SPP-MCQ social and preventive pharmacy PDF

Title SPP-MCQ social and preventive pharmacy
Author Drx Altamash Ali
Course b.pharm
Institution APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Pages 15
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Sherwood College of Pharmacy, BBK Social & preventive pharmacy(BP-802T) Multiple choice question UNIT-1

1. Immunosuppressant’s such as –prevent transplanted organ organs from being rejected in recipients a. Thrombin b. Cyclosporine c. Aspirin d. None of these 2. The ................ is at its largest in children, but with the onset of puberty it eventually shrinks and gets replaced by fat. a. Thymus b. Hypothalamus c. Parathyroid d. None of these 3. Which of the following disease has been eradicated? a. Small pox b. Rinderpest c. Polio d. All of the above 4. A kind of an injury or damage which results in the premature death of all the nearby cell in a tissue or an organ through Auto lysis is called............ a. Neurosis b. Necrosis c. Apoptosis d. Cellular sensation 5.The immune system comprises................ a. Humoral and fibrous system b. Humoral and cell-mediated system c. Antigen d. Lymphocytes 6. Which of the following is a viral disease? a. Diphtheria b. Filariasis c. Leprosy d. Influenza 7. Carcinoma arises from the............. a. Epithellal cells b. Bone marrow

c. Pigment containing cells d. None of the these 8. ............... is an example of a stimulant. a. Lorazepam b. Amphetamine c. Oxazepam d. Phencyclidine 9. Which of the following is the most essential nutrients for a women during her initial stages of pregnancy to prevent birth defects? a. Thiamine b. Follc acid c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin E 10. Which of the following food sources has the highest levels of vitamin C? a. Parsley b. Broccoli c. Blackcurrants d. Oranges’ juice 11. Which of the following vitamin helps in blood clotting? a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin C c. Vitamin D d. Vitamin K 12. Which is the leading causes of blindness in children worldwide ? a. Glaucoma b. Cataract c. Color blindness d. Vitamin A deficiency 13. Which of the following vitamin deficiency causes beriberi? a. Vitamin b1 b. Vitamin b2 c. Vitamin b6 d. Vitamin b12 14. Who is the most likely to develop scurvy? a. Vitamin C deficiency b. A pregnant woman a malnourished child c. A long time alcoholic a person with the eating disorder d. Anorexia nervosa 15. Which of the following vitamin function as both hormones and visual pigment ? a. Retinal b. Riboflavin

c. Folic acid d. Thiamine 16. Which of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin? a. Vitamin B b. Vitamin C c. Vitamin B12 d. Vitamin D 17. Which of the following diseases is caused by the deficiency of niacin? a. Scurvy b. Rickets c. Pellagra d. Pernicious anaemia 18. Which of the following vitamin serve as a hormones precursor? a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin C c. Vitamin D d. vitamin K 19. The most serious problem facing global health now and in future is. a. Nutrition b. Water c. Oil d. Smoking 20. The leading causes of poor health globally is. a. Poverty b. Smoking c. Sanitation d. cardiovascular disease 21. The leading infectious disease killer globally in 2001 was: a. Respiratory disease b. HIV or Aid c. Diarrheal disease d. Tuberculosis 22. Which of the following is or are related to over nutrition? a. Obesity b. Type 2 diabetes c. cardiovascular disease d. All of the above 23. Breastfeeding is important to an infant’s health because........... a. It is not affected by the mothers’ nutritional status. b. It transfers immunity against certain infectious disease. c. It decreases the mothers chances of getting pregnant d. All of the above

24. Fortunately for infants in poor nation, the nutritional value of the mother’s breast milk is not affected by her own diet. a. True b. False 25. The epidemiological transition is a. The eliminated of infectious diseases and the increase in chronic disease as the major problem in developing countries b. The continuing problem of infectious disease plus the rapid increase in chronic disease in developing countries c. The developing of epidemiology as a major discipline in developing countries 26. The primary objective of immunization program is to a. Prevent infection b. Prevent disease c. Prevent further transmission of the disease agent d. All the above 27. The most important requirement of a vaccine is a. Safety b. Ability to stimulate antibody production c. Ability to stimulate an immune response d. The proportion of infectious prevented 28. The inadequate absorption or availability of proteins and energy in body is known as: a. Protein energy malnutrition b. Pepsin enzyme malnutrition c. Passing energy malnutrition d. Protein excess malnutrition 29. The problem related to nutrition of nutrients is called a. Malnutrition b. Solubility of nutrition c. Insolubility of nutrition d. balancing of nutrition UNIT-2 1. Which of the following is a set of bacteria disease? a. Malaria, polio, mumps b. Plague , leprosy, diphtheria c. Mumps, cholera , typhoid d. Measles tuberculosis tetanus 2. Vibrio cholerae is a motile bacterium , which belong the group of......... a. Lophotrichous b. Peritrichous c. Monotrichous d. Amphitrichous 3. What is the standard treatment of cholera? a. ORS replacement therapy

b. Tetracycline antibiotic c. Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole d. Diuretic drugs 4. What is the full frame of SARS? a. Severs acute respiratory syndrome b. Severe acute respiratory symptoms c. Severe actual respiratory symptom d. Serious acute respiratory syndrome 5. What is the biggest risk factor for the infection with Ebola a. Working in a category IV laboratory b. Nursing a patient at home c. Attending of funeral of a victim outside d. Attending large gatherings 6. Ebola virus disease is type of.......... a. Viral hemorrhagic fever b. Avian influenza c. Plague d. Viral respiratory illness 7. Incubation period of Ebola virus is......... a. Within an hour b. 2 to 21 days c. Within 48 hours d. 2 to 7 days 8. Which of the following indicates hypertensive crisis ? a. Blood pressure of 140/9 mmhg b. BP of 160/100 mmhg c. BP of 150/99 mmhg d. BP of 180/ 120 mmhg 9. What is the top three modifiable risk factors for developing cancer ? a. Tobacco use, excess body weight , alcohol intake b. Tobacco use, cancer-causing pathogens, physical inactivity c. Tobacco use, Sun/UV exposure , alcoholic use d. Tobacco us , Sun/ UV exposure, excess body weight 10. Changing or modifying certain behaviour can reduce your risk for developing cancer , which of the following lifestyle modification can reduce your risk of cancer a. Stay physically active b. Limit consumption of red meat and processed food c. Limit alcohol consumption d. All of the above

11. Which of the following drop function as a CNS depressant ? a. Amphetamine b. Caffeine c. Oplum d. Cocaine 12. Compulsory drinking is also called............ a. Dipsomania b. Pyromania c. Trichotillomania d. Dyslexia 13. Substance abuse is........... a. Taking of a drug or alcohol in damaging quantities other than prescribed b. Typified by continued use of alcohol or other drugs in spite of negative consequces c. Characterized by repeated compulsive seeking or use of a substance despite adverse social psychological and/ or physical consequences d. Use of any drug 14. Filarial larvae can be collected from man’s........... a. Peripheral blood at midnight b. Smears of spleen c. Smears of intestine contents d. Biopsy of liver 15. This does not accurately describe lymphatic filariasis a. Vector is the mollusc b. Chyluria is the most common manifestation c. Mainly affects the lower limb d. Caused by worms wuchereiabancrofti 16. Which of the following coronavirus is has goes to thousand of death around the world as an emergent virus ? a. MERS b. SARS c. OC43 d. HKUI 17. Chikungunya is primarily spread by....... a. Bacteria b. Viruses c. Protozoa d.mollusc 18. Chikungunya has spread widely from Asia and Africa into the Caribbean in recent years. This has been mainly facilitated by a. Mutation in the virus allowing the replication in the mosquito aedesalbopictus b. Air travel

c. Climate change d. Poor mosquito control and absence of the DTT 19. Mosquito responsible for malaria transmission a. Aedesegypti b. Aedesalbopictus c. anopheles d. Haemagohus 20. Trophozoites , scizonts and gametocytes of all the malarial parasites are seen in the peripheral blood smear except : a. P.falciparum b. P. Malariae c. P.ovale d. P. vivax

UNIT-3 1. World’s AIDS day was observed on which day? a. 30th December b. 2nd December c. 1st December d. 3rd December 2. Which body is responsible for formulating policy and implementing programs for prevention and control of HIV in India? a. AIMS b. IIM c. IIT d. NACO 3. On which date the world Health Organization recognize to celebrate the void tuberculosis day. a.24th march b. 7th April c. 24th April d. 14th November 4.

World health organisation recommended a control strategy for TB known as: a. Dots b. Morphine c. Gene therapy d. MCT

5. NL EP was launched in............... a. 1983 b. 1990

c. 1980 d.1985 6. Full form of DPMR a. Direction prevention and medical rehabilitation b. Disability prevention and medical research c. Disability prevention and medical rehabilitation d. None of the above 7. The indicator is to decrease the visible disabilities to less than one per one lakh population in the community in NLEP is by--a. 2030 b.2015 c.2020 d. 2025 8. National mental health program was launched in.......... a. 1980 b. 1985 c. 1980 d.1990 9. In which we are the main power development scheme become part national mental health program a. 2010 b. 2009 c. 2015 d. 2013 10. Who on – removed India from the list of countries with active endemic wild poliovirus transmission a. 24th February 2012 b. 28th February 2012 c. 10th February 2012 d. 15th February 2012 11. Eye donation for night is observed on........ a. 25th August to 8 September b. 28th August to 8 September c. 22 August to 1st to Sepember d. None 12. The last polio case in the country was reported from....... a. West Bengal b. Gujarat c. Delhi d. Orissa

13. Under program NPCB vision 2020 is..... a. The right to sight b. The outh to sight c. both d. None 14. Biggest achievement of immunization program is the eradication of a. Chickenpox b. Smallpox c. Tetanus d. TB 15. Vaccine under UIP....... a. BCG b. DPT c. OPV d. Above all 16. Disease protected by vaccination under UIP are a. Diphtheria b. Pertussis c. Tetanus d. above all 17. Full form of AEFL..... a. Adverse events following immunization b. Adverse events for immunization c. Adverse evidence following immunization d. None 18. Measles rubella vaccine was introduction in a. 1985 b. 2017 c. 2018 d. 2005 19. Mission Indradhanush was launched in a. 2014-15 b. 2010-12 c.2017-18 d. 2009-10 20. National program for prevention and control of deafness was launched in a. 2005 b. 2007 c. 2010 d.2015

UNIT-4 1. What is the full form of MTP? a. Medical termination of parturition b. Medical termination of pregnancy c. Mechanical transfer of pollen d. Maternally transmitted pathogens 2. The programs to get total reproductive health as a social goal of national level are called a. Family organization b. Family planning c. Family care d. Reproductive care 3. Which of the following is used for grading protein energy malnutrition? a. Ballard’s scale b. Gomez scale c. Bishop scoring d. Krammer’s rule 4. Which one of the following food is rich in omega -3 fatty aid? a. Olly fish b. Chicken c. Pork d. Egg 5. Which of the following food item believed to be complete meal or balanced diet? a. Vegetable b. Fruits c. Milk d. Honey 6. Which one of the following is the main target of family welfare program? a. Couples in the fertile age b. Children below 12 years c. Woman after fertile age d. Male after fertile age 7. Which of the following is the activity of the family welfare program? a. Malnutrition program b. Child marriage c. IUD program d. One child one nation policy 8. When the family planning insurance scheme was introduced ? a. 2003 b. 2005

c. 2007 d. 2009 9. Which is the first state in india to recognise the family web planning to nation planning ? a. Kerala b. Goa c. Karnataka d. Tamil nadu 10. Which of the first country to initiate a family planning program in the world ? a. Brazil b. Pakistan c. India d. France 11. What is the additive drug in tobacco? a. Ethanol b. Nicotine c. Ammonia d. Tar 12. Which of the following disease is common caused by spit tobacco? a. Lung cancer b. Liver cancer c. Brain cancer d. Mouth cancer 13. Mosquito responsible for malaria transmission a. Aedes aegypti b. Aedes albopictus c. Anopheles d. Haemagogus 14. How many people are at risk of malaria in the world ? a. 1.2 million b. 1.2 billion c. 3.2 million d. 3.2 billion 15. We can protect ourselves from malaria....... a. Using mosquito repellent b. Wearing light– coloured , long sleeved shirts and trousers c. Sleeping under insecticide- treated bed nets d. All of these 16. There is a vaccine against malaria a. True b. False

17. The term ageism was coined by a. 4Robert Butler b. Lgnatz leo nascher c. Dr .O.P. Sharma d. Dr. Sharad Gokhale 18. Which state has been named first among states for its performance under the pradhan matri surakshit matritv abhiyan in india a. Madhya Pradesh b. Himachal Pradesh c. Tamil nadu d. Uttar Pradesh 19. India’s first health care and welfare centre under ayushman bharat yojana was inaugu in a. Bijapur(chattisgarh) b. Udaipur (rajasthan) c. Vidisha (Madhya Pradesh) d. Varansi(uttar Pradesh) 20. Which of the following instritution in india does not conduct a geriatric treat medicine course? a. IGNOU b .AIIMS Delhi c. Mysore medical college d. Madras medical college UNIT-5 1. Which of the following are not causing agents of disease? a. Physical agents b. Biological agents c. Chemical agents d. All of the above 2. Sanitization broadly means a. supporting small scale entrepreneurs b. Disposal of human excreta c. To develop household water treatment and solid waste management system d. Educate people and community 3. What is estimated death linked to poor sanitation and hygiene in rural India? a. 1 in every 10 death b. 10 in every 50 death c. I in every 100 death d. It can’t be estimated

4. The central rural sanitation program was launched in....... a. 1980 b. 1950 c. 1986 d. 2012 5. The central rural sanitation program was reconstructed in April and renamed as...... a. Nirmal bharat abhiyan b. Nirmal gram abhiyan c. Bhartiya nirmalta abhiyan d. Total sanitation scheme 6. The first Nirmal Gram Puraskar was given in....... a. 2005 b. 2011 c.2003 d.2012 7. What do you mean by HWT? a. Household waste treatment b. Housing waste treatment c. Housing water treatment d. Household water treatment 8. The materials required for the construction of sanitary latrines and other sanitary facilities are sold from...... a. Rural sanitization mart b. Rural sanitary mall c. Rural sanitary mart d. Gram panchayat 9. The main objective of the program............. is to eradicate 100% open defecation a. Nirmal bharat abhiyan b. Total sanitation campaign c. Central rural sanitation program d. Open defecation free India 10. The concept of primary health care was introduced at international level jointly by WHO and UNICEF at the alma atta conference in.........year a. 1975 b. 1978 c. 1976 d. 1973 11. What was the goal to achieve Alma Atta conference a. Basic facility for all b. Sanitization for all

c. Healthy for all d. None of the above 12. The full form form of PHC...... a. Primary health center b. Purposive health center c. Primary health care d. Pediatric health care 13. Required number of population to establish PHC in plain area a. 20000 b.25000 c. 1500 d. 3000 14. What are levels of care in PHC a. First level of health care b. Second level of health care c. Tertiary level of health care d. All of the above 15. Rajiv Rin Yojana addresses housing need of a. Economically weak and lower income groups in urban areas b. Urban BPL population c. Urban slum dwellers and homeless d. All of the above 16. Urban areas covered under N.U.H.M are a. Town panchayats b. Municipal corporation c. Municipalities d. All of the above 17. The major cause of death in urban areas a. Cardiovascular disease b. Tuberculosis c. Malignant and other neoplasms d. Diarrheal disease 18. The key public health challenges are a. Weak and dysfunctional public system of outreach b. Poor environment health, poor housing c. Many slums not having primary health care facility d. All of these 19. NUHM will promote..........convergence to avoid duplication of resources and efforts a. Inter sectoral b. Intra sectoral

c. Both d. None 20. Which of the following are major components of coordinated school health ? a. Comprehensive school health education b. Physical education c. Nutrition services d. All of the above...

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