and project summary shown below.


Step 13: display the project summary task / Title: On format tab in hide/show group check project summary task and result is as shown.

Step14: Create a new view based on an existing view


Step15: Draw a text box on Gantt Chart

Step16: Formatting a category of text in a view



Step17: Display numbers with tasks


Step18: Create a timeline Part (1/2)

I added some tasks on my project timeline and result is shown below. Part (2/2)


Step19: Create a Report Part (1/2)

Part (2/2)


Tracking: Step20: Set current values in a schedule as a baseline To judge project performance properly, you will need to compare it with original plan. This original plan is called the Baseline Plan or just a baseline. A baseline is collection of important values in a project plan such as the planned start dates, finish dates, and cost of the tasks, resources and assignments. So, we have to set baseline in this step.

Step20: Display variance (difference) table in the Task Sheet view Part (1/3)


Part (2/3)

Part (3/3)


Step21: Record project progress as scheduled (planned)

Step22: Enter actual work values for Tasks


Step23: Enter actual start and duration values for tasks

Result: I have added actual start and duration values of Interview task.


Step24: Comparing progress of Tasks

Step25: Effort Driven Task Scheduling: All tasks are effort driven by default. You can change a task, so it is not effort driven (or make it effort driven again), by double clicking a task in the Task Name column to open the Task Information dialogue box, as I have done below. Result:


Step26: Advanced Task Scheduling When fine-tuning task relationships, you need to keep track of the predecessor tasks that affect the scheduling of their successor tasks. In complex plans, visually identifying predecessor and successor relationships is not always easy. This is especially true when a task has multiple predecessors or successors. Our tool project has a feature task path that applies color formatting to the Gantt bars of the selected task’s predecessor and successor tasks. As shown in figure below I have shown predecessors and driven successor of SRS task. And it is highlighted with orange colors. Result:


Step27: Adjust task links for more control over how tasks are related I have changed the relation of interview and requirement tasks from start to finish to finish to finish as shown below

Result: The relationship of interview and requirement task are shown below in Gantt chart view.


Step28: Applying lead and lag I have added lag value of 12 days to SRS task as shown below in figure.

Similarly, if wants to apply lad I have to give negative values.

Step29: Apply a constraint to a task I have applied a start no earlier than constraint to Development phase as shown below.


If you want to set by default that tasks should honor their constraints then you do the following step and check constraint tasks box.

Step30: Split a task to record an interruption in work When initially planning project tasks, you might know that work on a certain task will be interrupted. Rather than listing a task twice to account for a known interruption in work, you can split the task into two or more segments.


I have split design phase task as shown below.

Step31: Specifying deadline dates I have given deadline to design phase of date 1/19/2020 as shown below.

Results: and deadline is shown as below.


Step32: Specifying fixed costs A fixed cost is a specific monetary amount budgeted for a task. It remains the same regardless of any resources assigned to the task. I have assigned fixd cost too Dsigning the product phase as shown in figure below.

Step33: Setting Up a Recurring task



Step34: Viewing the project’s critical path. A critical path is the series of tasks that will push out the project’s end date if any of those tasks are delayed. The word critical in this context has nothing to do with how important these tasks are to the overall project. It refers only to how their scheduling will affect the project’s finish date.


Result: Critical path of whole is shown.

Step 35: Set resource availability to change over time: Setting a resource’s availability over time enables you to control exactly what a resource’s maximum units’ value is at any time. Here we set the resource availability of Supervisor as follows.


Step 36: Entering multiple pay rates for a resource: Here we entered multiple pay rates for the resource ‘Supervisor’.

Step 37: Assigning a different pay rate: We assigned the different pay rates as follows.


Step 38: Setting up resource pay rates to apply at different times: We have set up resource pay rates to apply at different times by entering new costs at the

Step 39: Setting up material resources: We entered the material resources “laptops” and “printers.”


Step 40: Delaying the start of assignments. Here we delayed the assignment of resource “Supervisor”.


Step 41: Applying work contours: Work Contour: The distribution (or “shape”) of working hours over the duration of a task. Work contours Controls how a resource’s work on a task is distributed over time . We applied work contour “back loaded” to resource “Supervisor” and reschedules the work on the task.


Step 42: View resources’ capacities to do work: We can see on the right side of the view the daily remaining availability values for all work resources.

Step 43: View Resource Allocations’ Overallocated: On the View tab, in the Resource Views group, click Resource Usage. The Resource Usage view appears. We can see resource overallocated in red color.

After resolving overallocated 35

Step 44: Checking the Plan’s cost and Finish Date: To view Plan’s cost click the View tab, in the Task Views group, click Other Views, and then click Task Sheet. Project switches to the Task Sheet view. Next, you will switch to the Cost table. On the View tab, in the Data group, click Tables and then click Cost. The Cost table appears.

Open Project information from project tab to see Finish date


After click on Statistics

Step 45: Inactive Task: To make a task inactive Select the “Test Report” you’d like to inactivate this tasks right click on task and select Inactive Task.


Step 46: Radar Screen Reports in MS Project: A convenient tool to help keep the team meetings focused is the radar screen reporting. The concept is: instead of discussing the work that has been completed, the team discussed the work that is not progressing according to schedule. In particular, those tasks that should have completed but are still progressing, and the tasks that should have started but no work has taken place. We are going to use a filter to display only those tasks that are not progressing according to plan in terms of start/end dates. Select View-> Data group-> Filter option-> More Filters then select “Should Start / Finish by” and apply.


In group By select status

Step 47: PERT View in MS: After selecting from project the Custom Fields window, be sure to select the Tasks type and select the Number format. Rename three custom task fields within a Number format for PERT estimates:


Select a fourth task field and rename the field “PERT Estimate” and enter formula. ([Optimistic] + ([Most Likely] * 4) + [Pessimistic]) / 6

Within the Calculation for task and group summary rows, select Rollup: Sum

Click [OK] to complete the custom field entry.

Step 48:

Create PERT View:

Within the View button. Within the Tables]. And

tab, select the Tables Tables, select [More

button table.


select the [New] establish a new


Give the table name “PERT Estimate”. Within the Field Name, select the following fields and apply valid Widths.       

ID Name Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic PERT Estimate Work

Width: 6 Width: 15 Width: 15 Width: 15 Width: 15 Width: 15 Width: 10

Click [OK] to save the new table.


Confirm the display of the PERT Estimates view.

Step 49: Earned Value Analysis in MS Project: In view tab select more table and select Earned value and select apply

After that in project tab select NA from status group and enter date.


After that update project.

We make a few more updates to the schedule, including insertion of fixed cost.


Additionally, we had a column for to SPI and CPI. Our tabulated earned value data now has all the elements necessary for EVM project analysis.

Step 50: Earned Value Report: 44

Step 51: Create WBS Codes: Click View, and then pick a sheet view, such as the Task Sheet or Resource Sheet. Click Project. In the Properties group, click WBS and then click Define Code.

After entering Project Code Prefix


Step 52: Renumber WBS codes:


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