STAT 213-07 - OL Course Syllabus - SUM 21 PDF

Title STAT 213-07 - OL Course Syllabus - SUM 21
Course Introduction To Applied Statistics
Institution Hunter College CUNY
Pages 3
File Size 160.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 16
Total Views 124


this is the syllabus for stat 213...


DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS STAT 213.07 – Introduction to Applied Statistics Online Zoom Class Meeting: MTWR 5:45 – 7:19 PM Instructor: Kikuno Nonoyama Email: [email protected], [email protected] Office Hours: After class by appointment Prerequistites: MATH 125 or appropriate score on placement exam. Material: Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, 5th Edition, by Roxy Peck, Chris Olsen, Jay L. Devore, Duxbury Press. Customized Edition (Lose Leaf and WebAssign Bundle). Learning Outcomes: This course emphasizes statistical literacy and develops statistical thinking. Statistical literacy is promoted throughout the text in the many examples and exercises, drawn from published research findings and the popular press. Many of the examples and exercises discussed will highlight the central role of probability and statistics in 21st century science. Students should understand how to adequately interpret and communicate statistical results. Understanding the nature and role of variability is key to developing sound skills in statistical thinking. Grading Policy and Benchmark: Your final grade will be determined by WebAssign homework assignments, two term exams, and a cumulative final exam. The term exams and final are closed book. The final counts twice as much as the term exams. Lowest score will be dropped (if lowest score is at the final exam, that score will be counted only once). No make-up exams will be allowed for any reason including an emergency or a technical issue. There are no exceptions. (Please prepare to have a backup plan just in case you lose your internet connection during an exam.) If you miss a term exam due to an emergency or a technical issue, it will be counted as the lowest grade. Page files, screenshots, pictures will NOT be accepted or graded for any reason in this course. Component


WebAssign Homework Exam Average

20 %

Letter Grade A

GPA Value 4.0

Grading Scale 92.5 – 97.4

80 %



90.0 – 92.4


100 %



87.5 – 89.9



82.5 – 87.4



80.0 – 82.4



77.5 – 79.9



70.0 – 77.4



60.0 – 69.9



0 – 59.9

1. Blackboard: It is your responsibility to have a working email address and to have access to Blackboard. Please get help as soon as possible if there is an issue. 2. Attendance: Students are expected to attend each Zoom class meeting on time. The Zoom link will be provided before the first day of class. Please access the same link BEFORE 5:45 pm (suggested around 5:30 pm). Class attendance will be often taken within five minutes after each class session begins. If you are late for any reason, it is your responsibility to ensure that your attendance is recorded before you leave the class meeting. Otherwise, it will be counted as an absence. (If you send me an email after class, your attendance will not be marked.) 3. Class Participation: Students are expected to participate in the class discussions and become actively involved in the course. The use of your phone is not allowed in the classroom since it distracts me and other students in class. The use of the calculator on your phone is strictly prohibited. Surfing the internet or sending text messages during class is strictly prohibited. Students are asked to put away your cellular phone before every class. If you expect an emergency call, please just let me know prior to class. It is also inappropriate to be talking or doing something unrelated to the subject once class has started. Please be aware that such disturbing behavior will have a significantly negative impact on your final grade. As a college student, you are expected to respect the class and the other students if you are in the classroom. 1

Summer 2021

4. Homework: Mandatory online homework will be assigned through WebAssign. Access and register using the class key: hunter 0667 0065. Each assignment has its due date. The due date will not be extended for any reason including an emergency or a technical issue. Do not wait until the last minute to complete each homework. Please do not email ask me to request an extension for the homework. (An email requesting an extension will not be responded to.) 5. Exams: Exams will be based on lectures and homework assignments. There will be no review sheets or sample exams. The tentative exam dates and final exam date are indicated in the preliminary course schedule at the end of this statement. All students are expected to read and follow the provided instructions carefully.

Otherwise, a grade will not be given. (It will be dropped as your lowest exam grade.) You are required to upload a Word document or a pdf through Blackboard. Page files, screenshots, pictures will NOT be accepted or graded for any reason in this course. You are allowed to use a graphing or scientific calculator. However, the use of your cellular phone’s calculator is strictly prohibited. 6. Extra Credit Assignments: Extra credit assignments will be provided at my discretion only when it is determined to be necessary. No assignments for extra credit will be assigned to individual students upon request. Please do not ask. (A student’s email requesting extra credit will not be responded to.) 7. Dolciani Mathematics Learning Center: It provides multimedia materials (videotape & CDs), as well as tutoring, specifically for STAT 213 students. In the past, students also found the open forum in WebAssign (under Communication) very useful for sharing questions and comments about the course. The forum is open to everybody enrolled in your section. 8. Grade: If you want to request a CR/NCR grade, you must have completed all the requirements for the course and have at least a 40% average. Students wishing to request INC grades must put their request in writing and explain the reasons. You must also have at least a C average at the time of the request. If you stop attending and do not complete the course work you will receive a grade of WU. 9. Plagiarism: Cheating is an extremely serious offense. A student caught copying someone else's work and claiming it as his/her own will receive an F for this class, and could face disciplinary action, including suspension from Hunter College and loss of academic benefits. Hunter College regards acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating on examinations, obtaining unfair advantage, and falsification of records and official documents) as serious offenses against the values of intellectual honesty. The college is committed to enforcing the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity and will pursue cases of academic dishonesty according to the Hunter College Academic Integrity Procedures. 10. Disability: In compliance with the American Disability Act of 1990 (ADA) and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Hunter College is committed to ensuring educational parity and accommodations for all students with documented disabilities and/or medical conditions. It is recommended that all students with documented disabilities (Emotional, Medical, Physical and/or Learning) consult the Office of Access ABILITY located in Room E1124 to secure necessary academic accommodations. For further information and assistance please call (212- 772- 4857)/TTY (212- 650- 3230).


Summer 2021

STAT 213 Summer 2021 Preliminary Course Schedule: CLASS 1





2 3

6/1 6/2

Tue Wed

Chapter 1, 3 & 4

4 5 6

6/3 6/7 6/8

Thur Mon Tue

Chapters 4, 6 & 7

7 8

6/9 6/10

Wed Thur

Chapters 7 & 8

9 10 11

6/14 6/15 6/16

Mon Tue Wed

EXAM 1 Chapter 8

12 13

6/17 6/21

Thur Mon

Chapters 8 & 9

14 15 16

6/22 6/23 6/24

Tue Wed Thur

Chapters 9 & 10

17 18

6/28 6/29

Mon Tue

Chapters 10, 11 & 5

19 20 21

6/30 7/1 7/6

Wed Thur Tue

EXAM 2 Chapter 5

22 23

7/7 7/8

Wed Thur






The course schedule may be modified to accommodate the learning requirements of the class. According to the academic calendar:

    

No class meeting on Monday, 5/31. The last day to add a class is Monday, 5/31. No class meeting on Monday, 7/5. The last day to withdraw from a course is Tuesday, 7/6. The final exam is scheduled on the last day of class on Monday, 7/6.


Summer 2021...

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