Summer 2020 Syllabus - Her demands. PDF

Title Summer 2020 Syllabus - Her demands.
Course Sex Offenders In The Criminal Justice System
Institution John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Pages 7
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Her demands....


Sex Offenders in the Criminal Justice System- PSC 230 / COR 230 Professor Hannah Pruden Email: [email protected] Summer 2020 | 3 Week 2 | July 1-July 20 ! Fully online course Required Text: Sex Offenders and Criminal Justice, Author: Madden, Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business; ISBN: 9781454850342 Recommended: Daily Newspaper Articles or other weekly periodicals Course Pre-requisites: ENG 101. In addition: COR 101 or PSC 101 or CRJ 101 or International Crimi- nal Justice 101

COURSE DESCRIPTION The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the causes of sexual crimes and the treatment of sex offenders throughout the criminal justice process. There is an analysis of the laws that relate to sex offenders and the cyclical nature of sex offender legislation. The course examines the difficulty of balancing rights of the offenders and rights of the community, as well as what forms of community protection are viable for these individuals. By the end of the course, students should have an understanding of sex offender typologies, types of treatment offered, laws and policies regarding sex crimes, and the likely future direction of legislation.


Understand the history and development of punishment and treatment of sex offenders. Understand the role of correctional institutions in the administration of justice of sex offenders. Understand the role of police, prosecutors, parole, and probation in the supervision of sex offenders as they balance public safety with offenders’ rights. !

Course Expectations and Policies Only students who are properly registered for the course may participate. You are not allowed to join this course once I have sent the attendance verification of students to the Office of the Registrar’s. All students are expected to participate in discussion forums posted on the Blackboard course, get an ac- count and be able to access Blackboard within the first week of the classes. I will not accept excuses regarding sporadic difficulties in accessing the Blackboard due to temporary network problems. I assume that after the first week, all of you will access the Blackboard routinely. This is a 3 week course that is 100 percent online and is taught solely on Blackboard (Bb). Distance learning is self-directed; it requires a high level of responsibility, dedication, and self-discipline. This is an advanced course, proper decorum, in all of its aspects, including but not limited to a professional demeanor, will be expected and strictly enforced. It is important that you are prepared; this means that you should always read the required assignment, be familiarized with the topic and be prepared to contribute to the discussion board dynamic. Participation will be graded based upon the ability to argue critically; demonstrating an informed prior reading of assigned materials. If you are unable to complete the course requirements you should officially withdraw through the Registrar’s Office. Academic Integrity: All students are expected to be familiar with the college’s standards on academic integrity, honesty, cheating and plagiarism as found in the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Undergraduate Bulletin. These standards will be strictly observed and enforced in this class. College wide policies for Undergraduate Courses (see the Undergraduate Bulletin, Chapter IV Academic Standards):! A. Incomplete Grade Policy • Extra Work During the Semester • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policies !

Accommodations: The College is committed to ensuring full access to its programs for all students. If you have special needs, please let me know at the beginning of the semester and I will ensure that you have full access to all materials and programs. This matter will be held in strict confidence. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policies : “Qualified students with disabilities will be provided reasonable academic accommodations if determined eligible by the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS). Prior to granting disability accommodations in this course, the instructor must receive written verification of a student’s eligibility from the OAS which is located at L66 in the new building (212-237-8031). It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the office and to follow the established procedures for having the accommodation notice sent to the instructor.”

Late Submissions Late Submissions = zero (0) points. The assignments and due dates are provided to you from the first day of this course, so there is adequate time to submit your assignments/ discussion boards on time. If you fail to complete an assignment or discussion board, DO NOT me regarding an extension. I will only say no if asked and refer you to this section of the syllabus as a reminder.

Course Format Cyber Café The Cyber Café serves as a forum for you guys to ask questions about the course or to post any additional comments regarding the course material. I have added this forum under the “Discussion Tab” so all of you can ask each other questions about issues you are having, or any concerns about upcoming assignments. If your question has general relevance for the class and is not urgent, you may choose to post it on the Cyber Café discussion board. I expect to respond to questions everyday at 5:00pm. In the unlikely event you email me directly but do not receive

a response within 24 hours, please email again or post a general note in Cyber Café board, requesting that I contact you. Before emailing me regarding an issue, please access the Cyber Café so see if I have already addressed the issue. Announcements At the beginning of each week, I will be posting to the “Announcements” tab on the Blackboard Page. This is where you will receive overall feedback about the previous week, as well as what is expected of you in the upcoming week. Discussion Board The discussion board schedule is located under ‘Course Schedule’ at the bottom of the syllabus. The rubric is located under ‘Grading’ at the end of the syllabus. The prompts for each week will be posted to Blackboard at 9:00am at the beginning of each week. Assignments There will be One (1) Assignment/ Reflection paper due at the end of each week. Three (3) Assignments/ Reflection Papers for the entire course. The Rubrics for Assignments 1, 2, and 3 are located on Blackboard under the ‘Rubrics’ tab. All Papers must be emailed to me AND submitted to TurnitIn on Blackboard.

Statement of College Policy on Plagiarism Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else's ideas, words, or artistic, scientific, or technical work as one's own creation. Using the ideas or work of another is permissible only when the original author is identified. Paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as direct quotations, require citations to the original source. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Lack of dishonest intent does not necessarily absolve a student of responsibility for plagiarism.! It is the student's responsibility to recognize the difference between statements that are common knowledge (which do not require documentation) and restatements of the ideas of others. Paraphrasing, summarizing, and direct quotation are acceptable forms of restatement, as long as the source is cited.

Students who are unsure how and when to provide documentation are advised to consult with their in- structors. The Library has free guides designed to help students with problems of documentation. (John Jay College of Criminal Justice Undergraduate Bulletin, php, see Chapter IV Academic Standards) All papers must be formatted in the APA citation method. Students will use the American Psychological Association (APA) style for written assignments, as appropriate. APA guidelines can be found on the John Jay College Library website under “Library publi- cations.”

Black Board Information You can access Blackboard directly via link: or navigate from the College home page, under John Jay Stu- dents, select Blackboard Online. You will be prompted to login with your CUNY portal login. To access Blackboard, you must have a CUNY portal account. To apply for an account, you must navigate to the CUNY portal page and click the Login link at bottom of left navigation bar, then click Register Now! Once you have registered, you will create your own login password. For additional help withBlackboard, see the Login in to Blackboard section. Anyone experiencing technical difficulties should contact the college’s Blackboard technicians immediately. Any reports of technical difficulties will be verified with the Blackboard technicians to determine their validity and if any reports of problems were submitted by a student or Instructor. These complaints will be thoroughly investigated, and a final determination will be made as to their accuracy and validity.

Grading Rubric for Initial Post:10 points each 1 Point: Post is within 300-400 words! 1 Point: 0-1 Grammatical Errors! 1 Point: Post includes a reference to the required reading! 2 Points: Post shows a sense of critical thinking and an understanding of the topic 5 Points: Posted by the deadline (11:59pm) Rubric for Responses: 4 points each 1 Point: Post is within 100-200 words! 1 Point: Post includes personal opinions as well as an understanding of the topics 2 Points: Posted by the deadline (11:59pm) How Grades are Calculated Initial Posts: 10 points/week x 3 weeks= 30 points Responses: 8 points/week x 3 weeks= 24 points Assignments: 100 points/week x 3 weeks= 300 points [Insert your points earned] / 354 Total Points The numerical values of the grades are as follows: A Excellent 93-100.0 A- 90.0-92.9 B+ 87.1–89.9! B Good 83.0–87.0 B– 80.0–82.9 C+ 77.1–79.9! C Satisfactory 73.0–77.0 C– 70.0–72.9 D+ 67.1–69.9 D Passing 63.0–67.0 D– 60.0–62.9 F Failure! Unsuccessful Below 60.0

Course Schedule (July 1-July 20) Week 1: July 1-July 7 Chapter 1: The Nature of Sex Crimes in the United States Chapter 2: Sex Crimes and the Law Chapter 3: Sexual Deviance Chapter 4: Rape Discussion Board Initial Post Due: July 3 @ 11:59pm Discussion Board Responses due: July 7 @ 11:59pm Assignment 1 Due: July 7 @ 11:59pm

Week 2: July 8-July 14 Chapter 5: Sex Offenses Against Children Chapter 6: The Victims of Sex Offenders Chapter 7: Sex Offenders and Law Enforcement Chapter 8: Prosecuting Sex Offenders in the Courts Chapter 9: Sex Offenders and Corrections Discussion Board Initial Post Due: July 10 @ 11:59pm Discussion Board Responses due: July 14 @ 11:59pm Assignment 2 Due: July 14 @ 11:59pm

Week 3: July 15-July 20 Chapter 10: Sex Offenders and Recidivism Chapter 11: Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws Chapter 12: Residential Restrictions and Civil Commitments of Sex Offenders Chapter 13: Treatment for Sex Offenders Discussion Board Initial Post Due: July 17 @ 11:59pm Discussion Board Responses due: July 20 @ 11:59pm Assignment 3 Due: July 20 @ 11:59pm...

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