Study questions pg 624 - Discovering Nutrition 6th Edition by Paul Insel, Don Ross, Kimberly McMahon, PDF

Title Study questions pg 624 - Discovering Nutrition 6th Edition by Paul Insel, Don Ross, Kimberly McMahon,
Author Justin
Course Basic Nutrition
Institution Napa Valley College
Pages 2
File Size 43 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 18
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Discovering Nutrition 6th Edition by Paul Insel, Don Ross, Kimberly McMahon, Melissa Bernstein...


Describe the three stages of fetal growth. 1.The three stages of fetal growth are: - Blastogenic stage is the first stage of gestation in which tissue proliferation by rapid cell division begins. - Embryonic stage is the development stage between the time the egg implants in the uterine wall through the eighth week and it is the stage of the major organ system differentiation and development of main external features. - Fetal stage is the period of rapid growth from the end of the embryonic stage which starts in the ninth week and lasts until birth. 2.What physiological changes occur in a woman during pregnancy? - Some physiological changes during pregnancy include an increase in the size of the breast tissue, uterus, and adipose stores. There is also an increase in blood volume and a reduction in the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. 3.How do the recommended intake values for calories, protein, folate, and iron change for pregnancy? - Calories- increased by 340 calories per day during the second trimesters and 450 calories in the third semester Protein- increased from 0.8 grams per kilogram per day to 1.1 grams per kilogram per day - Folate- increased by 200 micrograms per day(400 to 600 micrograms per day) - Iron- increased by 9 milligrams per day(18 to 27 milligrams per day) 4.What contributes to morning sickness, and how can a woman minimize its effects? - Increased hormone levels and reduced blood sugar can contribute to morning sickness. A way to minimize its effect is by eating dry cereal, toast, or crackers about half an hour before getting out of bed. 5.What are the benefits of breastfeeding for the infant? For the mother? - Benefits of breastfeeding for the infant includes having a lower incidence of respiratory, gastrointestinal, and ear infection. Infants also have lower incidence of allergies, diarrhea, and bacterial meningitis. Breastmilk stimulates development of the infant’s immune system and stimulates uterine contractions following delivery. Breastfeeding may reduce a woman’s risk for ovarian and breast cancer and for osteoporosis. 6.Is it okay for an infant to experience weight loss immediately after birth? If an infant does lose weight, does it mean he or she is at nutritional risk? - Yes, it is okay for an infant to experience weight loss immediately after birth. It does not mean they are at a nutritional risk since it is normal and expected for an infant to lose 6 percent of their body weight but by 10 to 14 days, the infant should return to their birth weight. 7.How much water does a breastfed or formula-fed infant need each day?


An infant needs about 0.7 liter of water per day in the first six months and 0.8 liter per day from 7 months to 1 year of age.

8.Is it necessary to give breastfed infants supplements of vitamins and/or minerals? If so, which ones? - No, they do not need supplements of vitamins and/or minerals since human milk provides those in the amounts that human babies need. As long as an infant receives adequate calories from breast milk or instant formula, nearly all vitamin and mineral needs are being met. 9.Describe the process for introducing solid foods into an infant’s diet. - According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, solid foods are not needed before the age of 6 months. After that then new foods should be introduced one a time to check for any allergies. Most parents begin with rice cereal mixed with water, breast milk, or formula. 10.List the feeding problems that can occur during infancy. - Most common feeding problems during infancy may include colic, nursing bottle tooth decay, iron-deficiency anemia, gastroesophageal reflux, diarrhea, and failure to thrive....

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