Summer Midterm 1 PDF

Title Summer Midterm 1
Course Artificial Intelligence
Institution King Abdulaziz University
Pages 10
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Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Department of Computer ScienceSubject: Artificial Intelligence (CPCS 331) Exam: Midterm 1Time Allowed: 01 Hour & 20 Minutes Max Pts: 100Name: Student ID:Section:__Instructor: [ ] Nawaf Kharbosh [ ] Imtiaz Kha nQ. No. 1 Select the most app...


KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Department of Computer Science

Subject: Artificial Intelligence (CPCS 331)

Exam: Midterm 1

Time Allowed: 01 Hour & 20 Minutes

Max Pts: 100


Student ID:

Section:______________ Instructor:


Nawaf Kharbosh

[ ]

Imtiaz Khan

Q. No. 1 Select the most appropriate answer. More than one answer or cuttings will be deemed as an incorrect answer. (10 Pts, SO-A)


The term “artificial intelligence” was coined in


Which agent deals with happy and unhappy states?


Which of the following logics can represent facts involving time?


Minesweeper game is an example of ________________________ environment.


Which of the following elements is responsible for suggesting improvements in a learning agent?


Which is used to provide the feedback to the learning element?

a) b) c) d)

IEEE Conference Dartmouth Conference ACM Conference None of the above

a) b) c) d)

Simple reflex agent Model based agent Learning agent Utility based agent

a) Predicate logic b) Propositional logic c) Fuzzy logic d) None of the above a) Strategic & Episodic

b) Stochastic & Continuous c) Strategic & Sequential d) None of the above a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d)


a) b) The set of actions for a problem in a state space is c) formulated by a: d)

Summer Exam 1, 2020

Performance element Problem generator Critic None of the above Critic Actuators Sensor None of the mentioned Intermediate states Initial state Successor function None of the mentioned

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KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Department of Computer Science




a) Which search is implemented with a last-in-first-out b) manner? c) d) a) What is the time complexity of the depth-first search (b: b) branching factor, m is depth of the tree, d is the depth of c) least cost solution)? d) a) What is the space complexity of the breadth-first search (b: b) branching factor, m is depth of the tree, d is the depth of c) least cost solution)? d)

Q. No. 2

Depth-first search Breadth-first search Bidirectional search None of the mentioned O(bd) O(bd) O(bm) None of the above O(bd) O(bd) O(bm) None of the above

(10 Pts, SO-J)

The following table compares different search strategies. The first row has been completed for you as an example of what is required. Your task is to fill in the missing entries in the table. Informed

Cost function




Depth first






Best First Heuristic



priority queue



Hill Climbing Heuristic






A* Heuristic



priority queue



Beam Search Heuristic






Summer Exam 1, 2020

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KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Department of Computer Science

Q. No. 3

(20 Pts = 10 + 10,


Consider we want to develop an artificial-intelligence agent for King Abdulaziz University, which distributes the incoming emails from an email server into three categories: primary, social and promotions. The result is displayed on the browser screen, which refreshes every minute. Assume that the email category (e.g. primary) is clearly written in the email subject. a) Describe an appropriate PEAS description for this agent. Performance measure: short time, fast, sorting accuracy, regular update Environment: kau email, web server Actuators: screen display, browser Sensors: keyboard, mouse

b) Categorize the type of environment using the following criteria: i.

Fully vs. partially observable ___________ Fully observable ______


Deterministic vs. stochastic ___________ Deterministic _________________


Episodic vs. sequential

___________ Episodic _________________


Static vs. dynamic

___________ Static _________


Discrete vs. continuous

___________ Discrete __________

Summer Exam 1, 2020

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KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Department of Computer Science

Q. No. 4

(08 Pts, SO-A)

Briefly describe the similarities and dissimilarities between laws of thought based and rational agent based approaches. Similarities Making correct inferences is sometimes part of being a rational agent, because one way to act rationally is to reason logically to the conclusion that a given action will achieve one's goals, and then to act on that conclusion.


Rational agent: is more general than the ``laws of thought'' approach, because correct inference is only a useful mechanism for achieving rationality, and not a necessary one and it is more amenable to scientific development than approaches based on human behaviour or human thought, because the standard of rationality is clearly defined and completely general

Laws of thought: Focus is on inference mechanisms that are provably correct and guarantee an optimal solution and the Goal is to formalize the reasoning process as logical rules for inference

Q. No. 5

(12 Pts, SO-A)

Fill out the following graph by labelling each node 1 through 12 according to the order in which the breadth-first search would visit the nodes:

Summer Exam 1, 2020

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KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Department of Computer Science

Q. No. 6 (10 Pts, SO-J) Assume that, you have been asked to build Route Recommending System that recommends the best route to the destination. This system will recommend to the driver several paths that lead to the desired destination. What type of agent do you think is most appropriate to this Route Recommending System, support your arguments with clear description and diagram. The most appropriate one is utility-based agent A utility function maps each state after each action to a real number representing how efficiently each action achieves the goal.

Summer Exam 1, 2020

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KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Department of Computer Science

Q. No. 7

(15 Pts, SO-A)

Consider the search space below, where S is the start state and G is the goal states. Edges are labelled with the actual cost values and the heuristic cost (h) is shown alongside each node (for example, the heuristic cost of A is 9).

Summer Exam 1, 2020

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KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Department of Computer Science A. Apply the Uniform-cost algorithm to this problem, showing the agenda at each step in the

search and the cost of the solution. When the cost of two or more nodes is equal, the nodes on the agenda should be visited in alphabetical order. AGENDA















[S,D,A,B,E,C] [S,D,A,B,E,C,G]

B. Consider the same above graph, in Q. 3. Apply the A* heuristic to this problem to find a path

from S to G. S -> D -> B -> E -> G

Summer Exam 1, 2020

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KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Department of Computer Science

Q. No. 8

(15 Pts, SO-A)

Consider the following knowledge base to answer the question, given below. 1. friend(aamir, tahir). 2. friend(aamir, umar). 3. friend(tahir, waqar). 4. friend(waqar, zia). 5. friend(zia, hassan). 6. friend(zia, bassam). 7. is_friend(A, B) :- friend(A,B). 8. is_friend(A, B) :- friend(A,C), is_friend(C, B).

Let the goal is: is_friend(aamir, bassam)? Find an execution trace for the goal satisfaction using an AND/OR graph. THE ANSWER IS BELOW

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KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Department of Computer Science

Summer Exam 1, 2020

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KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Department of Computer Science


Summer Exam 1, 2020

Best of Luck 

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