Superheroe or supervillain response essay PDF

Title Superheroe or supervillain response essay
Author Pamela Dos Reis
Course English Composition 1
Institution Miami Dade College
Pages 6
File Size 155.1 KB
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Essay response to Lecture made on Class...


Dos Reis 1 Pamela Dos Reis Lilian Mcleod ENC 1101 26 June 2018 “Superhero or Supervillain”: Are we Naturally Good or Bad? In this article Will Oremus asks what would happen is people has super powers, we would become Superhero or Supervillain? A question that I’m sure more than one person has though. Imagine ourselves having the ability to develop these super powers, we would use them in a good or bad way? Oremus suggest that “answer would depend on each individual’s moral compass” (para. 2), and how we want to show in society. Is in our humanity to do it? Like all superhero or villain you can choose which side you want to be in and if you are going to use your powers for better or worse. “Most people possess the capacity for both good and evil” the author writes in paragraph 2 and he is right, we born with a free will so we can act on our own’s discretion, we are always thinking on how we should react when we are facing any situation and it’s our responsibility on how we want to show ourselves in society. Oremus talks in his article about an experiment where a group of people needs to save a child. The experiment is rigged so everybody can save him, but only half of the group has the super power of flight (like Superman). After the simulation an experimenter, while talking with the subjects, drop a can of pencils. The people that didn’t have the super power took longer to pick up the pencils while the group that has the ability to fly didn’t hesitate to do it. The half with the power felt responsible to do the right thing not only because it makes you a better person but in society looks good. This remind me when after watching a Leonardo Di Caprio movie I went to a job interview, the movie was Catch me if you Can, where Di Caprio was a successful impostor who could be whoever he wants to be including an airline pilot, a physician, a U.S. Bureau of Prisons agent, and a lawyer, so with that

Dos Reis 2 confidence I went to my interview, I believed I was the more experience person in that field and I got hired. I felt great, I can do whatever I want, I can be whoever I want to be like in the movie! Even I didn’t have any experience in what I’m was getting hired.. Since we are little we were teach to be a good person and if you do bad, bad things will happen to you, “It’s against the law” many people will say. “ It would be nice to think that morality emanates from the sheer goodness of people’s souls, but …people behave better when they think they’re been watched” (para.7). We know that morality is subjective but it what make us civil or not. Rosseau says that we are good by nature a fact that’s probably true. Scientists from Yale University did a particular experiment with babies to show whether we are naturally good or bad. The experiment consisted in showing to a group of babies a puppet show. They were in shapes of triangle, circle, square, without voices, a pair of eyes and only communicating through movements. One puppet helped another, the third one didn’t wanted to do it. At the end of the presentation the experimenters gave to choose to the babies what puppet they liked, many looked at the one who did not help but they all finally chose the good puppet who helped the other one. Proving again that we are naturally good. What a relief! In the other hand what would happen if we have “The ultimate stealth power… invisibility. Its promise is that of impunity” (para.8) Probably we will do things that we are not supposed to do. Hobbes believed that humans were born evil that a child's nature is unruly, undisciplined, and selfish. Not in an evil sort of way. more of a benign they don't know any better. Imagine we stay in that state of mind the world would be an unpleasant place to live, we all would be in the streets throwing things to each other, living in chaos and disorder. There would be no respect for anything or anyone. If we all had the super power of force, then the

Dos Reis 3 world would be destroyed in an instant, because we would all have so much strength that no one would survive. Humanity has done evil things and not with super powers just with power. Dictators possesses the absolute power of suspension of elections and civil liberties associated with brutality and oppression ruining people’s life by threating them and their families, killing and making minorities to suffer only because their megalomania they want to achieved their own benefits. In reality power it’s a super power that can be used in a good or bad way

I better want to think that as we live in an orderly and moral society, we would be responsible with our powers. Surely to more than one we would like to test to where our supernatural powers could reach, but Llegariamos until it did damage or not harm to others. And there if you we would live in a comic book, we would be good against the bad, all flying or disappearing and appearing everywhere. It would certainly be a very different and interesting world at the same time, but I really would not like for anything that happened. Humanity is definitely not ready to have super powers, because we would not be sure if we would live in world better or worse, because even as a society we are ready for such responsibility.

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