Summary - complete - chapters 1-11, mind maps for each chapter. PDF

Title Summary - complete - chapters 1-11, mind maps for each chapter.
Author Michael Creighton-jones
Course Managing Organisations & People
Institution University of New South Wales
Pages 11
File Size 866.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 108
Total Views 171


Chapters 1-11, Mind maps for each chapter....




Purpose Structure Managers Co-ordinate and Oversee tasks

Organisations and Management

Four functions of Management: (1) Organising (2) Leading (3) Controlling

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles:

Decisional Interpersonal Informational

Interpersonal Skill

Katz's Managerial Skills:

Management is constantly subject to change in the modern world

Conceptual Skills (thinking etc) Technical Skill

Egyptian Pyrimids


Division of labour mentioned in 'Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations Industrial Revolution (factories needing managers)

Today's organisations use concepts of general admin. theory

General Administrative Theorists

14 principles of mgmt Fay


Systems Theory

Functions of mgmt common to business endevours but distinct from business functions Ideal type of organisation: Bureacracy

Discribes how an organisation relies on it's enviromnet for inputs and an outlet for output

Analysis and improvement of tasks and responsibilities

Scientific Management Fredrick W. Taylor

Foundations of Management Theory

Scientifically: select, train and develop workers Offer incentives to employees Allocate Work & reposnsibilities to employees

Statistics, Optimisation Models, Information and Simulation

Quantitative Approach to Management Total Quality Management (TQM)

Response to changing customer needs Continual Improvement

No universal rules to follow, but managers must improvise from their solutions

Contingency Theory Organisations are different

People are the most important asset

Organisational Behavior Approach

Hawthorne Studies put new emphasis on human behavior factor in managing Motivation, Leadership, Group Bahavior etc.

Climate change / environmental concern

Current trends influence management today

Globalisation Diversity etc.

Profit Society Socioeconomic View Employees


Suppliers Classical View: Manager is only responsible for profits and business owners Legal Social Obligation Economic

Socially Responsibe

Social actions in responce to popular social need

+ Social Responsiveness

Intention beyond obligation ++ Social Responsibility

Long-Term Goals Betterment of Society

Moral Development Individual Characteristics

Social Responsibility and Ethics

Issue Intensity

Ethical Behavior

Cultural Difference / Location Global Compact (UN Initiative) Organisational Culture Structural Variables

Impact of the organisation on the environment

Ecologically Sustainable Management

'Light' approach

Obligation (legal)

Market Approach

Responsive to customers in the market

Stakeholder Approach

Response to multiple stakeholders

Activist / 'Dark' Approach

Social Responsibility, going above obligation and responsiveness

Ethical Goals Ethical Leadership

Management's Role in Ethical Behavior

Ethics Training Independent social audits Protection Mechanisms

How Ethically goals are achieved

Beliefs Opinons Cognitive Component Affective Component Job Involvement

Role of Attitude in Job Performance

Knowlege / Information Emotions Feelings

Employee Engagement Organisational Commitment (Goals related) Job Satisfaction Productivity Organisational Behaviour

Focus of Organisational Behavior

Absenteeism Turnover

Individual Behaviour Group Bahaviour

Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) Job Satisfaction Workplace Misbehaviour

Social Interaction Preference for Gathering Data MBTI

Style of Making Decisions Preference for Decision Making

Personality Theories Extraversion Agreeableness The Big Five Model

Concientiousness Emotional Stability Openness to Experiences

Attitudes, Perception & Personality

Helps managers destinguish between effects of internal and external factors Distinctiveness (unusual behavior) Attribution Theory Consensus (Same as others) Consistency (regular engagement) Fundamental Attribution Error


Self-Serving Bias Stereotyping Shortcuts in judging others

Assumed similarity 'Halo effect'

"How we give meaning to our environment by interpreting sensory impressions"

Operant Conditioning

"Behavior is a function of its concequences"


Learning Theories

Social Learning Theory Observation

Positive Reinforcement

Shaping Behaviour

Negative Reinforcement Punishment Extinction (no response)

Appearance Gen Y

Issues in organisational management

Technology Management Style

Employee attitude & Job satisfaction

Identify Problem Identify Decision Criteria Weigh the Criteria

Decision Making Process

Develop Alternatives Analyse Alternatives Select Alternative Impliment Alternative Evaluate Decision Effectiveness

"Satisfying" Decision Making

3 Ways Managers Make Decisions

Bounded Rational Decision Making Intuitive Decision Making Structured Approach to Solving a Common Issue Programmed Decisions Routine

Types of Problem / Decision

Custom-Made Solution Non-Programmed Decisions Unique problem

Decision Making Certainty (All outcomes are known)

Decision-Making Conditions

Risk (Likelyhood of outcomes are known) MaxMax Uncertainty (No estimations can be made)


Preference for external data Linear Thinking Style

Rational Logical Thinking

Decision Making Styles

Internal Sources of data Non-Linear Thinking Style

Internal Insight Feelings / Hunches

Overconfidence Immediate Gratification Anchoring Selective Perception Conformation

Decision Making Errors and Bias

Framing Availibility Representation Randomness Sunk Costs

Self-serving Bias Hindsight

Natures of Communication

Interpersonal Communication Organisational Communication (path/network of communication in an organisation)

Providing Information Motivation

Functions of Communication

Controlling Employee Behavior Fulfilment of Social Needs Emotional Expression

Sender has a message Message has a purpose Message is Encoded

Communication Process

Passed through a Channel Decoded by recipient Feedback Noise can distort process


Face-to-face Telephone Group Meetings E-Mail

Methods of Interpersonal Communication

Mail Publications Memos Presentations Social Media etc...

Filtering Emotion

Barriers to Communication

Overload Defenciveness Language / Culture

Informal Communication


Forming Storming

Group Development (Bruice Tuckman)

Norming Performing Adjourning

External Conditions Member Resources

Main Components that Determine Group Performance

Group Norms Group Structure Group Decision Making

Groups and Teams

Group Conflict Management

Problem Solving Team Self-Managed Team

Work Teams (Team Goals)

Types of Group / Team

Cross-Functional Team Work Groups (Individual Goals) Virtual Team Clear Goals Relevant Skills Appropriate Leadership

Characteristics of Effective Team Work

Commitment Good Communication Trust Internal / External Support Negotiating Skills



Compeditative Advantage Performance Planning Recruitment Selection Orientation

8 HRM Activities Training Performance Management Compensation / benefits Career Development

Identify and Select Competent Employees


Provide Employees with Up-to-Date Skills / Knowlege Retain Competent and High-Performing Employees


External Influences on HRM

Unions Legal Environment Demographic Trends

Human Resource Management

Nessisary Be Job Analysis Definition of J

Identifying & Selcting Competent Employees

Job Description

Written Descr & Conditio

Referrals Effective Recruitment Source

Recruitment Internet Unversity

Communicat General

Computer S Customer S

Types of Orientation & Training

Life-Work S Specific

Cultural Awa Managing C

Essays Critical Incid

Rating Scale Performance Apppraisal

Multi-Person 360 Degree

Retaining Employees

BARS Compensation and Benefits Program Career Developent Mentoring Programs

Communication Support / Counselling Morale Laws


Definition: What managers do to develop the organisation's strategies. Coordination of Employees


Performance Boost Copping with Change

Identify Mission (Goals / Strategies) External Analysis SWOT

6 Steps of The Strategic Management Process

Internal Analysis Formulate Strategies Impliment Strategies Evaluate Strategies

Concentration Vertical Integration

Growth Strategy Horizontal Integration

Corperate Strategies

Stability Strategy


Retrenchment Renewal Strategy Turnaround

Strategic Management Market Share & Growth Rate Plot Stars (HM, HG)

BBG Matrix

Cash Cows (HM, LG) Question Marks (LM, HG) Dogs (LM, LG)

Distinctive Edge given by it's Competitive Strategy Threat of New Entran

Competitive Advantage

Threat of Substitutes Porter's Five Forces Model

Bargining Power of C Bargining Power of S Current Rivalry

Cost Leadership

Porter's Three Competitive Strategies

Lowest Costs in the I Valued By Customer

Differentiation Unique Products Focus

Narrow Segment

Anticipate Envision Strategic Leadership

Mantain Flexibility Think Strategically...

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