Spring 2021 Generative Writing 5 PDF

Title Spring 2021 Generative Writing 5
Course College Writing
Institution University of Massachusetts Amherst
Pages 2
File Size 88.1 KB
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Alex Terrell...


Generative Writing 5: Fast-Forward Draft Oftentimes we think of rough/initial drafts as both large and messy, the place where we “puke” out the raw material of what will eventually become our finished essay. This method is useful but has some drawbacks. With traditional revision, teachers ask students to spend most of the unit cutting and critiquing the original, “source” essay. While this process is a matter of course for a lot of writers, it can be demoralizing to writers who find it difficult and time-consuming to “puke” out a draft in the first place. So, for this assignment, I am going to ask you to start small. For this assignment, you are to write a roughly 500 word “Fast Forward” draft. In this first effort you should not worry about including lengthy physical descriptions, transitional phrases, or even the finer points of your analysis. The goal is to state, as concisely as possible, what your essay is about. You will try to account for important groups, people, places, and themes in regards to the place you’ve chosen as your pivotal place to write about. It might be helpful to reconsider how place is discussed in bell hooks’ text.. Your task is to attempt to write about this place considering the work we’ve done around your own context. Note the word attempt. I am not expecting perfection or even anything usable. This is just an exercise to get you to state the most basic thrust/thesis of your paper. To begin writing your draft, it will be helpful to begin answering the questions I’ve listed there. Those questions being: 1. How has the specific place affected you? 2. What is your role within the place? Do you live there? Visit there? 3. What is the place's relationship to surrounding areas? 4. What are the overarching ideas, emotions and rules that seem to govern your experience of the place? 5. What aspect of this place will you focus on in your essay? Please upload your completed Generative Writing to Blackboard by Thursday of this week. Please be sure to upload this assignment as a docx file. I believe that my pivotal place has affected me in many good ways, but also some negative ways as well. I got the job on my 15th birthday, my first ever job and I was so excited to experience it and also make a decent amount of money for being so young and possibly make some new friends as well. I worked for 4 years, for around 6 months every summer and part of the fall. It was honestly the best job a young teenager could’ve worked. You worked what days you wanted

to work and as long as you requested days off, you got them. And the pay wasn’t awful, but it was only $7.25 an hour, considering it’s in New Hampshire, but I worked my way up And, in my opinion, it was fantastic, until it wasn’t. After my first season, I joined the leadership, meaning a lot of hours, many hot days, and a lot of long nights, especially for only being 16. But I pushed through and my coworkers were my best friends at the time, so it was very enjoyable, even with the horrible conditions we had to work under. Again, I worked there, for 4 seasons. But it didn’t really feel like I worked there with the many, many hours I was working each week. It felt as though I was living there during the day, and went home to sleep, then back to work the following day. Canobie Lake Park is a very well-known amusement park in New England. I’d say besides Six Flags, it’s the only other amusement park that people come to visit. People from the surrounding areas love to visit, sometimes they even come more than once during the summer, as well as during the fall. But I’d definitely say if you don’t live near New Hampshire, I don’t think you have heard of Canobie Lake Park. There are some emotions and rules that govern my experience of this place. One example is that I used to flirt with my coworkers, even though that wasn’t allowed, the managers didn’t really pay attention. Another one could be the severe heat in each of the food places, considering there were no air conditioners and the fans only blow hot air out. That was an experience, but I still pushed through because I absolutely loved working there, I have no idea why though. I think the aspect of this place that I will focus on is the outside view versus the inside view of Canobie Lake Park. Most of the population in New England might have visited Canobie, but they have never had an inside look of the park. Additionally, I know a lot of people who wanted a first job, and Canobie hires as young as 15, so they would go work there. But they absolutely hated working there, and quit after a few weeks, or even days of working. I just don’t think people realize the attraction that place has on the workers, especially in the food service, where I worked. Something about that place kept making me want to come back, until I had to leave....

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