Summary chapter 1 - Getting to Yes PDF

Title Summary chapter 1 - Getting to Yes
Course Negotiation Technics
Institution Anadolu Üniversitesi
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Summary chapter 1 'Getting a Yes'...


Summary Negotiation techniques Chapter 1 Problems A human is his whole life acting with negotiation. We can say that it’s a part of our life. It takes places while a contract, a discussion with your family or when you bargaining for the price of a product. People are almost always negotiating. Even though they do not know it. Think to your times when you were young. You asked your father to go outside and will come late to home. You maybe have negotiated with your father about the time to come to home. This is a basic example of negotiation between your family. After the negotiate you get an agreement or perhaps not. Each other side will make small concessions to get a compromise. The method of negotiation can be accepted fairly when it satisfies on the three criteria’s. Firstly, the agreement must be sensible. Then it must be efficient and it must make something better or it shouldn’t endanger relationships between parties. This is the best method of negotiate to get an acceptable agreement. A sensible agreement can be defined if it’s fairly, sustainable and if it takes care of the community interests. The purpose of negotiation is to tell the other side what you want. As said before negotiation can take place on different surroundings. For example, when you’re shopping and will buy an antique clock or when you’re account manager and will make an agreement to purchase the product what you’re selling. With each negotiation you have a different position, like a costumer or a businessman. While negotiate with a person there can take place some problems.

Problems while negotiate Negotiate is a perfect method to reach a fairly compromise, but while negotiators have start to bargain there can arise problems. These problems especially deal with the position of both side. People can focus on them position when they are negotiating. The interest for an agreement is then changing with an interest in ‘saving face’. This means the negotiator is protecting his position instead of them concession. The consequence of having an interest in your position can ensure that you don’t understand the content of the proposal of the person on the other side. Maybe it was an acceptable agreement for the negotiator. In an example of Iraq, the importance of position itself has ensured for bloody results. Making an agreement in this situation is very difficult. The negotiation process takes mostly a lot of time, but when you’re arguing about your position you lose a much more time than before. This means that arguing over your position is inefficient. The main reason for this is, because you’re creating incentives to arguing so the people on the other side will argue back. The are no concessions. One of the criteria of negotiation is to improve. So, if the person on the other side made a concession which isn’t acceptable for you. Than you must make a small concession back. With this method of negotiate the negotiation will keep going to an agreement. In business is time very important, because in one minute a manager can make a lot of individual decisions.

Positional bargaining isn’t only inefficient or produces unwise outcomes, but it can bring an ongoing relationship in endanger. A negotiation in a relationship can become in danger when the task to find a solution tends to become a battle. Quarrels can arise when one side protects only his interests. Negotiation is difficult when there are more then two parties. When there are more people involved in a negotiation, the there’re more serious drawbacks to positional bargaining. Each person has his own method to negotiate with another person. Many people think that they can get their will by being soft. They would see the other parties as a friend or relation instead of an enemy. This person doing this by following a gentler style of negotiation. They want more of a middle way than their will. So, there are two negotiation games. These are soft or hard negotiation games. In a soft game the trust of the parties is important. They’re making small concessions, be friendly and avoid confrontation. This process is almost efficient. But being soft can you made vulnerable. By a hard game it’s important to get what you want, but if there is a problem than it’s difficult to get what you want. If you don’t know what game you must play than you can change the game. Negotiation takes places in two levels. The first level is almost discussing the content about your salary, terms or the price of a product. The second part is about the kind of game which you want play. A negotiation continues when the parties are making fair concessions. Produce efficiently a wise outcome depends of four basic points. It’s called principled negotiation or negotiation on the merits. These four points are: people, interests, options and criteria.

Conclusion Negotiation is a perfect method to get a compromise with the person on the other side. But to avoid some problems and to get what you want the persons must pay attention. The positions of the person shouldn’t be an interest. When they show more importance to them positions they would pay less attention to the compromise. This consequences for an unwise outcome. Therefore, it’s inefficient. They lose a lot of time and time is important for each person or business. In addition, interest in positions could endanger the relationship between persons. It’s unnecessary to damage the relationship. So as said before each person should avoid interest for them position. A person should also know which game they will use by a negotiation. If it’s the right one for the right subject, then there is a chance to get what they want....

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