Strat comm strategy and planning notes PDF

Title Strat comm strategy and planning notes
Author Rachael Lillich
Course Strategic Communication Strategy and Planning
Institution Kansas State University
Pages 10
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Professor Deb Skidmore...


September 6, Mike Pompeo Landon Lecture 10:30am in McCain. E.C. opportunity, five things you learned, bullet form. September 27, Forturne CEO, Landon Lecture series, 10:30am in McCain. E.C. opportunity, five things you learned, bullet form. [email protected] TA for class 08/28/2019 Public Relations is changing continually Tools to get information out - media kits - advertising - social media - press releases - earned media - fact sheet - press conferences - speeches - newsletters - bulletin boards - RESEARCH - etc Business owners want us to give them educated solutions and to think about potential problems. They want us to build crisis plans. Strategic communications are sitting more with management. Strategic thinkers for your company. Have to be able to target things to different audiences. Communication strategy is the bridge between your company and the media. 08/30/2019 — The more you know about PR, advertising and marketing the better — Edward Bernays — founding father of public relations - he did a lot of propaganda work in WWI - engineered debutante march — early 90s, riots in LA. Left one business alone, McDonalds. Because of the good relationship they left the business alone — in advertising, you use one “big bang” vs. PR which builds up over time — advertising is primarily visual, but PR doesn't have to be, it can be in writing — advertising tries to speak to everyone, PR picks target audiences — advertising costs, PR is free 9 step plan, MUST take steps in the sequence 1. analyze the situation — crucial at the beginning!!! observe, talk to other people 2. analyze the organization - look at the internal environment, their mission, performance and resources, look at the public’s view of organization - look at the external environment, its competitors and supporters 3. analyze the public(s) - the groups of people there, workers, supporters, contractors, audience 4. establish goals and objectives

- THIS IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL YOU WANT — needs to be specific and clear 5. formulate the action and the response strategy - what kind of actions are you going to use? 6. develop the message - what message do you want people to remember? 7. select the tactics - face to face - organizational media that is controlled by the company themselves (like a news release) - news media - advertising - has control if org has lots of money ** not all of these are appropriate depending on the situation 8. implement your plan - developing budget, schedule to make plan a success 9. evaluate your plan - need to measure the effectiveness of what you did — creativity is necessary, don’t want to be “cute” — avoid jargon — different forms of what to do with the plan - project, simple - programs, based on relationships with a particular audience - campaigns, a set of actives that go for a long period of time — must be accountable to the audience, you have to be able to back it up 09/04/2019 09.06.2019 — Landon Lecture — EXTRA CREDIT -5 things you learned 09.10.2019 — Kedziepalooza — ASSIGNMENT -Visit the event, talk to people at the tables and professors -10 things you learned from Kedziepalooza -you have to be factual, ethical and proactive How we start building the plan -Research -help make wise decisions -your org expects you to do that for them -three kinds of research -casual research -talking to people, asking around -secondary research -someone has already done this research, just look up what they found out -reading what others have already done -primary research -you do the research, ex: focus group, survey etc -in this field of study we need to be taking every opportunity to get your org’s name out there in a positive light. -if there’s is anything negative your job is to make sure it’s true. -“for every negative, have a positive” -the earliest you can protect a problem, the better, don’t hold bad news back -make sure you’ve gathered every fact before you go out -benchmarking — read how others fixed the same problem -learn from your mistakes -learn to get a thick skin When a crisis occurs: -keep your employees informed

-let them know that they do not talk to the media -respond as quickly as possible, but do not disclose more than you can say -lots of ethics involved and lots of security 09/06/2019 -Analyzing the organization -don’t tell yourself that everything is wonderful, talk to people, take a look around -develop a SWOT analysis (strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats) -break it into to parts -internal -quality of goods and services they are pushing out -satisfaction of the leadership, happy or wanting changes? -do they support any causes or philanthropies? -where do you fit in as a PR person? do they trust you? if you are not at the management table you need to get there. -visibility, what do people think of your organization. -40% of what people think about an org is in reputation -that is your word and your practice of doing things right -external -supporters -competitors -opponents 09/09/2019 Analyze the Publics -publics are considered to be people we are or aren’t involved with -important to the company and the organization -publics can be broken down by age, but it comes down to the people -a key public: 1. a customer: -someone who is going to buy things 2. producers: -workers in the organization, volunteers etc 3. enablers -stakeholders for example, government orgs, look at everything that will effect your operations. the media !!! very important to be in communication with the media 4. limiters -competitors, look for ideas from their websites etc -networking is so important -publics keep changing, that’s why you have to keep looking to see what you can fugue out or fix -a nonpublic: people who have not had any effect on your org but could in the future -find them and figure out how to “woo” them over -a latent public: people who don’t realize they could be beneficial to an org but they slowly figure it out -apathetic public: people who just don’t care or want to be bothered -aware public: people who are able to know what is going on but they have not acted on it -active public: people who are “right in there” they sell it to others and bring people in -when you get clients you must ask “who’s you're main customer?” -with these different publics we have to be careful of stereotyping -need perception — good perception allows us some slack

Establishing goals and objectives -goal is what you want to achieve, the position of your org, your orgs niche -goals are generalized -types of goals -reputation -objectives help you get the goal taken care of -certain things you have to have -answer who, what, where, when, and how much in every objective 09/11/2019 Formulating action and response strategies -find out if your org allows you to be proactive or make you be reactive -if you are proactive -you learn from bad decisions -you’re going to have to get audience participation to know what they like and don't like -special events are very proactive -sometimes you do coalitions with other groups, this all comes down to your reputation.. if you don’t have a good one, people are less likely to work with you -you have to know what’s going on in your community -philanthropy is wonderful, very proactive -learn to work with all kinds of people, officials in your community, congressmen, etc. -proactive leads to a lot of publicity -people will seem to believe the news over your PR statement 09/13/2019 Public relations action -are they giving you good feedback, giving you good surveys, are they saying you're doing okay? scheduling events for the public -alliances and coalitions, if you’re going to go in with someone you better know they're going to stay afloat -sponsorships and philanthropies -if you're trying to reach the media you better be sure you have what they want -preempting action, something something so people don't come after you -don’t fight with the media -offensive response, if someone says something bad about you you go right after them—embarrass or shock them -defensive response, can deny or try to make an excuse -diversionary response, often seen in politics, if something is going wrong they get the publics view on something else so they quit thinking about what the problem was -relabeling, if you have had so much negative on your company, change your brand -vocal commiseration, where a company will express sympathy and understanding, if it’s something they did wrong sometimes they admit guilt -rectifying behavior, fixing the damage you caused -repentance, -delibrate non-action, no response -strategic silence, sit and let the person “squirm” -strategic ambiguity, don’t answer the question directly, but you restate it so you can answer the question how you want

09/16/2019 Message -you have to find something that will catch others attention -three elements to the message -control, credibility, charisma -CREDIBILITY -power to inspire belief -let them know you have power and you’re honest -CHARISMA -likability -familiarity -CONTROL -power -ability to dominate -have to choose carefully with a spokesperson -one person, one voice -message has to be accurate, key words important, has to have value -be careful when you're working on these things, do not assume anything -don’t present anything that’s false, the media will never trust you again if you lie to them -be sure you check your data -have to appeal to two types of people -left-brainers:sciencey, smart -right-brainers: creative -can use all types of appeals -love -humor -guilt -fear -got to have clarity, simple words 09/18/2019 -names -strong quotes, think about some quotes that are out there -be careful of perticious -symbols, ex: the American flag, the red cross -music, it means different things -language -personal artifacts, ex: a gavel -branding—consistent message all the way through the plan 09/20/2019 Tactics (step 7) -the way we communicate our objectives. Objectives support our goals -controlled media: your company putting out their own messages -uncontrolled media: the media decides -internal media: internal to your company, media within your own house -external media: you put it out and hope for the best -mass media: accessible to everybody, try every means to reach people -targeted media: only sending your material to certain media -have to be careful because you can hurt feelings of media you're leaving out -popular media: appealing to a certain group (ex: sports) -trade media: something one person in a field would send to a person of the same field (ex: a scientist to another scientist) -print media: magazines, newspapers -electronic media: radio, TV

-four categories of tactics -interpersonal communication: doing something face to face (ex: a tour, a press conference) -organizational media: you're producing products only for that organization, they control the message -news media: you send your material out to all the media -advertising and promotional media: by law, media is required to run PSAs Public Relations in Saudi Arabia -PR is relatively new in Saudi Arabia -the country is 89 years old, the media is 60 years old -In the summer of 2018, women were allowed to drive -all of this has companies ready for this change -worked with a company called NAJM -cost for text campaign 50k -the PR business is really expensive, 3 second video costs 1.5 million -always as a PR person you need to speak up, express your opinion -people need to know you have a voice -important to learn from PR mistakes -when you read any news, think about how PR deals with it -American PR is the future of Saudi Arabia 09/25/2019 -Tactics are what help you accomplish your objectives. -Four Categories of Tactics -Interpersonal Communication -Face-to-face -Advantages: ——Tailor your message to specific publics ——Inexpensive ——Build relationships w/ org. -Disadvantages: ——Audience response to message cannot be controlled ——Can require a lot of man hours and time ——Exchange of information ——Ex. Interviews, Panels, Bus Tour, Educational Convention, Workshops, Product Expositions- convention by org. of their products; Speeches, sermon at church; Speaker's Bureau- gather the experts around you to inform on certain areas; Special Events- holiday party, career fair/networking event, philanthropy/ fundraiser, corporate dinner/banquet, "Family Day" -Organizational Media -Advantages: ——You keep control of message; telling media what to say ——Messages tailored to specific publics ——Usually cost-effective ——Disadvantages: -If audience is too small, then doesn't help cause… must have credibility -PR doesn't have as much credibility as media -Can become a cost problem -Types: —Publications- fliers, newsletters, bulletins, annual reports, media kits —Direct mail —Electronic media- YouTube, podcasts, blogs, phone calls News Media Advantages: Reaches huge audience Raises awareness for company If you send them stories and they use it, free publicity

Who do people trust in the broadcast news world today? - National Public Radio (NPR), PBS 09/27/2019 Adrienne Hayes —New festival —Processes take a whole year, or more than that in planning this event —Begin booking in the spring of the year before —Budget is really important, a headliner can cost up to a million dollars —routing is really important, connecting with other festivals/events in the region —demand is really important, they want to get artists people want to see —they still use traditional radio —with digital messages you can analyze who is looking at your message and the response -campaigns last only days because their info gets lost in the shuffle of things —having a backup plan is very important —sometimes the wrong word in a sentence can be confusing —give them as much info as they need but not too much because too much can be confusing —offered compensation —a lot of times there is a plan in place because something happens that causes you to think that way —have to compete with other festivals pop up 09/30/2019 Jana Thomas (check spelling) -Launched a social media company -First steps in crises are to get all the facts -Odessa was a developing area -Immediately need to start communicating to the public to let them know what is going on -Need to figure out exactly what your message is to the public -Need to draw a line when people need to direct their questions elsewhere. Know when situations aren’t your business -Halted advertising and communications plans in tragedies as a way of respect -No matter how big or how small, keep the line of communication open 10/02/2019 -News media has advantages because they reach a huge audience, they get things out so there is awareness -the media adds credibility -the media may not use your material -there are different kinds of news media -broadcast — a week if it’s a routine story -podcast -magazine — two months in advance -newspaper — a week in advance, media advisory, a day ahead -if we are pushing media we are sending releases to the media -pulling the media is we post it and if they're interested they’ll let us know advertising -the advantage

——you have control of what is said ——you can reach vast numbers of people -the disadvantage ——lacks credibility ——may not reach the people you need to be reaching ——the cost -display ad: larger add, sometimes has color -classified ad: small ads in the back of the newspaper tactics support objectives, objectives support your goal Notes from Friday, October 04, 2019 Implementing the Plan Implementing- putting together everything you have done, and presenting it to your boss to get permission Double-check everything! Budgeting Retainer fee- are they paying to keep you on all year? Or are you being charged just for the project? You have to decide what each thing you do costs Monitor what things are expenses to you Driving somewhere to get research Buying supplies for… posters, banners, etc. 10/07/2019 Budget assignment, page 322-23 example, get real numbers, don’t make them up! DUE FRIDAY step 9: evaluation -see if your plan worked -implementation report(probably won’t be done because it takes a lot of time) -better if you evaluate along the way -employees should be in line and should be helping you with this plan -you should have samples of the population -NEED physical numbers -judgmental assessment -can say the boss liked it -got an award -gives more credence to creativity over numbers -evaluation of communication output -count the number of news releases you put out, number of brochures, anything you produce could count -also could look and see what media used your material -look at how this cost to get this out there -evaluation of awareness objectives -how many people were exposed to your communication -circulation and readership, listenership -ask TV stations their viewership -see if your messages were put out correctly -evaluation of acceptance objectives -count the hits on your website, likes and shares on your Facebook and twitter -here you count -compare to competitors and see how they’re counting things and what they are doing -evaluation of action objectives -audience attendance (a rally, how many showed up?) -something you want to test, ex: seatbelt check -new event, ask people how they hear about it

10/09/2019 pros and cons of interviews pros and cons of focus groups pros and cons of surveys media engagement -need to be very careful of the perception you give the media, if you act bored or angry that will come across -YOU are representing your client/company -you need to be credible and knowledgable because it reflects your company -need a spokesperson -always take notes, because equipment can be faulty -if media wants a story, try to find their angle -have talking points, points are your messages -make sure you know who you’re talking to (audience) so you know what to say as your message -if you don't know, say you don’t know -just answer the question crisis plans -75% of all companies do not have a crisis plan 10/11/2019 -our world has gone from just sending out press releases to sending out as much content as possible -its good if your audience can consume as much emotional content as possible -coach Klieman had a little bit of negative feedback, some donors who’ve given millions of dollars -how do we flip this? -one thing they did was communicate with team back here -told the coach about the negative feedback -used the national media to talk positively about the new hire, gave them the scoop — don't do this all the time -all goes back to building strong relationships -filled the plane up with content generators 10/23/2019 DEADLINES: OCT 28, turn in analyze organization and situation OCT 30, turn in analyze the publics OCT 30, need to tell Deb what research the client wants types of research -individual interviews -focus group -surveys don’t look for the easiest way out, look for what will most help your client 11/18/2019 ROSTIR model -research and diagnosis -(SWOT) situational analysis -think of yourself as the doctor to your client’s problem

-conjecture is good, just not good enough! (guessing what the problem is) -diagnose -research and diagnosis -objectives -strategies -tactics -implementation -reporting and evaluation Research -quantitative -surveys — easily collected and organized. -who? what? when? -qualitative -focus groups, interviews -why? how? -problem/diagnosis -awareness -knowledge -perception -solution/recommendation -information -perspective -persuasion Campaign plan elements -goals: what you want to accomplish-the carrot dangling in front of the team -objectives: measurable, begins with verb -SMART; specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound -strategies: broadly, what’s your game plan? -tactics: specific things you’ll do to accomplish the goal, meet the objective and fulfill the strategy (can you physically touch it? — link from idea to action) *STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION IS USING COMMUNICATION TO SOLVE PROBLEMS...

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