Syllabus BIOMG 1350 Summer 2020 PDF

Title Syllabus BIOMG 1350 Summer 2020
Author John Leland
Course Introductory Biology: Cell And Developmental Biology
Institution Cornell University
Pages 5
File Size 461.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 105
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Download Syllabus BIOMG 1350 Summer 2020 PDF


BIOMG 1350 Syllabus Summer 2020

BIOMG 1350 Introductory Biology: Cell and Developmental Biology

Summer Session 2020 June 22 – August 4

“Cells are the fundamental units of life. Thus, it is to cell biology—the study of cells and their structure, function and behavior—that we must look for an answer to the question of what life is and how it works.”

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- Alberts et al.

This course will introduce you to the fascinating fields of cell biology and embryonic development.

Textbook Essential Cell Biology (5th Edition) with SmartWork5 Online – access through Canvas

Live Zoom Sessions Monday – Friday 10:00 am – 11:15 am EST Link through Canvas

Poll Everywhere When poll is active, respond at Text STEPHENJESCH108 to 376-07

Upon completion of BIOMG 1350, students will be able to • Illustrate the internal organization of the cell, identify cellular organelles and describe their main functions • Name the four major classes of macromolecules in cells • State how protein structure relates to function • Give examples of signaling pathways that allow cells to communicate with each other and their environment • Summarize the processes that promote cell differentiation and morphogenesis during embryonic development • Interpret and analyze experimental observations • Communicate effectively, think critically, and work collaboratively

Instructor: Dr. Stephen Jesch (Dr. J) Office: 301 Wing Hall Phone: (607) 255-1979 Email: [email protected] Zoom Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST (& by appointment)


What’s in this syllabus Course overview Policies Grading Schedule

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BIOMG 1350 Syllabus Summer 2020

Course Overview Cell biology studies the basic unit of life, the cell, at the molecular level. Developmental biology aims to understand how a single-cell embryo grows and changes to become a fully functional adult organism. In this course, we will discuss how macromolecules of the cell are assembled and organized to create a living cell capable of growth, communication, propagation, and differentiation. Understanding cellular processes at the molecular level is the basis for gaining an appreciation of how organisms live and function, and can open new doors for future medical interventions, including stem cell therapy.

Where do I find course materials? • •

• •

The course is thematically organized into four sections (color coded on the schedule), with a separate topic covered each day. All materials for BIOMG 1350 are accessible online through the Canvas course site. These includes access to the textbook, daily video lectures, assessments (assignments, quizzes, exams), announcements, and all other course materials. There is a separate folder for each daily topic – containing lecture videos, zoom recordings, SmartWork5 questions, and other relevant materials – which is accessible through the Modules tab. Follow the links in Canvas to find out how to access your textbook and SmartWork5. Homework, quizzes, and exams will be completed and submitted through Canvas. Homework will be available 48 hours before the due date. Quizzes and Exams will be available for 24 hours, but will be timed. Consult the schedule for dates.

What should I be doing every day? • • •

Watch video lectures on the topic of the day. To help you take notes, handouts of the slides for each video will be posted. Videos and handouts will be posted the day before. Read and study the assigned sections in Essential Cell Biology. Consult the schedule for the list of readings. Answer the assigned SmartWork5 questions, which are designed to help deepen your conceptual understanding of cell and developmental biology.

How can I participate actively? •

• •

Although this class is online, we will meet daily via Zoom video conferencing for active learning sessions. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions (orally or via chat) and to respond to online polls using Poll Everywhere. Attending these sessions is not required, but highly encouraged! If you can’t attend, a recording of each Zoom session will be available on Canvas later that day. You can interact with your classmates via Zoom Chat, Canvas Discussions, and Piazza.


BIOMG 1350 Syllabus Summer 2020

How can I be successful in BIOMG 1350? •

This is a fast-paced, college-level introductory biology course where you will learn many new concepts and vocabulary. A goal of this course is to learn to think like a scientist and apply your knowledge to new situations, not to simply memorize information. To obtain mastery of the material, focus on distilling, synthesizing, and applying this new information so that that it sticks in your mind. As a student, you must be responsible for your learning by staying caught up. o Every day, read the assigned text, review the text figures, watch the lecture videos, study the lecture slides, and answer the assigned SmartWork5 questions. o You should actively engage with the material by taking notes and making flash cards of key terms and concepts. Check yourself by asking questions about what you just read in the text or watched in a video. o If possible, participate in the daily live Zoom sessions. If not, then watch the recorded Zoom sessions and perform the learning activity on your own. o You should plan on spending at least 20 hours per week on BIOMG 1350. I suggest the you treat the course like a part-time job. As your instructor, I will do my best to facilitate an online classroom environment where the material is presented in a clear, coherent and engaging manner. o I will be available for extra help during zoom office hours and by email. o Seek help early and often! Do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions.

Policies Attendance Since that this course is given online, you are not required (but encouraged) to attend the daily live Zoom sessions. This class compresses an entire 15-week semester course into 6 weeks, so stay engaged!

Academic integrity Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Cornell University Code of Academic Integrity. All work that you submit for academic credit must be your own work. Violations of this policy will be handled in accordance with the Code of Academic Integrity and will result in grade penalties.

Course Communication Course announcements will be made primarily through Canvas announcements. For specific questions or help, contact me by email. My policy is to respond to emails within 12 hours (but usually much sooner).

Quizzes and Exams Quizzes and Exams will be administered on the given date via Canvas. Each will be available for 24 hours, but will be timed. You are free to use any on-line or personal resource (notes, flashcards). You must work alone. Sharing your answers is not permitted.

Piazza To get help quickly and efficiently from your classmates and myself, we will be using Piazza for class discussion. When you have a general question, post your questions on Piazza via Canvas or the link:

Late homework policy Homework is due at the end of the class period on its assigned date. Late homework will be assessed a 10% deduction from the assignment score for every day that it is late.


BIOMG 1350 Syllabus Summer 2020 45%





Exams (3 prelims & 1 final) Exams will cover material from video lectures, active learning exercises, and text. The final exam is comprehensive. Each exam counts equally towards your final grade. Your lowest prelim score will be dropped. No new material will be presented on prelim days.

Prelims: 7/2 7/15 7/24 Final: 8/4

Quizzes (4) Dates: 6/26 On Fridays when there is not a prelim, 7/10 there will be a short quiz, designed to 7/17 access your understanding in a low-stakes 7/31 format. New material will be covered on these days. Due Dates: Homework (10) 6/24 Homework assignments are posted on 7/1 Canvas in the tab “Assignments”. 7/13 Homework assignments will form the 7/21 basis of many active learning activities. 7/29 Participation (Discussion & SmartWork5) You will get the most out of this course by Due: daily active engagement with your classmates via chat and discussion. Answers to SmartWork5 questions will not be graded, but you will be given credit for answering.

6/29 7/7 7/16 7/23 7/30






1 2

Date M 6/22 T 6/23

Topic Readings Introduction ECB5 1-6 Cells under the microscope ECB5 6-27




Molecules in Cells

ECB5 50-64

4 5


6/25 6/26

Protein Structure Proteins in Action

ECB5 117-136 ECB5 137-154




Protein Structure Activity







Cytoskeleton and Motor Proteins Membrane Structure

ECB5 154-155, 580-582, 584-589, 592-596, 600-603 ECB5 365-386 4

What’s Due

HW1Microscopy Quiz 1 HW2-Protein Structure





BIOMG 1350 Syllabus Summer 2020


Date R 7/2 F 7/3 M 7/6

Membrane Transport

ECB5 389-402




DNA & Chromosomes

ECB5 173-187

11 12 13 14


7/8 7/9 7/10 7/13

From DNA to Proteins Protein Sorting Secretory Pathway Endocytic Pathway

ECB5 227-259 ECB5 500-511 ECB5 511-523 ECB5 523-528




Cell Cycle

ECB5 609-622

16 17 18


7/15 7/16 7/17 7/20

Prelim 2 (classes 8-14) Mitosis & Meiosis ECB5 624-639 Gene Expression I ECB5 267-276, 233-237 Gene Expression II ECB5 188-192, 276-287

HW6-Meiosis Quiz 3




Cell Signaling I

HW7-Gene Expression




Cell Signaling II



























Readings Prelim 1 (classes 1-7)

ECB5 533-545

ECB5 545-569 ECB5 27-36 From Cell to Organism MBC6 1145-1148 Prelim 3 (classes 15-20) How Cells Become MBC6 1149-1155 Different PoD4 13-31 MBC6 1157-1164, 1169Pattern Formation - Flies 1171 MBC6 1155-1157, 1166Early Development - Frogs 1169 Morphogenesis & MBC6 1184-1198 Apoptosis DevBio11 509-511 Stem Cells , Regeneration, ECB5 712-718 & Genome Editing DevBio11 143-179 Final Cumulative Exam

What’s Due

HW4-Membrane transport

Quiz 2 HW5-Secretion


HW9-Flies HW10-What’s new? Quiz 4

ECB5 – Essential Cell Biology (5th Edition) by Alberts et al. MBC6 – Molecular Biology of the Cell (6th Edition) by Alberts et al. (available in Canvas) PoD4 – Principles of Development (4th Edition) by Wolpert & Tickle (available in Canvas) DevBio11 – Developmental Biology (11th Edition) by Gilbert & Barresi (available in Canvas)


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