Study Questions - Spencer Broberg PDF

Title Study Questions - Spencer Broberg
Author Spencer Broberg
Course The Eternal Family
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 36
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Entire semester work of notes from class. Test is exactly like this study guide. Well filled out, payed attention during class...


DOCTRINES, PRINCIPLES, AND APPLICATIONS 1. What did President Monson say (as quoted by Elder Oaks) is our Heavenly Father’s ultimate desire for His children?  While there are various kingdoms and glories, our Heavenly Father’s ultimate desire for his children is what President Monson called “eternal life in the kingdom of God,” which is exaltation in families. More than salvation. “salvation is an individual matter; exaltation is a family matter.” 2. Where can we find the gospel plan each family should follow to prepare for exaltation?  The gospel plan each family should follow to prepare for eternal life and exaltation is out lined in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” 3. What three things did Elder Scott say will happen to you if you are willing to get involved in the learning process? 1. you signify your willingness to be taught 2. you allow the Spirit to motivate you to act 3. you invite the Spirit to teach you how to act 4. What does it mean to “ponder?”  Ponder mean to meditate, to deliberate, to mentally give weight to something 5. Name three blessings of pondering. 1. Invites revelation 2. Invites healing 3. Facilitates conversion 6. What is a doctrine?  Eternal, unchanging truths, revealed by a loving Heavenly Father, that pertain to our exaltation 7. Identify three characteristics of true doctrine. 1. Our understanding of doctrine may change or evolve. Doctrine is usually revealed piece by piece, rather than all at once – even to prophets 8. True or False: The depth of our discipleship is limited by the depth of our understanding of doctrine. True

9. What is a gospel principle?  Doctrinally based guideline for the righteous exercise of moral agency 10. Identify two characteristics of gospel principles 1. Principles can be applied to a wide variety of circumstances, but they are situation specific and may often be person specific. In other words, how we apply a true principle in one situation may be different from how we apply the same principle in a different situation. How one person applies a principle may be different from how another person applies the same principle, with both applications being fully acceptable before God. 2. Principles make decisions clear even under the most difficult or confusing circumstances

THE ETERNAL FAMILY AND THE NATURE OF GOD 1. Genesis 2:18 tells us that Eve was created to be a “helpmeet” for Adam. What is the meaning of the word “helpmeet?” (see footnote).  IE a helper suited to, worthy of, or corresponding to him 2. Elder Callister referred to a training session of General Authorities in which the question was asked, “How can we help those struggling with pornography.” What answer did he say was given by Elder Russell M. Nelson?  Elder Russell M. Nelson stood and replied, “Teach them their identity and their purpose.” 3. What did Elder Callister said we will never understand our divine destiny without first understanding our divine identy – could be reversed! 4. Name the five saving ordinances of the gospel. 1. Baptism 2. Confirmation 3. Receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood (men only) 4. Endowment 5. Marriage Sealing 5. In what three ways Satan is working to destroy the sanctity of the family? 1. Demeans the importance of the role of men and women 2. Encourages moral uncleanliness and violations of scared law of chastity

3. Discourages parents from placing the bearing and rearing of children as one of their highest priorities 6. In class, we discussed three truths about the nature of God. Name them. 1. God the Father, once lived on an earth, like ours, as a mortal being. He qualified for exaltation and eternal life by choosing to keep the commandments and choosing to receive the ordinances of salvation. TO become like Him, we must each make the same choices. 2. Heavenly Father is eternally married to our Heavenly Mother. To become like them we must also be sealed as husband and wife, for time and all eternity. Marriage is central to the Creator’s plan. 3. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are eternal parents. Exaltation consists of eternal fatherhood and motherhood 7. In the King Follett discourse, Joseph Smith taught four essential truths about the nature of God. What are they? 1. It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the character of God 2. If we do not comprehend the character of God we cannot comprehend our own character 3. If we do not comprehend the character of God, we cannot comprehend anything that is past 4. If we do not comprehend the character of God, we cannot comprehend anything that is to come 8. Understanding the purpose of the Creation, the reason for mortal testing, the need for a Redeemer, and the reason why ordinances and covenants are necessary are all made possible when we understand the doctrine of Premortality..

AGENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY 1. What did Elder Christofferson identify as the two prerequisites of eternal life?  It becomes very clear that nothing relative to our time on earth can be more important than physical birth and spiritual rebirth, the two prerequisites of eternal life 2. What did Elder Christofferson teach is as much a part of the plan of happiness as the Fall and the Atonement?  Such marriage is indeed “from above, from God” and is as much a part of the plan of happiness as the Fall and the Atonement.

3. What were the two doctrinal reasons given by Elder Bednar to help us understand why eternal marriage is essential to the Father’s plan? 1. The natures of male and female spirits complete and perfect each other, and therefore men and women are intended to progress together toward exaltation. 2. By divine design, both a man and a woman are needed to bring children into mortality and to provide the best setting for the rearing and nurturing of children. 4. When we really understand the importance of marriage within the context of the Father’s plan, said Elder Bednar, we are strengthened in two ways. Name them. 1. The doctrine of the plan leads men and women to hope and prepare for eternal marriage, and it defeats the fears and overcomes the uncertainties that may cause some individuals to delay or avoid marriage. 2. A correct understanding of the plan also strengthens our resolve to steadfastly honor the covenant of eternal marriage. Our individual learning, our teaching, and our testifying in both the home and at church will be magnified as we ponder and more fully understand this truth. 5. What did Elder Renlund say is God’s ultimate goal in parenting?  Our Heavenly Father’s goal in parenting is not to have His children do what is right; it is to have His children choose to do what is right and ultimately become like Him 6. Elder Renlund quoted Lehi’s teaching that “man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.” At perhaps the most fundamental level, what did he say our options?  TO ACT or to be acted upon  At a fundamental level, one option is represented by Jesus Christ, the Firstborn of the Father. The other option is represented by Satan, Lucifer, who wants to destroy agency and usurp power. 7. Define agency using the 3 “R’s” discussed in class.  RIGHT to choose, RESPONSIBILITY to choose, RESULTS of our choices (the accountability) 8. Identify four principles associated with the “right to choose.” 1. Right to choose WHO you will believe and follow 2. Right to choose and develop our DESIRES. 3. Right to choose liberty or captivity, God or the devil

4. Right to choose our life’s FOCUS 9. True or False: If we choose to follow and become like the Savior, we will be free to know more, to feel more, to do more, and to become more.  True, the key to freedom is obedience. 10. What did Elder Scott say is the difference between making decisions based upon circumstance or making decisions based upon eternal truth?  If we base choices on circumstances, we make them based on what we want or what is easier and is virtually assured to commit serious sins. If we make them eternal truth, we decide what is right first and then we do it. In the long run, it will always lead to the best outcomes.

CREATION Questions 1-4 pertain to the article “A Mother There.” 1. True or False: It is accepted Church doctrine that we have a Mother in heaven. 2. True or False: Statements from Church leaders suggest that our Mother in heaven lived on an earth as a mortal being. 3. True or False: While our Heavenly Mother was a co-creator with Heavenly Father of our spirits, she was neither an active participant in the creation of the earth nor involved in framing the plan of salvation. 4. True or False: Having the veil drawn across our memories keeps us from feeling the love and influence of our Heavenly Mother while living as mortal beings. 5. President Julie Beck said the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a theology of the family that is based on the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement. Complete the following: The Creation of the earth provided a place where families could live.; the Fall provided a way for the family to grow. The Atonement allows for the family to be sealed together eternally. 6. Name the three pillars of eternity.  Creation (vision), Fall (reality) and Atonement (ideal) 7. What does our doctrine teach about the Creation? In class we discussed six.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Jesus Christ created all things Christ is the Creator of millions of earths All things were created spiritually before they were created physically All of Christ’s creations are numbered to Him Each earth was created in six “days” The earth was created to be inhabited

8. What does the word “create” mean?  Means to organize, and reorganize, when we are creating a relationship we are organizing resources and strengths to make something efficient 9. What was the primary purpose of the Creation?  So that families might be sealed together for all eternity and be exalted. 10. Name three lessons we learn from the doctrine of the Creation. 1. God began with the end in mind 2. The creation followed an inspired order, God put first things first! 11. Name, in correct order, the six components in the Romance pyramid. I think the order starts at the bottom (so friendship is first) 1. Romance – Begin with the end in mind 2. Restraint – exercise restraint when sensitive subject come up, forgiving past 3. Respect – if we are hypocritical there is less respect 4. Understanding – strengths weaknesses and fears 5. Time – am I willing to spend time with this person 6. Friendship – first things first

FALL 1. At what did Elder Dallin Oaks say Satan’s most strenuous opposition is directed?  Satan’s most strenuous opposition is directed at whatever is most important to the Father’s plan 2. True or False: The Fall of Adam and Eve was a planned offense. 3. How did Elder Dallin Oaks differentiate between a sin and a transgression?  This suggested contrast between a sin and a transgression reminds us of the careful wording in the second article of faith: “We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression” Under these dis-

tinctions, the act that produced the Fall was not a sin—inherently wrong—but a transgression—wrong because it was formally prohibited. These words are not always used to denote something different, but this distinction seems meaningful in the circumstances of the Fall.

4. To those who keep the commandments, remain true to their covenants, and desire what is right, what has the Lord promised?  The Lord has promised that in the eternities no blessing will be denied his sons and daughters who keep the commandments, are true to their covenants, and desire what is right.

5. After partaking of the fruit, Adam and Eve attempted to hide from God. God called unto them and asked them a question. The question recorded in Moses 4:1415 is different from the question recorded in Genesis 3:8-9. What were the two questions? What principle can we draw from the two different questions?  “Where goest thou?” and “Where art thou?”  Unless we understand where we are, we can’t desire the salvation of Christ.  We need understand how screwed we are if we don’t have Christ. 6. In class, we discussed four conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden. What were they? 1. The earth and all things on it existed in a nonmortal state. Adam and Eve were not subject to death, pain sickness etc. 2. Adam and Eve were in the presence of God. 3. Adam and Eve lacked the capacity to have children. 4. Adam and Eve were in a state of innocence. They could not understand good and evil or joy and misery.

7. What did the tree of life represent? What did the tree of knowledge of good and evil represent?  The tree of life represents immortality, eternal life, God’s love, Atonement.  The tree of knowledge represents the mortal experience

8. In 2 Nephi 2:22-23, Lehi taught what would have happened if Adam and Eve had never partaken of the fruit and transgressed. What did he say?  22 And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end.  23 And they would have had no achildren; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no bjoy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no csin. 9. As taught in 2 Nephi 9:7-9, what two consequences would have followed if Adam and Eve had partaken of the fruit and there had been no Atonement made.  They would’ve died with no resurrection and spiritual death also permanent 10. Using the acronym, “BLAST,” identify five conditions in which people are more likely to succumb to temptation while in mortality. B = Boredom L = Loneliness – I can go chose to go find someone to not be alone! A = Anger – What do I do when I get angry? S = Stress T = Tiredness 11. Elder Orson F. Whitney said the Fall of Adam and Eve was both a step downward and a step forward. For the Fall to become a step forward, what two things must be activated?  What could be  Agency and Atonement 12. In class, we discussed two keys to overcoming the effects of the Fall? What were they?’  Open your eyes and learn wisdom and obedience by your own experiences  Look to the Savior

ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST 1. The Atonement is the single most important thing that has ever occurred. 2. How did Elder Bednar define the enabling power of the Atonement?  Helps us see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish without limited mortal

Thus, the enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity.  Grace, or the enabling power of the Atonement, helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity. 

3. Sister Burton taught three principles that, if pondered, will help us develop and feel deep faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Name them. 1. “All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.” 2. There is power in the Atonement to enable us to overcome the natural man or woman and become true disciples of Jesus Christ. 3. The Atonement is the greatest evidence we have of the Father’s love for His children. 4. How did Elder Christofferson define justification?  This action of acceptance on our part opens the door for the process of justification (remission, or pardoning, of sins)  (being pardoned) 5. How did Elder Christofferson define sanctification?  sanctification (cleansing from sin) to work in us—something we may refer to as being born again:  (being purified) 6. In class it was suggested that coming to understand the Atonement begins with knowing the savior. 7. What does the word, “atonement” mean?  Describes the setting at one of those who have been estranged and denotes the reconciliation of man to God.  Correct of overcome the consequences of sin  One heart, one mind 8. What events are included in the act of the Atonement?  The suffering in Gethsemane, death on the cross, and resurrection 9. Why was Christ the only one capable of carrying out the Atonement?

 Had to be performed by one who was sinless  The Atonement required someone who had the genetic inheritance to both die and to resurrect. Christ inherited the power to die from his mortal mother and as the Only Begotten Son of the Father, he inherited the power to not die or endure the suffering of the Atonement. 10. How do we access the powers of the Atonement?  Through the doctrine of Christ 11. In what three ways is the Atonement infinite? 1. The effects of Atonement are infinite in time. It reaches back into premortality and extends forward into eternity. 2. The Atonement is infinite in terms of who it blesses. It reaches all inhabitants of all the world's Christ has or ever will create. 3. The Atonement is infinite in its coverage. Except for the unpardonable sin of denying the Holy Ghost, there is no sin exempt from the promise of complete forgiveness and there is no quota on the number of times we can be forgiven. 12. What three unconditional gifts are provided by the Atonement? 1. The Atonement removes any and all accountability for Adam’s transgression. 2. It provides the gift of resurrection to every person who will ever live on this earth-righteous or wicked. 3. It offers redemption from the first spiritual death as all of us will be brought back into the presence of God to be judged for our works on earth. 13. What three conditional gifts are provided by the Atonement? 1. Forgiveness of our personal sins. (Justification) 2. Sanctification and perfection which all us to become holy, like God - fit to enter and dwell in his presence 3. Although the resurrection and immortality are free and universal gifts, the kind of body we receive as well as the time of our resurrection, will be affected by our faithfulness. 14. True or False: The Atonement can save us from our sins, but it cannot save us in our sins. 15. Drawing from the teachings of Elder Oaks, what is the purpose of our suffering in the repentance process? What is the purpose of the Savior’s suffering?

 Our suffering moves us to repent  Savior’s suffering was to meet the demands of justice

ROLE OF PROPHETS, SEERS AND REVELATORY 1. Sister Sheri Dew said asking questions is good if they meet what three characteristics?  Questions are good if they are inspired questions, asked in faith, and asked of credible sources where the Spirit will direct and confirm the answer 2. Sister Dew quoted Spencer W. Kimball who taught that in order to know God and understand his works or plans, we must ________.  We must follow the laws which govern 3. In “Faith is Not Blind,” Elder and Sister Hafen drew from Lehi’s vision of the tree of life. To what did they compare the mists of darkness? To what did they compare the rod of iron?  Mist of darkness- some degree of uncertainty, some distance between the ideal and the real. Let’s call it “the gap.” We can see the gap in our personal experience, in our Church experience, in the scriptures, and in just trying to survive in today’s world.  Rod of Iron- Some parts of mortality are certain and clear, of course, as symbolized by the iron rod Questions 4-6 refer to Level 1 described in “Faith is Not Blind.” 4. True or False: Those who function at level one, recognize there is a gap between the ideal and the real, but it doesn’t bother them because of their deep faith. 5. True or False: Those who function at level one have difficulty seeing and facing the real facts about themselves about others, and about the world. 6. True or False: Those who function at level one lack depth to their perspective. They conclude too quickly that they understand things and hence are not prepared for adversity, including tests of their faith. Questions 7-8 refer to Level 2 described in “Faith is Not Blind.”

7. True or False: Those who function at level two are able to...

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