Studying at local university is better than studying abroad PDF

Title Studying at local university is better than studying abroad
Course English For Oral Presentations
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 3
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Studying at local university is better than studying abroad.

These days, most of the students are in confusion whether to study abroad or stay with local universities. Since the first university that were ever existed which is the University of Malaya in 1960, the tertiary education in Malaysia have developed very well. With more than 200 higher local institutions which 5 of them are accredited as Research University (RU), Malaysia has become one of the most competence for higher education around Asia’s continence. It is common to see students talking about their plans to study abroad and most of them feel that studying abroad is better than studying at local universities. However, the grass is not always greener on the other side. In my perspectives, I think studying at local university is much better than studying abroad due to its advantages and benefits.

First and foremost, nowadays, the quality of higher education at local institutions has improved by leaps and bounds over the years. This improvement has made local universities actually at the same par with international standards and quality. As an example, the University of Malaya (UM), has become top 50 universities in all over the world. Not only that, most of the local institutions is actually in top 300 best university from all over the world. Malaysia has also become an educational hub for foreign students who are wishing to pursue their studies here. Reportedly, 30% of the student enrolment from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), are a foreign student. This somehow is a testimony on how good Malaysia education are. Besides, most academic programmes that local universities offer are accredited from Malaysia Qualification Agency (MQA), which oversees the quality of programmes. As an example, all programmes that Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) offers are all accredited. This can lead to job guaranteed for graduates after they finish their study. The teaching staff at our local institutions of higher learning are experienced, qualified and competence in their area. In fact, 25% of the lecturers at local universities have finished their Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). They, in turn, have produced successful people such as our former first women country Gabenor, Tan Seri Zeti Aziz was graduated from UM. Therefore, the good quality of local higher education makes it viable choice for students who opt to further their studies locally.

More than that tuition fees and living cost is one of the important criteria that students needs to check and plan for. If you are planning to pursue your study at local universities in medicine, the range of tuition fees is probably RM80,000 to RM100, 000 while you need to spend at least RM100, 000 to RM300, 000 at overseas. This show that you are able to save most of the costs if you are choosing local universities to pursue your study. With high cost of living today, studying at local universities that offer more affordable cost will actually can help you in spending your money. When you are entering university, you have so many responsibilities such as you need to pay for accommodation, meals, tuition fees and so on. With studying at local universities, you will be living locally which offer lower expenses on those things. Besides, there is a lot of government agencies that offers education loans such as MARA Tertiary Education Sponsorship Program (TESP MARA), PTPTN and the list goes on. So, you do not need to worry about being financial burden on the family especially if from a lower income group. A survey from Malaysia Student Association reveals that 65% of the students will probably takes tuition fees as a matter before enrolling the university. What is more, you do not need to worry about exchange rate which has its ups and downs. Therefore, studying at local universities will help you save your budgets more.

Beyond that, it makes you feel more comfortable and safer to study in a familiar environment. Studying near your home, one may not experienced homesickness or culture shock s one will experience at foreign land. A familiar surrounding will not require more adjustment or assimilation. One will move around easily and comfortably. Studying locally allows one to visit their family at any convenient time. Not just that, their family members also can visit them any time. Same goes as festive seasons. They do not have to worry about going home because they can reach home easily by any public transportation such as trains, busses or planes. Even for happy or sad occasions, one can return home to be with loved one. What more, they do not have to worry about the travelling cost. Especially during festive seasons, most of the public transportation organizes sales for students. It costs only RM50.00 if you are travelling by bus from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Imagine if you are studying in the United Kingdom, it requires you lots of

money just to be back to your home. This kind of familiar environment allows students to focus on their studies without having a doubt or to adjust to a whole different culture, lifestyle or country.

In conclusion, studying at local universities would always be the best and better choice. From what the evidence that i have mentioned before, it almost suits for everyone of the students in planning and choosing their universities. Either way, it is important to make the best of it so that we can all be people who contribute to society once we complete our education....

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