Study guide 5 PDF

Title Study guide 5
Author Yasmena Diaz
Course Nutrition
Institution Kirkwood Community College
Pages 4
File Size 65.8 KB
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carbohydrates provide what percentage of energy- The food and nutrition board recommends that, to provide for total body energy needs, carbohydrate intake should be considerably higher, ranging 45-65% of total energy intake. North Americans obtain 50% of their energy intakes from carbohydrates.

crude fiber- Estimates hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, pectin, and other compounds associated with the structural CHO. Process attempts to simulate pH-related digestive processes in the stomach. Alternative methods for finding fiber other than crude fiber have been developed

Dextrose- In table sugar bonded to fructose Dietary fiber- fiber in food Disaccharides- class of sugars formed by the chemical bonding of 2 monosaccharides. The energy value of dietary carbohydrates is kcal per gram. 4 excess sugar consumption-It may cause dental caries.It may cause weight gain.It lacks dietary fiber.

foods dietary fiber- fiber found in food naturally. include barley, oatmeal, beans, nuts, and fruits such as apples, berries, citrus fruits, and pears.

Fructose- monosaccharides with 6 carbons that forms a 5- membered or 6-membered ring with oxygen in the ring; found in fruits and honey. Functional fiber- fiber added to foods that are shown to provide health benefits. Galactose- part of lactose. Glucagon- produced and secreted by alpha cells in the pancreas,travels first to the liver, then throughout the body via the inferior vena cava

Gluconeogenesis-making glucose from non-carb sources. Glucose- blood sugar-pathway-food-digested-absorbed-blood-liver-rest of the body.

glucose transport- Once glucose makes it into the blood it will be distributed into EVERY cell for ATP production or storage. Glucose enters and exits the cells through facilitated

Glycolysis- metabolic pathway that converts into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid, with the net gain of 2 atp and 2 nadh + 2H+ Hyperglycemia- high blood glucose, above 125mg/ 100 ml of blood Hypoglycemia- low blood glucose, below 50 mg/ 100 ml of blood. insoluble fiber- fibers that mostly do not dissolve in water and are not metabolized by bacteria in the large intestine. These include cellulose, some hemicelluloses, and ligins; more formally called non fermentable fibers. Insulin- hormone produced by beta cells of the pancreas. Among other processes,insulin increases the synthesis of glycogen in the liver and the movement of glucose from the bloodstream into muscle and adipose cells. Ketosis-conditioning of having a high concentration of ketone bodies and related breakdown products in the bloodstream and tissues. Lactose- glucose bonded to galactose. liver glycogen- maintain blood glucose as needed. stored during the fed state and depleted during the fasting state after 12-18 hours

low-glycemic load foods-Slowly digested foods.Blood sugar response is slow and steady. Foods high in fiber take longer to digest

Maltose- disaccharide made of 2 glucose molecules. Monosaccharides- simple sugar, such as glucose, that is not broken down further during digestion. muscle glycogen-Muscle glycogen is used as a fuel reserve for the synthesis of ATP for muscle contraction

Normal blood glucose levels- is 70 to 100 mg/dl. Levels between 100 and 126 mg/dl are referred to as impaired fasting glucose or pre-diabetes.

Pancreas- endocrine organ,located near the stomach, that secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine and produces hormones-notably, insulin. phenylketonuria (PKU)- disease caused by a defect in the liver's ability to metabolize the amino acids phenylalanine into the amino acid tyrosine; untreated, toxic by products of phenylalanine build in the body and lead to mental retardation. Polysaccharides- large carbohydrates containing from 10 to 1000 or more monosaccharide units; also known as complex carbohydrates. principal function of dietary carbohydrate- is to provide energy soluble fiber- fibers that either dissolve or swell in water and are metabolized by bacteria in the large intestine; included pectins, gums, and mucilages; more formally called viscous fibers. Sucrose- disaccharide composed of fructose bonded with glucose; also known as table sugar. symptoms of diabetes mellitus- The symptoms include frequent urination (polyuria), dehydration, dry mouth, increased thirst (polydipsia), weight loss, increased appetite (polydipsia), blurred vision, increased infections and fatigue

The AI for fiber-adult men: 38 g/day, adult women: 25 g/day, less if elderly over 50 years

type 1 diabetes-associated with decreased release of insulin from the pancreas and increased blood glucose levels, especially after eating. It begins as an autoimmune disorder that destroys the insulin- producing cells in the pancreas.

type 2 diabetes- type 2 diabetes in a progressive disease characterized by insulin resistance or loss of responsiveness by body cells to insulin. Insulin production may be low,normal, or at even elevated....

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