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Title Summative Test-6-preliminary-exam-unit-4-part-1-attempt-review compress
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Course Community Health Nursing
Institution Michigan State University
Pages 56
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Started on Saturday, 17 April 2021, 8:13 PM State Finished Completed on Saturday, 17 April 2021, 9:16 PM Time taken 1 hour 2 mins Grade 61 out of 75 ( 81 %)Question 1Correct Mark 1 out of 1.I. Framework for Maternal and Child Health Nursing (MCN) focusing on At-Risk and Sick Clients The nurse is beg...



Summative Test #6: Preliminary Exam (Unit 4) Part 1: Attempt review

Started on State Completed on

Saturday, 17 April 2021, 8:13 PM Finished Saturday, 17 April 2021, 9:16 PM

Time taken 1 hour 2 mins Grade

61.00 out of 75.00 (81%)

Question 1 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

I. Framework for Maternal and Child Health Nursing (MCN) focusing on At-Risk and Sick Clients The nurse is beginning an assessment to determine a couple's chances of having offspring with genetic anomalies. What should the nurse include in this assessment? (Select all that apply.)

a. Minimal expression of a previously undiagnosed disorder b. Employment status of the male member of the couple c. Diseases in the family that span three generations

d. Age of the female member of the couple

e. Ethnic background of both members of the couple

Your answer is correct. When conducting a health history assessment in anticipation of genetic counseling, the nurse will assess the age of the female member of the couple because some genetic anomalies are more common in older female patients. The nurse will also assess the couple for diseases that span three generations in both of the families and will assess the couple's individual ethnic backgrounds. Physical assessment can identify minimal expression of a disorder that has gone previously undiagnosed. Employment status is not typically a part of the health history in preparation for genetic counseling. The correct answers are: Age of the female member of the couple , Diseases in the family that span three generations , Ethnic background of both members of the couple , Minimal expression of a previously undiagnosed disorder



Summative Test #6: Preliminary Exam (Unit 4) Part 1: Attempt review

Question 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness.

A woman who has sickle cell anemia asks you if her infant will develop sickle disease. You would base your answer on which of the following? a.

sickle cell anemia is recessively inherited

b. Sickle cell anemia is dominantly inherited c. Sickle cell anemia is not inherited; it occurs following a malaria infection d. Sickle cell anemia has more than one polygenic inheritance pattern

Your answer is correct. Sickle cell anemiaisinheritedin an autosomalrecessivepattern, which means that both copies of the gene in eachcellhave mutations . The parents of an individual with an autosomalrecessivecondition each carry one copy of the mutated gene, but they typically do not show signs and symptoms of the condition. The correct answer is: sickle cell anemia is recessively inherited

Question 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness. A pregnant woman has sickle cell anemia. At her 3-month visit, she tells you that her physician has suggested she have periodic exchange transfusions during pregnancy. Which of the following rationales best explains the purpose for this? a. exchange transfusion replaces sickle cells with normal ones b.

exchange transfusion removes carbon dioxide from the blood

c. her baby is developing sickle cell anemia d. she is becoming jaundiced and her fetus is in danger

Your answer is correct. Insickle cell disease patients, ablood transfusionis used to provide normal redblood cellsto thepatient'sbody. Redblood cell transfusionshelp lessenanemiaand reduce theblood'sviscosity, allowing it to ow more freely and easediseasesymptoms and prevent complications The correct answer is: exchange transfusion replaces sickle cells with normal ones



Summative Test #6: Preliminary Exam (Unit 4) Part 1: Attempt review

Question 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness. The underlying cause of hypoglycemia in infant of diabetic mother is due to: a. high level of both glucose and insulin b. high level of glucose but with depleted source of insulin c.

lack of glucose source with high level of insulin in extrauterine life

d. depleted level of both glucose and insulin

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: lack of glucose source with high level of insulin in extrauterine life

Question 5 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness. A woman develops gestational diabetes. Which assessment should she make daily? a.

Test her urine for protein with a chemical reagent strip.

b. Measure her uterine height by hand-span distance. c. Measure her abdominal diameter with a tape measure. d. Measure serum for glucose level by a nger prick.

Your answer is correct. Assessing serum glucose reveals both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. The correct answer is: Measure serum for glucose level by a nger prick.



Summative Test #6: Preliminary Exam (Unit 4) Part 1: Attempt review

Question 6 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

I. Framework for Maternal and Child Health Nursing (MCN) focusing on At-Risk and Sick Clients When assessing newborns for chromosomal disorders, which assessment would be most suggestive of a problem? a. short neck b. low-set ears

c. bowed legs d. slanting of the palpebral ssure

Your answer is correct. A number of common chromosomal disorders, such as trisomies, include low-set ears. The correct answer is: low-set ears

Question 7 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness. A client with sickle cell anemia is admitted to the labor and unit during the rst phase of labor. The nurse should anticipate the client’s need for: a.

Supplemental oxygen

b. Delivery by Caesarean section c. Blood transfusion d. Fluid restriction

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Supplemental oxygen



Summative Test #6: Preliminary Exam (Unit 4) Part 1: Attempt review

Question 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

I. Framework for Maternal and Child Health Nursing (MCN) focusing on At-Risk and Sick Clients A woman with a history of fetal loss due to genetic disorders is seeking information concerning the use of amniocentesis and chorionic villi sampling (CVS) during her next pregnancy. The nurse understands which to best advise? a. The amniocentesis can safely be done anytime after the 8th week of pregnancy. b. There are no differences in the risk of miscarriage between these tests. c. The loss of pregnancy is reduced in the CVS test because it is done earlier in the gestational period. d. The CVS has a higher risk of both miscarriage and fetal damage.

Your answer is correct. CVS is usually done earlier and involves the puncturing of chorionic villi to obtain samples of trophoblasts cells which is more invasive and causes more possible serious consequences than amniocentesis which is just the aspiration of amniotic uid. The correct answer is: The CVS has a higher risk of both miscarriage and fetal damage.

Question 9 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness. A client with hypothyroidism asks the nurse if she will still need to take thyroid medication during the pregnancy. The nurse’s response is based on the knowledge that: a. Fetal growth is arrested if thyroid medication is continued during pregnancy. b. It is more dicult to maintain thyroid regulation during pregnancy due to a slowing of metabolism. c.

There is no need to take thyroid medication because the fetus’s thyroid produces a thyroid-stimulating hormone.

d. Regulation of thyroid medication is more dicult because the thyroid gland increases in size during pregnancy

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Regulation of thyroid medication is more dicult because the thyroid gland increases in size during pregnancy



Summative Test #6: Preliminary Exam (Unit 4) Part 1: Attempt review

Question 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness.

Which of the following would not be included in the care management of pregnant woman with heart disease? a.


b. limitation of weight gain to approximately 24 pounds c. dietary restriction of sodium d. Coumadin

can pass through the placenta and cause teratogenic effect on the fetus

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Coumadin

Question 11 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

I. Framework for Maternal and Child Health Nursing (MCN) focusing on At-Risk and Sick Clients A nurse is providing care to a couple with an infant who was born with a congenital condition. When working with these parents, which information would be most appropriate to provide? a. experiences the mother had during pregnancy are probably unrelated. b. the majority of congenital disorders are inherited.

c. the disorder has probably occurred in the family before. d. it is likely that the mother drank alcohol during early cell division.

Your answer is incorrect. Many congenital disorders occur because of teratogenic invasion during pregnancy that has gone unrecognized. Learning the disorder occurred by a chance occurrence rather than inheritance is important because the couple will not have to spend the remainder of their childbearing years concerned another child may be born with the disorder As genetic disorders occur at the moment of conception, events during pregnancy occur after the problem is already present. The correct answer is: experiences the mother had during pregnancy are probably unrelated.



Summative Test #6: Preliminary Exam (Unit 4) Part 1: Attempt review

Question 12 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness. Situation: Clarie was diagnosed with mitral valve stenosis when she was 18 years old. She is now a primigravida in her 12 week AOG. She is classied under class II. While conducting health education, which of the following statements from Clarie would need further teaching: a. “I avoid eating tinapa, salted eggs, dried sh which may further aggravate my edema.” b.

“I eat a lot of papaya and avoid straining when I move my bowel.”

c. “I refrain from going to crowded places since infection may complicate my condition.” d. “I take Warfarin anticoagulant religiously  since it may not cross the placenta.”

The inhibition of clotting factors can lead to internal bleeding of the fetus while the inhibition of osteocalcin causes lower bone growth. As well as birth defects,warfarincan induce spontaneous abortion or stillbirth. Because of this,warfariniscontraindicatedduringpregnancy.

Your answer is correct. Straining is avoided because it triggers valsalva maneuver which is dangerous for a pregnant woman with cardiac disease. Thus, patient needs to avoid constipation and any circumstance that would make her strain. Patients with valvular stenosis are at higher risk for Subacutebacterialendocarditis, usually caused by streptococcal bacteria. The inhibition of clotting factors can lead to internal bleeding of the fetus while the inhibition of osteocalcin causes lower bone growth. As well as birth defects,warfarincan induce spontaneous abortion or stillbirth. Because of this,warfariniscontraindicatedduringpregnancy. The correct answer is: “I take Warfarin anticoagulant religiously since it may not cross the placenta.”



Summative Test #6: Preliminary Exam (Unit 4) Part 1: Attempt review

Question 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness. A pregnant woman diagnosed with diabetes should be instructed to perform which action? a. Prepare foods with increased carbohydrates to provide needed calories. b. Ingest a smaller amount of food prior to sleep to prevent nocturnal hyperglycemia. c. Notify the primary care provider if unable to eat because of nausea and vomiting. d.

Discontinue insulin injections until 15 weeks gestation.

Your answer is correct. During pregnancy, the insulin levels change in response to the production of HPL. The client needs to alert her provider if she is not able to eat or hold down appropriate amounts of nutrition. The client is at risk for episodes of hypoglycemia during the rst trimester. She should never discontinue insulin therapy without her provider's directions. The increase of carbohydrates needs to be balanced with protein, and smaller meals would result in hypoglycemia rather than hyperglycemia. The correct answer is: Notify the primary care provider if unable to eat because of nausea and vomiting.

Question 14 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

I. Framework for Maternal and Child Health Nursing (MCN) focusing on At-Risk and Sick Clients The nurse is making a home visit to a family with a child born with a genetic abnormality. Which observation in the home indicates to the nurse that the parents are adjusting to the newborn's health problems? a. The father walks by the bassinet.

b. The mother holds the baby during the visit. c. The father leaves during the visit. d. The mother sits on the sofa while the baby cries.

Your answer is incorrect. Evidence that the parents are adjusting to the newborn with the genetic abnormality is the mother holding the baby during the visit. The father walking by the bassinet or leaving during the visit does not indicate adjustment. The mother sitting on the sofa while the baby cries does not indicate that the mother is adjusting to the newborn's health problems. The correct answer is: The mother holds the baby during the visit.



Summative Test #6: Preliminary Exam (Unit 4) Part 1: Attempt review

Question 15 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness. The nurse is caring for a neonate whose mother is diabetic. The nurse will expect the neonate to be: a. Hypoglycemic, large for gestational age

b. Hyperglycemic, small for gestational age c. Hyperglycemic, large for gestational age d.

Hypoglycemic, small for gestational age

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Hypoglycemic, large for gestational age

Question 16 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness.

If you know a woman with myasthenia gravis will be coming into prenatal clinic today, you would want to be certain the medicine cart contains ____________ to use as an antidote for the neostigmine she takes. a. Vitamin K b. Warfarin c. Atropine sulfate d.


Your answer is correct. Muscarinic antagonists such asatropineor glycopyrrolate are, therefore, often used in combination with neostigmine in reversal of neuromuscular blockade. Atropineis commonly classied as ananticholinergicor antiparasympathetic (parasympatholytic) drug. More precisely, however, it is termed an antimuscarinic agent since it antagonizes the muscarine-like actions of acetylcholine and other choline esters. The correct answer is: Atropine sulfate



Summative Test #6: Preliminary Exam (Unit 4) Part 1: Attempt review

Question 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness. Immediate management/ intervention of hypoglycemia in infant of diabetic mother. a.

give glucose either per IV or per orem in moderate amount

b. gives feeding per NGT due to poor sucking reex c. provide cold environment to minimize excessive sweating d. administer insulin/ SQ to the infant

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: give glucose either per IV or per orem in moderate amount

Question 18 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

II. The Nursing Care of At-Risk/ High-Risk and Sick Mother A. Nursing Care of a Family Experiencing a Pregnancy Complication from a Preexisting or Newly Acquired Illness. Paula wants to discuss a Web site that described some of the unusual cravings that are associated with pica. You should explain that pica most often accompanies which of the following? a. Gastrointestinal pinworms b. Gestational diabetes c. Iron-deciency anemia d.

Urinary tract infections

Your answer is correct. People with iron-deciency anemia often develop an abnormal craving for nonfood substances (pica). The correct answer is: Iron-deciency anemia



Summative Test #6: Preliminary Exam (Unit 4) Part 1: Attempt review...

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