Standardized Testing Thesis WS PDF

Title Standardized Testing Thesis WS
Author Abbie Stanley
Course English Composition 1
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
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Name: Marcus Stanley

Persuasive Essay: Thesis Statement and Gathering Resources Worksheet Part 1: Thesis Statement Assignment Directions: Review “Thesis Statements” in the “Drafting the College Essay” section of “The Writing Process” media piece. Here is an example of a persuasive thesis statement from our essay. Grass fed beef is a much healthier option than corn fed beef because it has higher nutritional value, can provide the body with much needed Omega 3 fatty acids, and has the health benefits of conjugated linoleic acid. Stance: Grass fed beef is a much healthier option than corn fed beef. Subtopic 1: it has higher nutritional value. Subtopic 2: it can provide the body with much needed Omega 3 fatty acids. Subtopic 3: and has the health benefits of conjugated linoleic acid.

Create a thesis statement for your persuasive essay. Your thesis statement should be one sentence that includes three subtopics. Write your thesis statement in the box below: © 2013. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Topic: Standardized testing

Stance: Standardized tests should not be used to measure students’ growth or teachers’ performance.

Subtopic 1: it requires too much testing

Subtopic 2: teachers are teaching to the test rather than content that matters

Subtopic 3: the tests don’t measure skills that students should be learning like critical thinking, creativity, and complex problem solving

Thesis Statement: Standardized tests are not reliable because it requires too much testing, teachers are teaching to the test rather than content that matters, and the tests don’t measure skills that students should be learning like critical thinking, creativity, and complex problem solving.

Thesis Statement Self-Evaluation: Consider the following questions when developing the thesis statement for your essay. The answer to each of the four questions below should be yes if you have drafted a quality thesis statement. © 2013. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

1) Is your topic stated in the thesis? yes 2) Does your thesis include your position/stance? yes 3) Is the thesis statement specific? yes 4) Does the thesis include three subtopics? yes

Part 2: Gathering Resources Assignment Directions: Review “Research and Sources” in the media piece “The Writing Process.” Use the GCU elibrary to find three Peer Reviewed sources to use in your persuasive essay. Fill out the requested information in the table below about your sources. Thesis subtopic

Title and Author(s)

Write a 50-word response to the following question: How is this source relevant to your

APA 6th Edition References

© 2013. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Permalink (GCU Library permanent link)

subtopic? it requires too much testing

1 Hout ,Mi chael 2 El l i ot t ,St uar t

Fr ueh,Sar a1

Do High Stake Tests Improve Learning? Article supporting your Subtopic 1

Article supporting your Subtopic 2

teachers are teaching to the test rather than content that matters

Relying on High-Stakes Standardized Tests to Evaluate Schools and Teachers: A Bad Idea. Authors:

This article talks about the inability to prove a student’s performance based off a high-stake tests. Schools today (especially in third grade) are filled with high-stake tests. There is no way that students are able to enjoy learning or gain a high self esteem based off tests that are difficult for them; even the ones that score well could very well be good at testing while others are not. This article discusses how the importance of these tests are used to grade students based off of what they do not need to be tested from and essentially grading teachers on material that is simply or should not be taught.

Hout ,M. ,El l i ot t ,S. ,& Fr ueh,S.( 2012) .Do Hi ghSt akesTest s I mpr ov e Lear ni ng?I ssuesi n Sci enc e& Technol ogy ,29( 1) ,33– 38.Ret r i evedf r om ht t ps: / / l opes. i dm. ocl c. or g/ l ogi n? ur l =ht t p: / / sear c h. ebscoho st . com/ l ogi n. aspx? di r ec t =t r ue&db=of s&AN= 82398401&si t e=eds l i v e&sc ope=si t e

https://lopes.idm.oclc.o rg/login? url=http://search.ebsco direct=true&db=ofs& AN=82398401&site=e ds-live&scope=site

Mor gan,H.( 2016) . Rel yi ngonHi ghSt ak es St andar di z edTest st o Ev al uat eSchool sand Teacher s:ABad I dea.Cl ear i ng House,89( 2) ,67–72. ht t ps: / / doi or g. l opes. i dm. ocl c. or g/ 10. 1080/ 00098655. 2016. 115 6628

https://lopes.idm.oclc.o rg/login? url=http://search.ebsco direct=true&db=a9h& AN=116237836&site= eds-live&scope=site

© 2013. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Article supporting your Subtopic 3

the tests don’t measure skills that students should be learning like critical thinking, creativity, and complex problem solving

Morgan, Hani1 Making Our Way through the Assessment and Accountability Maze. Authors: Pearson, P. David Vyas, Sapna Sensale, Lisa M. Kim, Youb

This article discusses the obstacles that teachers and leaders have to pass and teach children. Teachers are struggling to teach because they are so stuck on teaching the test. It holds teachers accountable when they already have so much on their plate.

Pear son,P.D. ,Vyas,S. , Sensal e,L.M. ,&Ki m,Y. ( 2001) .Maki ngOurWay t hr ought heAssess ment andAccount abi l i t y Maz e.Cl ear i ng House,74( 4) ,175. Ret r i ev edf r om ht t ps: / / l opes. i dm. ocl c. or g/ l ogi n? ur l =ht t p: / / sear c h. ebscoho st . com/ l ogi n. aspx? di r ec t =t r ue&db=a9h&AN= 4224745&s i t e=edsl i v e&sc ope=si t e

© 2013. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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